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khorn army viability?


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I'm about to start in an escalation league, and I was wondering if the Khorn models are even worth thinking about bringing out. What I could use is feedback from people who have been trying to run them lately.


Some specific questions: We have amazing ability with Khârn and a AoBF juggerlord to deal out AP2 attacks at init. Do these two power units justify themselves? Specifically when compared to Slaanesh daemon allies, who's troops are rending and dole out AP2 attacks at even higher init.


For troops, is power armor even worth the time of day, or should I not even consider this without a "commisar Khârn" move? 35 cultists with hatred


How are the daemon allies for Khorn holding up? I see bloodletters as a bit specialist for my liking, but are the hounds and such preforming overly well? How about HQ?


Is it even possible in any sort of winning configuration to not take a back gunline for support and/or Are full rush armies viable especially against tau and eldar?

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Full rush armies have never truely been viable against a good shooting heavy opponent, youre going to need something to take out critical enemy units before you get there. Tau and Eldar are particularly good examples of this- they have alot of good solid shooting, but you can decrease its effect significantly by taking out support units and HQs before you hit their lines. As with everyone, having a good AA unit or two in the army is also a good idea.


Its not an easy way to play an army anymore. Having daemonic allies will help distract your opponents, the more cheap bodies you can spam there the better Id say, with a flying MC for your HQ as a good way to soak up enemy heavy weapons fire that would otherwise be focused on your rhinos.

And dont forget the dirge casters.

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Khorne can work. It really can.


Hounds + Herald + Gifts will wreck somethings day.

Deepstriking Bloodletters give us mobility that CSM lack.

Jugger Axe Lords with Spawn will do good things.

FMC's, are a pain in the ass.

Bikers, MoK, Melta x 2, are good.


Khârn, a wave of cultists, holding the middle is workable as well.


My Khorne army is .


Jugger Lord + Spawn

Khârn + Cultists

CSM, Rhino, Melta/Flamer

Cultists + ADL/QG



Defiler (yes, lol, I traded up from a Soulgrinder)


Herald + Hounds (with Grimoire)



Its workable. Not every list you face is going to be a min/max monstrosity.


If you wanted to drop cultists, or indeed anything on foot, ally with Black Legion and run 2 x Bikers, or 1 Bike, 1 Spawn, and 2 Drakes.


You DO need some kind of support, you cannot autopilot assault armies...

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This weekend I'm going to try 20 fully upgraded MoK csm with TDA axe lord, 20 Berzerkers with Khârn, 2big squads of cultists with predator, havocs, quad gun and obliterators for fire support.

I've tried the same list without obliterators, but with more CSM and havocs, worked well against orks and Deathwing, but not so good against SW long fang spam with IG allies.

I hope to meet some tau to see if this amount of power armor can survive walking across the board.

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