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Knights Cruor put

blood of Sanguinus

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                                                 Knights Cruor

                                       'Sanguinem fide honoris'



The Knight Cruor are known for their feverous zeal and their constant hunting of the forces of chaos to avenge the death of their Primarch and chapter master Bassilo Klute. Although Chaos forces being primarily their main enemy they will not shy away from any of the Imperiums enemy's. Like all Blood Angel chapters they suffer from the Black Rage and the Red thirst. However they suffer increasingly worse from the Black Rage after the death of their chapter master Bassilo Klute, thus leading to increased members of the Avowed 'death company' 





The founding members of Knights Cruor were from the planet Clax which which was rife with heavy raids and attacks from chaos forces throughout the planets history. The people of Clax often fought against the Heretics with great heroism, however mostly struggled to repel the chaos forces. Because of this Feudal Lords of Clax requested assistance from the Imperium. Answering the plea for help in the defense Clax, they sent forces from the imperial Army and Blood Swords chapter. After a successful campaign the people of Clax started to revere the Blood Swords as protectors to the planet and a shrine was erected in the capital in honour of them.


When the 23rd founding was announced and the gene seed was selected from Sanguinius and a small cadre was selected from the Blood Swords to train the new recruits. The planet Clax was chosen for new recruits, with the close tie between themselves and the Blood swords the option was clear. After successful completion of the cadre the new chapter master Bassilo Klute took up Clax as the chapters home-world. Taking on the command structures of Clax the chapter took on a feudal command structure mimicking their home world. From Clax the chapter launched many small scale campaigns against the chaos forces in their early years, with rapid assaults, they proved to be successful taking only minimal casualties. The Knights Cruor had their first major campaign during the 9th Black crusades, charged with the defense of Antecannis, the first company defended the capital, and fought with great heroism however due to inferior numbers amongst their ranks they were eventually overwhelmed by the ever increasing Chaos numbers as a result the first company was annihilated along with chapter master Bassilo Klute. A remaining few companies were left to rebuild the chapter after the majority of companies were killed on the planet as it was destroy by the chaos fleet. This incident know only to the chapter as 'Magna caede', leading to a vow to hunt the chaos forces were ever they may be to avenge the death of Bassilo. For the remaining campaign they fought along side their brothers in the Lamenters only being able to offer minimal support due to severe lack of numbers. 




The Knights Cruor have a very feudal command structure wit the strong beliefs in honour, blood and faith leading to prolonged periods of prayer to their honoured dead. They believe that to spill blood in name of the Emperor, Sanguinius and Bassilo Klute, whether it be the enemy's or their own is a great honour second only to becoming avowed, as this is to be chosen personally by Sanguinius, Bassilo to avenge them with even greater strength.

Upon joining the chapter recruits are placed in the scout company, scouts are given the title of squire, and learn the skills they require before they become full Knights Cruor. 

Squires on the night before his knighting ceremony he is expected to cleanse his body and mind, fast, make confession, and then hold an all-night vigil of prayer in the chapters Inner sanctum, preparing himself in this manner for life as a Knight. For the knighting ceremony, he dressed in white as a symbol for being pure from the tint of chaos and faithful to the chapter, and to remember his brothers in the Avowed, over that was placed a red robe to show his readiness to be wounded, in the name of Sanguinius, the Emperor and Bassilo Klute. Once the correct words have been spoken, 'the only known part is the chapters Motto' he drinks the high Cruor Priests blood from the Cruor Chalice thus completing the ritual




The company and squad number are shown in Roman numerals in the left shoulder.

Aside from the usual blood angel insignia they also on there right leg carry different marks to show rank within the chapter such as 

One black blood drop- Squad 2 i/c 

Two black blood drops- Sjt/ veterans 

A black skull- Captain 

A black chalice-  Worn by librarians, Avowed, Sanguinary Priests, Sanguinary Guard and high ranking officers. 

   Sjt's also have an ornate right shoulder pad to show rank.

Avowed and Sanguinary Priests also have the word of High Chaplin 'Guardian of the Avowed'- Romanus Macvicar as spoken during the 10th Black crusades wrote on loin cloth on the waist.

