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New "League" for 6th Ed. starters...

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So, my LGS has started a league/tournament of sorts for those of us just coming back to the game/getting used to 6th/just looking for some non-cheese fun.  The set up is a 3 month tour of duty, 1st month 500 points max, 2nd month 750 points, 3rd month 1000 points.  Because it is small points to start, we are using the allies deployment rules for the first 2 months.


There are approx. 30 players signed up, running the gambit of all army types (noticed lots of Tau, Tyranid and Eldar so far, but its a fairly even spread all things considered).  My queries are twofold as such:

1) has anyone had any experience with anything like this, and how did it turn out (looking specifically for BA input/performance);

2) any ideas for army lists?  Oh, no fliers, and for the first 2 months no T6 or higher models...


I have a few ideas in mind for the 500 point games:


List 1

Librarian (Shield, Unleash Rage)

10 man RAS (2 flamers, Hand Flamer, JP)

10 man TAC (ML)


List 2


Sanguinary Priest

10 man TAC (Melta, ML, Combi-melta)

5 man DC (Bolters, TH)


List 3

Librarian (Shield, Unleash Rage)

Sanguinary Priest (JP)

5 man RAS (Flamer, Hand Flamer, JP)

10 man TAC (Plasmagun, Plasma Cannon)


Thoughts?  All comments/concerns/critiques welcome!

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Out of your 2 lists I think the 2nd one is the best. Cheap fighty HQ, armywide FnP (if the priest is placed with the tacs) and shooting ability as well as some combat.


My club is running a 500 pts campaign as well and were very early in, 2 weeks we started. I couldnt make it to our first night but next sunday im showing up. Theres some rules that allow us to increase the size of our army (depends on how many map tiles we have and whats on em and such) but since I dont know any specifics yet...


*shrugs* anyway this is what I came up with:

Captain, powersword, poweraxe.


10 scouts, snipers, 1 ML, cloaks

10 combat scouts


Characters go with the combat scouts, snipers well...snipe. Might split them up to cover more ground. Not to sure on that yet :D


Kinda light on power armour but ive got numbers :) and small squads tend to die quickly is my experience... Even with FnP!

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Here's a little 500 point list I came up with.  It has a good BA feel and style to it and includes that captain Dem was looking for:


Captain with JP + Power Fist and Lightning Claw

Assault Squat 10 strong + Flamer and Melta gun + a pw for the sarg  (probably a sword or claw)

Death Co.  5 strong all with bolters + a Power Axe added in too.


Its 500 points on the dot.


A Reclusiarch would be cool, but actually cost a bit more to make as killy as the captain.  Also could short the DC by one just to afford a Storm Shield for the Sargent.  It could pay off at such a low points level, it's not like you have the rest of an army to back them up.  What do you guys think?



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What are the rules re: vehicles and other things with armour values? If you're likely to face something with AV then maybe take something to combat it... if its only rhino/razorback style you should be ok, but there will be 'that guy' that decides a land raider at 500 points is fun.


Buck the trend of everyone's advice here - I'm saying do NOT take a priest at 500 points. You already need to spend a minimum of 100 points on HQ, there's no point chucking another 50+ in characters into the mix, 75 if you want him to have any mobility - at this low a points limit, boots on the ground is going to have a stronger impact and better death-dealing potential than making 1/3 of your guys survive.


I genuinely think your best option is to play as a more traditional marine list; I'd take list 3 but swap the priest for some sniper scouts, or a rhino for the tactical squad and a jump pack for the librarian (5 guys with PC hang back, 5 guys with PG drive forwards for close support, librarian and assault squad do the combat grittiness).

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I like these ideas. 500 points is tough for BA (or 5th edition marines in general) because you have to pay 100 points for an HQ.


That said, using allied detachment FOC is going to help some, as it only requires 1 troop.


Here's what I would/have run:



Librarian - on foot with divination powers (hope for ignores cover, but prescience for rerolls is great, and the 4+ invul save isn't bad either)



Sanguinary Priest with JP - a must if you're using jump troops



10 Man Assault squad with JPs


Heavy Support

5 man Devastator squad, 4 MLs


You have 5 more points to play with, but I would consider dropping a ASM to get a power weapon on the priest.


The plan is to put the libby with the devastators, so they can either get ignores cover or rerolls to help them throw out a lot of damage against MEQ, light vehicles, or hordes, while still being less of a target than the FNP jump marines angrily blasting across the field to take objectives or smash light infantry (S5 on the charge means you'll wipe most 5+/T3 units pretty quickly). If you play it right, you can give the libby/devs FNP turn 1 if the priest is nearby, and maybe throw the 4+ invul save on the JPs as well to help them survive for a turn.


You can do something similar by using the libby with a tactical squad, but they don't throw out quite as much long-range pain as a devastator squad.

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Since you only need the 1 troops choice....forget the objectives and try to table every opponent?? I admit this isn't the most survivable list, just looks like it would be fun/annoying to play in this format.


Librarian: Fear of the Darkness; Smite; bolt pistol. 100 (maybe Blood Lance or Sanguine Sword?)

I don't foresee a ton of 2+ armor so won't be many saves against Smite, if they decide to hang back near their own table edge then FotD can make em run off the table


Furioso Dreadnought: pair of blood talons (built-in heavy flamer); magna-grapple. 150

• Drop Pod 35


I would normally say Fragioso but for opponents who try to fit as much infantry as possible into 500 I think the heavy flamer followed by a blood talon assault could have a higher ceiling. Melta and Magna are there to allow for armor killin if need be.


5 Assault Marines: plasma gun. 115

• Drop Pod 0


Only went with plasma to mix it up with a melta on the furioso and 2 MMs on your bike. Libby would come down with these guys.


2 Attack Bikes: 2× multi-melta. 100


Just in case you need to pen some armor. You could save 10-20 points if you're cool with heavy bolters when there isn't much armor.


500 points

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Bummer...well if that's the case I like your 2nd list out of the 3 you came up with or thesauce's. You can either pack in as many boots as you can like you're trying to do or you can heavily invest in something like termies (need scouts with a teleport homer to infiltrate then bring em down faster) or bikes. If you're trying to pack in the marines then I think the DC are overpriced but it's up to you in the end. Def think the dex libby powers are superior than what many of your opponents have access to at 500 pts. Are you able to adjust your list from week to week?
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