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New club campaign


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Hey all,

Ive recently joined a local club composed of most of our local regulars. We meet bi-weekly and just started a new 40k campaign that id like to join in. Battles are organised abit differently from normal and im not to sure yet on the rules but il try to go into that:

Each player starts with a 500 pts army. That army cannot compose of a flier unit he has won a starport (no clue how you get those, im sure that will be explained soon...) and you cant change this from battle to battle without holding certain tiles on the map (again il ask for clarification on what this means exactly...) Basicly the further you get in the campaign and the more territory you win the bigger your army can become.

Im not posting this in the army list section because aside from the start it wont be factor :) I intend to upload batreps and stories here! So mods, please dont move it thumbsup.gif

Anyway that leaves me with the question: what do you put in my army? Id need to have to have a force that can take all comers because we have a wide variety of players in the campaign. The armies that I know are in so far are space marines, nids, tau, necrons and imperial guard. Il probably not win to many firefights but AFAIK outfighting them should be possible... However.... This is where im running into trouble. In my normal armies I tend to rely on 10 man assault squads with PF, 2 meltaguns with support from a liby and/or a SP. I cant fit that into a 500 pts army. Well I can but not a 10 man group as I wouldnt have enough points for a 2nd troop choice...

Only solution that I can see is to take scouts or tacticals, who arent exactly assaulty cry.gif Id also like to take a captain to change things up abit but barebones hes 100 pts already.

Do you guys have any suggestions for me? Ive got a battle company worth of models to choose from, including wide veteran and scout attachments.

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Alrighty, quikly doodled a list here: captain, power sword and poweraxe. 130 pts

sanguinary priest 50 pts

10 close combat squads 140 pts

10 sniper scouts with camo cloaks and missle launcher 180 pts


500 pts on the dot. Has the mandatory 1 hq and 2 troops and the priest should keep the bunch alive for a while. Thoughts?

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Drop the Priest and run something like this--


10 ASM - 225 with dual melta, power sword (you don't need to worry about walkers at 500pts)

Sniper Scouts x5 - 90 w/ cloaks


You can fill 195pts with either the HQ or, and this is probably better, by taking a basic Librarian at 125 with jump pack and a bare-bones Predator.


You then get the Av13 front armor to show the enemy, and hide your melee deathstar (which at 500pts, an IC and 10 marines do make) until its ready to strike.  Since its a fast vehicle, you'll always be moving and shooting, and its basically being mobile cover instead of a real fire platform.  It should help your marines survive to reach combat fairly well at that low points level.

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(you don't need to worry about walkers at 500pts)



Reclusiarch - 130

6 DC, Power Fist, Power Weapon, Drop Pod - 195 Drop the special weapons and you could put 2 more pairs of boots on the ground.

DC Dreadnought, Magna Grapple, Drop Pod - 175


500 Pts, 1HQ, 2 Troops, no flyers.


Not the best list but still possible at 500 pts

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100 Librarian. Axe

180 10 tactical marines missile launcher, plasma gun

170 10 tactical marines, Missile Launcher, Flamer

50 Multi melta attack bike


500 on the nose.


Feel free to swap the bike for a priest.


Barring a nasty 2 fire prism at 500pt eldar army, it should do ok. Marines are tough in numbers at low points levels.

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Xenith, on 20 Aug 2013 - 16:18, said:

Gunlines weren't excluded, were they,?

Of course not, I just wanted to say that the list is indistinguishable from a C:SM list.

Xenith, on 20 Aug 2013 - 16:18, said:

I thought the OP wanted to shake things up from his usual army.

As I understand it, he wanted something that works and fits into the 500 pt limit. Libby+JP and 2 full RAS is 505 pts even without upgrades.

Xenith, on 20 Aug 2013 - 16:18, said:

225 Dante

200 5 Sanguinary Guard

75? 5 Scouts, snipers.

Do you think Dante is needed here?

How about:

125 JP Librarian

200 Sanguinary Guard

85 4 Sniper Scouts, ML Scout

85 4 Sniper Scouts, ML Scout


495 pts

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I'm looking forward to the batreps Dem :)

Normally I'd advise against this, but how about you drop the scouts and get another assault squad in Razorback with twin-linked lascannon or lascannon/twin-linked plasma? Gets you some cheap long-range anti-armour power and, in case of the latter, a nice anti heavy-infantry gun with a scoring unit inside! Just some random thoughts though. ;)


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About the gunline: yes and no.


I dont want it because il be facing tau amongst other things which will just blast me out of whatever cover that im hiding in. I do want it if its a nice and interesting way to pull a BA army :)


At 500 pts my options are somewhat limited though.....


I cant take Dante because special characters are prohibited.... Incidentily I missed the sign up 2 weeks ago but can still play as a "mercenary" where people can hire me to thwart other people's gameplan. OR I can act a a tyranid hunter (story about the campaign is that nids are trying to consume a planet and everyone is basicly caught unawares) and where I....no clue actually... Play games against the GM only?


Still abit unsure whats what so far :lol: il ask for clarification next meet (this sunday)

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Small update:

Like I said I was to late to sign up for the normal lot. I can basicly choose between a mercenary where players can "hire me" to attack a rival. OR I can play as a tyranid hunter. The GM has a small nid force and wants to pull them out every now and again. Story is basicly that people are flocking to this planet while the nids are in the mids of consuming it :D


Think the nid hunter role fits my army alot more. I also wouldnt be tied to 1 list but can swap list from battle to battle :) Considering most armies are gunlines and 2 vs 1 (2x500 vs 1000 pts nids) are scheduled to happen every now and again il focus my list on assault. Specialy considering thats what the vast majority of players disregard completely (as far as I can see so far...) on their lists and go for full gunlines....


So something assaulty... A something against nids with a few MC's here and there, warriors with (possible) boneswords and genestealers and the like...


Any suggestions?

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Baal or dakka Predators - AV 13 is hard (or near impossible) for nids to crack without getting into close combat. Assault marines with flamers to wreck genestealers or other 5+/6+ light infantry, and a librarian (I would say to give him epistolary and codex powers so he can strike at S10 and still use the force weapon to ID MC's, but that might be too many points to throw into one model).


Depending on how tough he wants to be on you, Nids can be really tough (especially in small points games, as a Tervigon can spawn 100 more points worth of guants pretty easily), but it is always fun to bring the righteous fury of the Emperor down on xenos scum.

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