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Who is the "real" Emperor?


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its not so much that there is another one they just think he is not fitting of the job. during the heresy horus claimed that he was not the benevolent emperor he pretended to be and  power hungry manipulator. also as a god he does not stack up to the chaos gods. 

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Yeah, it's not so much that there's a secret, rightful 'true' emperor, but that doesn't prevent the current emperor from being false - a liar, a cheat, a false idol who in the crusade and heresy years claimed for himself the glory of the Legions' victories and dominion of their conquests, and in latter eras has usurped the worship rightfully owed to the true gods. He's not a 'fake emperor', he is the Emperor, and he is false.
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Basically Horus's ambition refused to let him remain second best but he never acted on it until he was corrupted by Chaos, using his charisma he swayed the traitor legions (except the Word Bearers, they were already corrupt) to join him in a rebellion against the Emperor. Being that Horus was Warmaster, incredibly charismatic and perhaps the greatest hero the Imperium had even known at the time he had little trouble in this, he had lead from the front since the earliest days of the Great Crusade so he was beloved by even the common soldiers and thus many people felt he should have been the one ruling humanity, not the Emperor.

When the Heresy broke out the traitors forces began decreeing the Emperor as not deserving to lead, that his rule was false, hence "the False Emperor".

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