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Tyranic Basing


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Before a Mod gets out the heresyhammer and closes the thread, let me explain:

I'm starting up a small Scythes of the Emperor army and intend to base them as if they are fighting on a (temperate terrestrial) planet which is undergoing Tyranid bioforming.

What I'm looking for are suggestions for how to pull this off. How to make it look good without looking Chaotic.

If anyone has any links to good images, models or Tyranid blogs which might provide fuel for thought, it would be much appreciated.


I did find an old article on the GW site (here: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/blogPost.jsp?aId=10500120a) in which one of the staff used partially unwound string, painted with watered down PVA glue to form tentacle-like growths on some terrain. That's one idea, what else can people come up with?

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I'm not saying you should buy any of these (or you could, it's up to you in the end), but I though I would link to a few resin base manufacturers who sell bases along the lines of what you're thinking, to maybe provide some inspiration. First up there's Epoch Studios' entire range (you'll have to scroll down a bit). Then there's Secret Weapon Miniatures, with the Alien Invasion, Urban Invasion and Steel Invasion lines. There's Micro Arts Studios' Hive and Possessed ranges (Possessed is more Chaos-influenced, but the style could be appropriated and adapted for Tyranids). And lastly there's Basicks (formerly part of MAS, now their own company) and their own line of Hive bases, and a more generic Infested style.


As more building your own, Green Stuff Industries' Tentacle Makers seem to be the right way to go. Personally I'd use a mix of tentacles, PVA-soaked string and Green Stuff on an urban/slate base, with pools of water effects mixed with paint/washes, or alternatively Tamiya clear paints to create pools of glistening, sickly ichor. Hope that gives you a few ideas! I enjoyed your Heresy-era Thousand Sons, looking forward to seeing the finished Scythes!

Start buying up old Tyranid Hive Nodes now because the rumours around the Nid Codex say they'll be useful again soon (as terraformers, as it happens). I would imagine most Nid players have several that they have no current use for and you can get them for pennies on that there t'ebay.

Thank you both very much.

I may not get any of those bases, Dark Link, but I'll scour them for inspiration ;)

GS tentacles: added to the list along with orifices and sphincters.


Res Ispa Loquitur, I've seen some kind of tyranid growth -presumably for scenery- on the genestealer sprue...this is the nodes? A little large IIRC for a 20mm base but perhaps I can make a mould from one and cut it down. Thanks.

Does it look like this;






There is also a smaller version, which I believe is found on the 'tealer sprue..




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