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Sons supplement


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Well you dirty finger wagglers the new rumor out on schedule of releases puts a new Wolves codex out next May with a 13th Co supplment AND a Thousand Sons supplement being released at the same time.


Looking forward to it as much as the additional lore of the Wolves hunting down you Voldemort wannabes.....hahahahha!

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Voldemort isn't grim-dark or hard core enough to wanna-be a follower of the Rubric. :D


Thousand Sons will hopefully be an awesome supplement. Look forward to the possibility of a new set of Psychic powers (hopefully hopefully - or at least adjusted ones) and some better cult representation (Terminators? :D)

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Hunt us?


The hypocrisy of wolves...


..remember that it was you that forced us over the edge to heresy, fooled by the arch-traitor Horus. And to atone for your mistake, you want to hunt us?


We should hunt you, darn wolves, for the revenge of Prospero! The wondrous pyramids of Tizca, the libraries, the knowledge...all reduced to rubble and dust! Yes we invaded Fenris, but what is there to destroy? Ice and rock and barbarians...



...but alas, GW sees fit to never give us any proper rules, and thus I automatically assume that even if we get this rumoured supplement, it will suck beyond reason! For such are the twisting, winding ways of Tzeentch...



All is dust!  :P

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Hunt us?


The hypocrisy of wolves...


..remember that it was you that forced us over the edge to heresy, fooled by the arch-traitor Horus. And to atone for your mistake, you want to hunt us?


We should hunt you, darn wolves, for the revenge of Prospero! The wondrous pyramids of Tizca, the libraries, the knowledge...all reduced to rubble and dust! Yes we invaded Fenris, but what is there to destroy? Ice and rock and barbarians...



...but alas, GW sees fit to never give us any proper rules, and thus I automatically assume that even if we get this rumoured supplement, it will suck beyond reason! For such are the twisting, winding ways of Tzeentch...



All is dust! :P

Or Tzneetch expecting you to expect that the supplement will suck will actually make it awesome!


Btw, all my models have the Secret Weapons Ruined Temple bases in honor of the Pyramids of Tizca.....hahahahahah!

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..remember that it was you that forced us over the edge to heresy, fooled by the arch-traitor Horus. And to atone for your mistake, you want to hunt us?




Just like how the Dark Angels hunt the fallen, to erase the shame of their mistake.


I don't think the SW ever found out that Horus changed the order, did they?


Anyway, A TS suppliment would be very welcome. Adding Terminator Armour to TS marines for +19pts, +1W to Aspiring sorcerors, new spell list etc.

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Sad p say, but I don't think GW will make a brand new spell list for a supplement. They didn't do it for Iyanden or Black Legion, so I doubt they'll do it for sons. A few specific purchased powers though, could go a long way to improving the lost Sons of Magnus.
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Sad p say, but I don't think GW will make a brand new spell list for a supplement. They didn't do it for Iyanden or Black Legion, so I doubt they'll do it for sons. A few specific purchased powers though, could go a long way to improving the lost Sons of Magnus.


Spell/Warlord etc. Iyanden got a new signature spell. I'd expect a full warlord table.


Purchasable powers would be excellent.

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Sad p say, but I don't think GW will make a brand new spell list for a supplement. They didn't do it for Iyanden or Black Legion, so I doubt they'll do it for sons. A few specific purchased powers though, could go a long way to improving the lost Sons of Magnus.


Spell/Warlord etc. Iyanden got a new signature spell. I'd expect a full warlord table.


Purchasable powers would be excellent.

Yeah, if they make a Thousand Sons supplement, looking at past supplements there are something we can theoretically say they'd do.




Cult terminators. Everybody wants them and giving ap3 bolters to termies is hardly overpowered since everybody uses combi-weapons anyway. (it would most likely be overcosted as well)

New Artifacts. Yes, new sorcerer-centric artifacts that boosts psychic power, new psychic powers (like the aoe in the BL sup).

