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Black like my conscience - Multi Part Chosen Project

Danny Cyanide

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Yeah, I'm not to worried about GW coming after me for a little modeling project.

You might be right in thinking they won't bother chasing you over something as small-scale as this, but who knows?  I know someone who did something on a similar scale, posted about it on a website and then received an unpleasant letter from GW


Anyway, sorry I butted in and sorry if I annoyed you or anyone else. I'm not a snitch, just a risk-averse individual and a little surprised by how open you have been about this. 

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Anyway, lets not fill this thread with unneeded posts on the legalities of recasting for personal use! I've finished assembling the first 5, they will be MoK squad of 8 chosen, here are the first 5:




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A few things I think you should have done before making the molds, to save work later, is to fill the hole on the champion torso (where the helmet slots in) and remove the tongue from the rib torso. they're not really too big a deal, but it means you'll need to address them for each model you use those torsos for, rather than just once for the mold.

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I agree about the hole in the champ torso, I should have filled that before casting, but it's not a big deal! I left the tongue on on purpose though! I find the resin I'm working with scrapes detail off easier and smoother than the plastic gw uses, plus I might leave it on some of them!


Kythnos, I think that that is just the angle of the photo. I'm going to stay painting them today so I'll pay a better angle once they have a bit of paint on them!

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Yeah, fair enough about the tongue. I actually want to add more 'tongues' and swap out the head and try to go for a Cthulu look on one of my guys, maybe the champion I'm working on right now. I don't have the means to recast them, but I did pick up 4 sets of chosen lately to build the core of my BL warband and I don't want the champions to look too similar. Your mix'n'match approach gave me an idea to cut away the back of Mr. Tongue and throw the cloak piece from the champion on him. It's turning out to be much easier than I thought it would be, though if I screw it up I've just lost my last two non-bolter chosen.


Oh well, either way I'll still have the two 10-man units I wanted out of the 4 sets I ordered, as well as a sweet looking conversion I'll put up in my blog in the next few days.

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Here are 2 of them primed and washed so you can see the level of detail I was able to achieve. The rest won't be washed and will be base coated black.






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#1: They look awesome!

#2: I need to learn how to make moulds like this... (is there a tutorial site somewhere?)

#3: Pleasepleasepleaseplease buy a small drill and drill those barrels... ;)

#4: Again, awesome! :D

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