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What do you guys use to Overcoat a finished model?

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Hey B&C I need some advice on what/how you guys overcoat your finished models.  I recently had a major problem with my finished Storm Eagle, I used Purity Seal and it completely "frosted" my beloved model!  Since then I have read many o' forum posts and realized that I was partially to blame (humidity and such).  I chose to over coat outside, at night, literally after a rain storm.


So with all that said I have since tried to come up with something that I can brush on finished models so I can lessen the chance of "frosting" something I've worked so hard on.  This is what I found:




But when I applied it to a test model I ran into the problem of some of the colors bled, as shown below.





I really need some help, thanks guys!


I use Krylon matte varnish, but that's a spray. I live in Las Vegas and don't really have to worry about to much humidity. When I was in San Diego or Buffalo where I had to worry about humidity I sprayed in a garage and it seemed to help a lot.


Also, if you let the varnish dry all the way before spraying more on the model you will lessen your chances of "frosting". Example, spray the front of your model, let it dry and turn the model to spray the next area. The frosting usually happens in the areas where you have overlapping spray and if you spray over dried varnish it will severely decrease the chances of "frosting".

Yep, that's the kind of product you'll want. Note that the first product from Testors says "Caution Flamable, Vapor Harmful" which tell me it's a solvent based product. Acrylic products will usually have no volatile vapors. Be sure to take care to not use solvent based products on acrylic; it can be done, but as you could see, it can also cause a real headache. Best to stick with acrylic on acrylic.


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