' Vigilants today we stand before the army's of chaos as Bassilo Klute and Sanguinius once did, do not faulter stand firm and stand vigilant if the black rage consumes you embrace it, use it to crush the enemy's of Sanguinus, Bassilo, and the Empire. Never rest brothers, stay forever vigilant Until all enemy around are dead and dismembered.' This helps drive the squads to great feats of bravery and heroism. 

'Purge the Heretic' battle cry of the Knights Cruor.

Is engraved onto the side of some weapons 



The white parts on the amour signify purity of the mind and faithfulness to the chapter, it connects them with their brothers in the Avowed, who were all white armour, as to be chosen there is no higher honour, or purity available as the Knight is chosen to share memories of the Primarch himself and to avenge Bassilo Klute and Sanguinius. 

Veteran's of the Knights Cruor wear gold were the white once was to show their honoured status


The word Excultus can be wrote on the armour to remember Bassilo Klute.

'Excultus - Bassilo Klute (deceased) 

With the death of the first chapter master the title of Excultus was given to Bassilo Klute as to remember him as the founding father of the Knights Cruor and in turn he holds the highest rank of the chapter has.' 


Combat Doctrine


​Utilizing  the successful the doctrines of the blood angels the Knight Cruor used a mix of fast paced skimmers and ground jump infantry, supported by fast air units dropping some of the chapters heaviest units deep into enemy territory smashing the defences until tactical squads move up and secure the objectives, with limited armour the chapter can deploy rapidly to anywhere the Imperium require them to deploy. Once the infantry have have closed with the enemy crushing close quarters battle finish the enemy off quickly, the unit is then ready to move out to its next objective.


Chapter Relics



   'Wrath, was Bassilo Klute power sword a large two handed weapon it would cut through most foes with great ease this power sword crackles with a red, blackish colour differing from the normal blue white colouring of the rest of the companies. This relic was lost during the 9th Black crusade and presumed stolen by Abbadon, it was later recovered from the Chaos vessel 'Lingering hate' during an assault almost 1 thousand years later and is now wielded in battle by the current chapter master.


​'Cruor Chalice' 

  The Cruor Chalice was given to the Chapter during its founding, this chalice is guarded deep within the chapter monastery and guarded day and knight by the Cruor Guard, and wielded in battle by the High Cruor Priest. Wherever this chalice goes it is guarded by a unit Cruor guard.  This chalice is used during the knighting ceremony of the chapter this is the only other reason that the relic will leave its safe haven in the monastery.  


Notable Brothers


   Sjt Ratheox 4th coy, 3rd squad .

  Whilst fighting on the ship '​Lingering Fear' to recover Wrath Sjt Ratheox succumbed to the black, Defeat and the loss again of the artifact seemed inevitable. Against great odds Ratheox slashed and hacked a path of bodies throughout the ship, killing any enemy who dared to walk in his path. Cruor and Avowed priests did their best to follow the raging Sjt but struggled to keep up with his pace. They eventually caught up with him in the ships command room, with a chainsword plunged in the chaos captains chest. His eyes glowed with an unquenchable rage as he looked for his next target his injuries were numerous and should have been fatal. Avowed Priests managed to sedate him long enough to to place  in stasis, and Cruor Priests secured the relic. Sjt Ratheox was placed inside a dreadnought as a reward for his part in the recovery of the relic. He now serves with the Avowed and is only awaken from stasis when he is required by the chapter.  



'Will do more of this as the days go by hope you enjoy

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This is the firsy squad of hopefully an entire chapter.
2 Coy 1 squad 'tactical'
Sjt Vanem Gubitosi
 Sjt Vanem is the one of the most experienced Sjts in the first company known as the Deliverers. Wielding his chainsword and bolter he is known to lead his men into dire situations, without a moment's hesitation,  charging in large groups of enemys. However usually known to hold positions of tactical importance, he has the ability to adapt his squad to any situation that arises
First squad member without the chapter badge more pictures of the rest of the squad will follow onve done im sorry bout quality but on got kindle camera feedback most welcome
(white is not so bright its a dirtier colour and ammo pouches both a leather brown) 


Clicking on your picture killed my whole reply, so you get the short version, lol.


Grammar: Lots of run-ons. Sentences with multiple parts that don't agree with one another, or never complete thoughts and ideas.


Style: You repeat a lot of words and sounds. Taking on things the took on. