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Abaddon, on A D-B's blog

Kol Saresk

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The only thing that gets me is the bit about the daemon Primarchs not caring anymore, particularly the Undivided like Lorgar or Perturabo.


Lorgar not working to spread the faith or Perturabo not trying to tear down everything his father and brothers built...it's like writing that Angron got tired of killing things!

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To be fair, they really don't. Lorgar has been held up in his Tower for 10,000 years. Perturabo remains happily in his Daemon World. Angron Just kills because that's all he knows. Magnus sits around doing whatever Magnus does, Fulgrim is either dead or sitting on a Daemon World not caring about even his own Legion, and Mortation rarely does much of anything either.


They're no longer important. They don't care.

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Well look at it this way:


Horus and Curze are dead

Alpharius Omegon could be dead, kicking back, secretly fighting to keep the Emperor alive - it's anyones guess

Perturabo is a daemon prince, therefore he has to hang around in the warp a lot

Lorgar is a daemon prince who considers himself the archpriest of all chaos so he sits on his daemon world and ocassionally tells his sons to go out and get more worshippers but pretty much leaves them to their own devices and stays in the warp a lot

Mortarion is a daemon prince who rules a planet of plague and has to hang around in the warp a lot

Fulgrim doesn't even care that his legion has been shattered and again has to hang around in the warp a lot

Magnus has no true physical form so has to hang around in the warp a lot

Angron sallies forth now and again because that's what he loves; to kill but again being a daemon primarch he has to hang around in the warp a lot


Now all of them (barring Alpharius Omegon) have transcended the limits of mortality and the price of this is, yep, they aren't free to go strolling around the galaxy, they have to go where the warp is overlapping with the material universe or stay at home, although short periods of time are acceptable it seems, when their patron powers wax strong


If they were still capable, or had the inclination to continue the long war, its 100% certain that the Imperium of Man wil be ashes and then the warp will consume the galaxy, nothing comapres to the power of the dark side and all that noise


With Abaddon, he wants to see the Imperium in ashes just like the Primarchs, but he wants his own empire to rise from those ashes, not simply use them to usher in the death of reality. He sees the Primarchs left, sees what they've become and remembers how Horus blew it all when he had it within his grip, and he probably has nothing but contempt.

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Well, Perturabo does some stuff in the Chaos Codex, Magnus periodically messes with the Space Wolves, Fulgrim stopped imitating Hedonism Bot long enough to put paid to Robby G, and of course Mortarion had "Gerotinian" carved on his heart by everyone's favorite Grey Knight.


Nothing from Lorgar, though. Odd, that.

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It reminds me of the end of Pawns of Chaos where Dathan realizes that the promises of Chaos would result in not just the death of his loved ones that the imperium offers, but the death of reality itself. Except where Dathan decides to dedicate himself to order and the defeat of Chaos, Abbadon seeks to use Chaos to usurp the crumbling Imperium and replace it with his own form of order.

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It is indeed a pity that nothing even close to this is included in the Chaos Codex. It's a small text and already it opens up so much on Abaddon, I can't help but be anxious about an entire book.


In particular the fact that the flow of Chaos also affects Abaddon, leaving him in doubt only to then make him the center of the Chaos universe, is just delightful. Also the strength of character he must have to resist the lure of a single god.


Lastly...imagine how powerful he must be...I'm thinking even the Chaos Primarchs can't just up and f*** with the guy.

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The only thing that gets me is the bit about the daemon Primarchs not caring anymore, particularly the Undivided like Lorgar or Perturabo.


Lorgar not working to spread the faith or Perturabo not trying to tear down everything his father and brothers built...it's like writing that Angron got tired of killing things!

Well I for one like the "Black Legion are the only ones who really care about tearing down the imperium" vibe. That is not to say that other primarchs/lords don't want it too, but: 1. tearing down the Imperium might be their secondary goal among spreading the plague/getting slaves/whoatever 2. they don't have enough resource/charisma to convince others to join the cause or even to stop infighting/scheming in their own Legion.

That said it surely seems that at least might NL become united before/during 13th Crusade under Decimus, but it happens in shadow of Abaddon. 13th is fruit of his efforts, product of his will alone.

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The NL don't seem too invested in burning down the Imperium.  There are quotes where they say, roughly, that since they built the thing, then they get to decide whether it lives or dies, but they seem more interested in getting the respect (in the form of fear) that they deserve.


I suspect that the Iron Warriors could probably roll out and cause some serious damage, it's just that the paranoia and infighting that we saw in Angel Exterminatus has been dialed up to eleven, so without Abaddon or Perturabo yelling at them, they probably can't get through a 30 minute planning meeting without getting into a Mexican standoff.

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Abaddon seems to have a knack to unite Legions with heavy infighting (which are most of them). Hell, if he gets the Chaos Gods to do it...


Very interested to see this charisma in action, him talking to Talos personally instead of sending an envoy shows a man who's not afraid to get his hands dirty. That same encounter with Talos does show that his charisma is backed by bolter rounds and Lightning Claw-backhands, though.

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The NL don't seem too invested in burning down the Imperium.  There are quotes where they say, roughly, that since they built the thing, then they get to decide whether it lives or dies, but they seem more interested in getting the respect (in the form of fear) that they deserve.


I suspect that the Iron Warriors could probably roll out and cause some serious damage, it's just that the paranoia and infighting that we saw in Angel Exterminatus has been dialed up to eleven, so without Abaddon or Perturabo yelling at them, they probably can't get through a 30 minute planning meeting without getting into a Mexican standoff.