New Warlord Trait List. Warlord traits, possibly with a psychic power centric theme.

Small boost to TS squads. They need a boost to be viable, they are not bad, but too expensive for what they do. I wouldn't think too heavily on this one though, GW is probably happy with their current power level. Having the Aspiring Sorcerers not be forced to take Tzeentch spells would be enough, I think...



That's what I think is realistic to hope for, in the unlikely event we get a TS supplement...

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I think the supplement could make some nice changes to the Sons. I would think something to put the sense of the different cults into play would be nice with customized powers for said cults..


Maybe not make any major changes to powers, but make it it harder to deny them. Something like forced rerolls of successful deny the witch rolls. Also something to increase their resistance to psychic powers.


As line troops, Thousand Sons suck. Ap3 is cool and all, but is mediocre when they tried to balance them with their other rules. Nothing in what I have read indicates that just because they are empty shells, they should be reduced in effectiveness the way they have been.


Frankly, if GK are the epitome of defense against the daemons of the warp then the Sons should be the best of the best in terms of sorcery.

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“Malcador and the Emperor. The Emperor and Malcador. They were like light and dark, sun and moon – each as inscrutable and unknowable as the other.

Except that the Emperor was gone, locked away in the deep Throne chambers, his unmatched power deployed to an end that even the Lords of Terra did not speak of openly.

‘Then let me tell you again,’ said Dorn. ‘Perhaps you have forgotten where it is that we stand. Magnus has broken the wards”


“around the Throne, and now this, the mightiest fortress in the galaxy, sits upon a foundation of madness.’

‘It is contained once more,’ insisted Malcador. ‘For now the world knows little of the actual truth.’

‘It is contained only because the Emperor binds Himself to the hidden war,’ Dorn replied. ‘This respite has been bought with the sacrifice of a thousand souls. That is why the world does not know.’

‘Not yet,’ said Valdor bleakly. ‘But they will. Perhaps a few more weeks, perhaps months, but it will spill out eventually. Rumours are already running wild.’

‘It will do,’ agreed Malcador. ‘But as long as He holds firm…’

‘Yes, as long as He holds firm,’ said Dorn, bitterly. ‘That is what we are reduced to. No actions, no movement – just hope.’

‘We cannot help Him,’ said Valdor. ‘We know this. So let us turn to what we can do.’

Malcador chuckled dryly. ‘I never asked you how it felt, Constantin, to see Prospero burn. Did even your callous soul blanch at


Valdor didn’t miss a beat. ‘No. It was necessary.’

‘Was it?’ sighed Malcador. ‘I did not give the order. I wanted Magnus censured, not destroyed. What was it that made Russ do it? You never could give me an answer.’

Dorn exhaled impatiently. ‘You know all of this, Malcador. You know all that happened there, just as we do.’ He was coldly furious. ‘Does this need repeating? The Warmaster is at the heart of it, poisoning everything we do, and now he has the blood of three more Legions on his hands.’

At that, Malcador seemed to wince. The slaughter of Isstvan V was still raw. None of them, save the implacable Valdor perhaps, could refer to it without provoking that hollow, draining, sense of loss.”


Excerpt From: Wraight, Chris. “Scars: Episode III.” Black Library, 2013-08. iBooks.

This material may be protected by copyright.

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I like the idea of a supplement, but in my opinion the Thousand Sons need a more through remake from ground up. For example, an entirely new Tzeentch lore. As it stands the TS are considered overall the worst of the Four cults.

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- Access to Divination: This is a no brainer: Thousand Sons are some of the most potent seers and diviners outside of the Eldar; they worship the very manifestation of fate and foresight; it's baffling to the point of frustration that they do not get access to it. Ideally, Thousand Sons sorcerers of a certain rank (e.g. HQ level characters) should be able to access any of the psychic disciplines: they are masters of the occult and studied in all forms of forbidden lore; not just a select few.

