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Daemonette-Marine... Things...

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Ok, so... I was thinking about kitbashing daemonettes and Chaos Space Marines to create something that just looks different. I've been considering this for a while, and how it looks in my head is pretty interresting, but I'd like to get a second opinion before I hack apart some perfectly good models. Opinions?


I have kitbashed Nettes and Cultists to good effect to create possessed cultists for my CSM/Daemons army.  The one problem you run into is the delicacy of the Nette models vs even the smaller cultists.  The Nette arms and heads look tiny and out of scale with the larger bodies of the cultists and I can only assume that it would be even worse on the more bulky CSM body.  Some of the bigger claws and such turned out really good so you could use those for CCW standins, but I'm not sure how far you will be able to take it.

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Do you already have the models? Because I took a comparison shot of some arms that will help to show the difference in width if you don't have them.


Marine/Daemonette/Posessed Arm Comparison


In the above picture, the left arm is from a Khorne Berserker, the middle one is from a Daemonette, and the right one is from a Possessed. The Daemonette arm, apart from being incredibly narrow, is much shorter than the other two. On the body of a marine, this arm would look like a little twig, which could work as sort of a weirdness factor, but might not be what you desire. I can throw together a daemonette arm on a marine body if you like.

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I suppose what you could do is take some of the larger claws and cut them above the wrist so it would be a larger base, then glue that to a marine arm that's had the hand cut off. 


Daemonette lower bodies and legs are just as slender, though. Again, perhaps you could use just the foot, cutting below the ankle and gluing it to a power armor leg, but at that point it seems like a lot less trouble just using some possessed parts. Not trying to dissuade you, just offering an alternative.

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You'd be better off looking at the fantasy Hell striders in the Warriors of Chaos range. The crab claw arms are far more in scale, torsos too, and the heads are great for EC. A much 'better' idea I reckon. 'Nette faces look great melted into shoulder pads or sides of vehicles etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree. Chaos is certainly the best. On a different note, dosn't mark of Slaanesh make the units fearless, and give them feel no pain?


A part from the +1 initiative, of course.

No on the fearless. Noise Marines have it, but it does not get applied to regular CSM units that take the mark, unless they take the Icon of Vengence or are accompanied by a Lord or Dark Apostle.

Units with the Mark (both regular CSM and Noise Marines) may buy the Icon of Excess, which gives the unit FNP, but neither comes with it intrinsic to the unit.

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