That, and, while they're fantastic at tearing down fortified positions of the enemy, and can re-fortify positions they've taken like nobody else, unless they have a strong hand to push them forward again, they have a bad tendency to never stop re-fortifying, and a whole offensive can stagnate while they set up potent orbital shields and miles of trenches, walls, and minefields to defend positions of limited strategic importance instead of moving on to the next objective.
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The NL don't seem too invested in burning down the Imperium. There are quotes where they say, roughly, that since they built the thing, then they get to decide whether it lives or dies, but they seem more interested in getting the respect (in the form of fear) that they deserve.

I suspect that the Iron Warriors could probably roll out and cause some serious damage, it's just that the paranoia and infighting that we saw in Angel Exterminatus has been dialed up to eleven, so without Abaddon or Perturabo yelling at them, they probably can't get through a 30 minute planning meeting without getting into a Mexican standoff.

That, and, while they're fantastic at tearing down fortified positions of the enemy, and can re-fortify positions they've taken like nobody else, unless they have a strong hand to push them forward again, they have a bad tendency to never stop re-fortifying, and a whole offensive can stagnate while they set up potent orbital shields and miles of trenches, walls, and minefields to defend positions of limited strategic importance instead of moving on to the next objective.

But... we like building fortifications cry.gif

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He didn't say they were from another author though. They were from the "Archive to End All Archives". My first thought went to Ivy but she's a fictional character in an unrelated universe so yeah....... But I do want to who made this, and if it is something already written, why have we never seen this before?
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I think it's more his thoughts on the character and motivation of Abaddon. He said he spoke with the other authors and got access to a lot of the 'backstory' in the vaults, but the post and the words are his own. I'd also like to say Abaddon has been getting lip-service in the HH books so far. Now this might be because of ADB's upcoming series which will be awesomer than awesomesauce (just to add more pressure), and it might be because he has not had a really well defined character quite yet. But he's been plodding at the back of scenes, Horus' angry little chihuahua, snarling at the neighbours kids, instead of doing anything interesting. Is he simply an extension of Horus, or is he a captain of the Sons of Horus?


The NL are a tricky one, for me. They lack a real goal, an ambition which has seen them fragment. They don't have the sense of purpose the Word Bearers or the Black Legion do, they are separate warbands which can ally for a single movement (such as when they tried to track down the recording of Curze's death) but they don't have any underlying theology or motivation beyond 'Well, they must fear us and we're kinda pissy'. Decimus, now, he seems to have given them a purpose, albeit potentially under the aegis of Abaddon and his wider plans. But what are their ultimate aims? To burn everything? To rule? To spread their ethos, to recreate Nostramo?

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Well look at it this way:


Horus and Curze are dead

Alpharius Omegon could be dead, kicking back, secretly fighting to keep the Emperor alive - it's anyones guess

Perturabo is a daemon prince, therefore he has to hang around in the warp a lot

Lorgar is a daemon prince who considers himself the archpriest of all chaos so he sits on his daemon world and ocassionally tells his sons to go out and get more worshippers but pretty much leaves them to their own devices and stays in the warp a lot

Mortarion is a daemon prince who rules a planet of plague and has to hang around in the warp a lot

Fulgrim doesn't even care that his legion has been shattered and again has to hang around in the warp a lot

Magnus has no true physical form so has to hang around in the warp a lot

Angron sallies forth now and again because that's what he loves; to kill but again being a daemon primarch he has to hang around in the warp a lot


Now all of them (barring Alpharius Omegon) have transcended the limits of mortality and the price of this is, yep, they aren't free to go strolling around the galaxy, they have to go where the warp is overlapping with the material universe or stay at home, although short periods of time are acceptable it seems, when their patron powers wax strong


If they were still capable, or had the inclination to continue the long war, its 100% certain that the Imperium of Man wil be ashes and then the warp will consume the galaxy, nothing comapres to the power of the dark side and all that noise


With Abaddon, he wants to see the Imperium in ashes just like the Primarchs, but he wants his own empire to rise from those ashes, not simply use them to usher in the death of reality. He sees the Primarchs left, sees what they've become and remembers how Horus blew it all when he had it within his grip, and he probably has nothing but contempt.


I'd say the primarchs are now mere slaves to their powers they worship or their own agendas.  The Primarchs served their purpose in providing a genetic template for their far more interesting (and awesome) sons.  They all either died, dropped flags and quit, or ascended to uselessness.


All that said-this isn't ADB's words, it was sent to him in a Email regarding Abaddon, but I think it's pretty cool.


Also, Iron Warriors are twitchy, scared, Camping *****es, and I've never understood the mob's fascination with them.



He didn't say they were from another author though. They were from the "Archive to End All Archives". My first thought went to Ivy but she's a fictional character in an unrelated universe so yeah....... But I do want to who made this, and if it is something already written, why have we never seen this before?


Probably because we don't need to know everything.  Indeed, knowing every single fact and detail of backstory can be a distraction from creating our own.

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There are as many motivations for the Night Lords as there are Night Lords.


Sahaal and Talos wanted to tear the Imperium down as vengeance for Curze, but there are just as many who seem to have no higher goal than slaughtering defenseless worlds because they relish human fear.

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"There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter."


- Ernest Hemingway


That's the motivation of my Night Lords.

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He didn't say they were from another author though. They were from the "Archive to End All Archives". 


The fact that an author wrote them is pretty much a given. The archive didnt just pop into existence, and "TATEAA" is AD-B's inbox.

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