- More potent sorcerers: The emphasis of the supplement should be on making Thousand Sons sorcerers more potent and capable than their lesser kin; even moreso than your common or garden sorcerers with the mark of Tzeentch. This could easily be done by making Thousand Sons sorcerers automatically count as a mastery level higher for the purposes of spell selection, or having them automatically count as having a spell familiar (aspiring sorcerers and HQ level sorcerers alike). I doubt very much they'll replace the Tzeentch powers available in the book, but they could extend orr enhance them: allow access to a couple of thousand Sons specific spells: spells that emphasise their ability to read and/or manipulate the strands of fate and probability or that enhance their psychic powers ridiculously but with potential risks. Alternatively, additional lore specific special rules could be added to The Lore of Tzeentch for Thousand Sons sorcerers so that when they cast them certain effects potentially come about.

- Synergy with Thousand Sons units: Something needs to be done to allow the Sorcerers to have more synergy with their automata bodyguard and servants. This could be easily done with a resurrection of the old "Sorcerer Commands" rule: While units of Thousand Sons include a sorcerer with the Mark of Tzeentch, they count as Relentless instead of Slow and Purposeful. Alternatively or additionally, there could be some Thousand Sons specific psychic powers available (such as the old "The Key" psychic power that allowed units of Thousand Sons led by a sorcerer to move through the Webway) which would help with their deployment and/or mobility.

- Synergy with Tzeentch Daemons: Tzeentchian daemons and Thousand Sons need to be brought together and allowed to function in a single force organisation chart as befits the background.

- Occult artefacts: The artefacts section should be the easiest of all for the Thousand Sons: they scour the universe and beyond for occult paraphernalia, so the likes of magical staffs, ancient grimoirs, talismans, icons etc should be very easy to conceive. Ideally, these should be primarily sorcerous and or psychic in nature; items that emphasise strange powers and battlefield wide effects or that influence dice rolls in some way.

- Warlord Traits: Something that demonstrates the Thousand Sons' penchant for scheming and manipulation would be favourite: their attempts to subvert and direct the flow of battle before it has even begun through subtle sabotage and psychic suggestion.

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@Dammeron: sad to say, but I don't think that GW would ever let any one faction have access to all of the psychic powers. Such flexibility would be deemed far too over-powered. Giving Tzeentch marines access to Divination makes sense tough, as they already have it to Tzeentch Daemons.


To be honest, the main thing i'd like to see power-wise is a group of upgrades, available to Aspiring as well as normal Sorcerers, that mimics inclusion in one of the Cults. I'm thinking powers similar to those of the BRB disciplines, but perhaps a bit different. That would be a neat way to tie up a lot of the problems people have with the Sons, improving the Sorcerers, getting acknowledgement of the cults, and adding in some capacity for Divination-style shenanigans.

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@Dammeron: sad to say, but I don't think that GW would ever let any one faction have access to all of the psychic powers.


Except rumors state that tiberius of the ultramarines will have access to all 5.

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I kinda want to move away from the Sons/Wolves rivalry and have more focus on the Sons doing their own thing - searching for knowledge, gaining power, and so on. Less "Supplement: Space Wolves Opposition" and more "Supplement: Warrior-scholars."
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I kinda want to move away from the Sons/Wolves rivalry and have more focus on the Sons doing their own thing - searching for knowledge, gaining power, and so on. Less "Supplement: Space Wolves Opposition" and more "Supplement: Warrior-scholars."

I would rather say Scholar-Warriors since they are scholars first in my eyes, but that's just me perhaps.


But, yes, while I would like for the rivalry to still exist (I bet it's hard for the wolves to forget that they nearly had their home destroyed by the sons) I would also love the quest for knowledge that Ahriman and the sons are all about. And pleeeeaaaase let Hathor Maat be still alive! :)

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I can't agree. They're Space Marines before anything else, that was made very clear in the Horus Heresy TS books.


Put another way... warriors is what they intrinsically are. Scholars is what they choose to be.

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