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Black like my conscience - Multi Part Chosen Project

Danny Cyanide

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Hey guys,


I've embarked on a mission to create a multi part chosen kit from the Dark Vengeance and Chaos Raptor Minis.  I've purchased 2 Dark Vengeance CHosen sets so that I'll be able to cut them apart with sacrificial parts.  


Here was todays work:  Sacrificed the torsos to get the legs and heads:






Tomorrow I plan to use the second set to get the torsos while sacrificing the heads and legs.  I intend to cast these parts.  


Once this is done, I will be able to mix parts around, use arms from the raptors box and create a true multi part chosen set for my upcoming black legion project.


Let me know what you guys think!

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I think the shoulder pads and backpacks on the DV chosen are every bit as distinctive as the rest.  Try to free up a few shoulder pads (saw them off the torso, saw the arm out from under them, dremmel away the inside until they can be placed on a normal arm), and make molds of those and the backpacks as well.

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You bet Mali, Ill be hollowing out the chosen shoulder pads as well as using some from the raptor kit, and I'm definitely casting the backpacks. When I'm done I should have torsos, legs, heads shoulder pads and backpacks from DV, as well arms torsos, heads and weapons from the raptor kit!
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I advise against using raptor pads.  They're a different size and shape completely from the chosen pads.  It would be like mixing chaos marine and chaos terminator pads in the same unit.  I already pretty heavily regret the one raptor pad I've used on one of my chosen conversions, and will probably be tearing it off to try and figure something else out.  I may even go so far as to buy yet another second hand chosen set purely liberate the shoulder pads.  Raptor arms and heads work fine, though.

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it's going to be hard to cast those details.. you must be a casting ninja to even try it.

when it works out, lemme know where to send money, and i'll let you know where to send a few sprues whistlingW.gif

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I don't think the detail level will be that big a challenge really, I've got a really good pressure casting setup and have been practicing for about 6 months now.


If all goes well, I should have the first moulds poured on Tuesday and Wednesday. We will see how they look then!

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Well it took me longer to make the moulds than I had thought it would, but I've made the first cast of the bodies, legs and heads.





in going to build them with plastic raptor arms and weapons as well as plastic backpacks because I haven't vast them yet, but I have multiple sets! Should finish building these 5 tomorrow!

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yeah doing stuff like this should be no problem now if he were to turn around and sell them then GW could hit him hard...


also that is the guys one and only post too...haha




But other then that


Great work man...what type of stuff do you use to make your copies

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Did something change in GW policy, because the last time someone snitched on people who were casting GW models for themself , GW send them a C&D.


Crispy cast by the way .


Do you mean that GW sent a cease and desist order to the person casting for personal use?


Thats cute. I'd send them back a photo of me wiping my ass with it.


And then show them the relevant fair use clauses in Australian copyright law.

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They can send you a C&D order all they want but if you're not selling it, there isn't anything they can do about it.


And has been noted, it's not like there's a chosen kit. Plastic, finecast, nothing. Nada. I think I get why the internet is all "GW HATES CHAOS" because considering how similar they are to the beloved regular space marines, they get the shaft in all sorts of odd areas.

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Looking very nice.  I strongly recommend you wait until you have casts for the chosen packs ready, and use those instead of regular plastic csm packs.  First because, like the shoulder pads, they're just a completely different design from other models in the range, and if you don't use them the models will look less 'choseny'.  But more importantly because the chosen backpacks are significantly smaller than the regular CSM backpacks.  Put them next to each other and see.  Now, the chosen bodies themselves are slightly larger & bulkier than regular CSM bodies to begin with, but this difference is dramatically accentuated by the smaller backpacks.  Regular chaos backpacks are overlarge to make room for chaosy details and a more baroque overall shape, but as a consequence those backpacks hang over the models that wear them, making them look smaller by comparison.  Improvements in GW sculpting design and model production allow the new chosen packs to look chaosy while remaining closer in overall size to regular space marine backpacks, and as a result you get models that look just much better balanced and proportioned overall.


If anything, the chosen backpacks would be the most important thing to make molds of.  Had I the time, tools, and skill, I would use such methods to duplicate chosen packs in bulk, and then use them to replace the backpacks on all of my existing power armored chaos infantry models.


The raptor / warp talon arms, weapons, and helmets, though, those work fine.  Fantastic, even.  So you're good to go, there.

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Oh I'll be using plastic chosen packs as I have multiple sets, sorry I wasn't clear about that! I just don't want to have to wait another 3 days to make the moulds before I finish this set!


Capitano - I use smooth on mould max rubber and quick in cast resin for my casts, both Mould and resin are cast under pressure.

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I don't think they can stop you from re-casting for your own personal use, but you are not allowed to make money from their IP.

I think they could, if they really wanted to.  But maybe they'll not bother because it's such a small scale level of copying.

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