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alternate helldrake models


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Are there any out there that are any good? I'm not a fan of the current model and I'm converting 1 already. It's a lot of work, so I'd be tempted if there were good alternates. GW or 3rd party.
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The Forge world Hell Blade is a much nicer looking option or the Hell talon is a pricier alternative but is I'm told about the same size as the Drake. I know what you mean about the space dragon of doom I want to keep my Night Lords demon free so I've been working on a mash up of Valkyrie, Storm talon and Heldrake parts to give me something that I can field at GW events as a drake but that looks more like the Hell Talon. All this because of annoying proxy rules and a codex that doesn't really represent renegade marines in any reasonable wayfurious.gif

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I'm converting a pair, mostly out of one drake and one zombie dragon, with wings and heads traded between them.  It's a lot of work, though.  I don't know of other good alternatives that are out yet - I'd wand something more draconic, demonic, or just monstrous, while still being largely mechanical, and there's just not a lot out there that fits that description while still being the right size.

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Draconic, demonic, right size... but very pricey, and completely lacking in mechanical parts.  The latter bit is what kills it for me.  It might work as a daemon, but not a daemon engine imo.

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Actually I am thinking to use a Dark Elves Black Dragon with a mounted Chaos Lord as a centerpiece. It has the height, a scenic base and with some leftover Biker legs it should work, only an oval base is needed to make it legit IMO. Though looking at the throne atop the dragon I wonder if a CSM with the mandatory backpack fits in. 

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McFarrlan dragon parts were canibilized for some of these

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