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IA:Apocalypse and Chaos 40k Players, The Review!


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For the sake of not getting buried in a thread of speculation, I decided to start a new thread, this time with FACTS!


Overall, Chaos Space Marines really got some serious love here.  The Relic Predator will probably replace the Plasma Fiend in most situations (not that anyone really used Plasma fiends much).  There are 2 transports that carry 20+ models each and are assault vehicles, so that is something which is very welcomed.  Overall though, my favorite addition is the Giant Chaos Spawn, only slightly more than a naked Predator, an elites choice that is brutal in combat with an impressive stat line (S6 T6 W4 AD6+2), and can potentially get a 2+ FNP in combat!


My full review is here:


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The giant spawn - is it a monstrous creature?  Does it have speed buffs or special deployment?  iirc from the other thread it was stuck as an infantry speed MC, though it could at least deep strike.  I had kind of hoped for something I could put in the elites slots to keep pace with a mauler/spawn rush, and it sounds like the giant spawn isn't that.  At least it seems pretty cheap points wise.  Maybe that mitilith will make it into my list one of these days, yet.

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The giant spawn - is it a monstrous creature?  Does it have speed buffs or special deployment?  iirc from the other thread it was stuck as an infantry speed MC, though it could at least deep strike.  I had kind of hoped for something I could put in the elites slots to keep pace with a mauler/spawn rush, and it sounds like the giant spawn isn't that.  At least it seems pretty cheap points wise.  Maybe that mitilith will make it into my list one of these days, yet.


Unfortunately it is stuck at infantry speed, but it is dirt cheap.  I'm thinking of them more like being a second wave to my spawn/mauler list.  There is still nothing fast to take out of Elites, but I think these are scary enough for their low point cost.

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Sounds good.  I just finished your review.  I thought the spined chaos beast was in this book, too?  Or is that just for daemons?


Anyway, certainly some things to consider.  I'll have to pick this one up eventually, though hopefully I'll be able to hold off until I've got some more of the models I already own finished up.

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Sounds good.  I just finished your review.  I thought the spined chaos beast was in this book, too?  Or is that just for daemons?


I thought so too at first, but when I re-read it, it's Chaos Daemons only, which is fine by me, it's not that great. :)

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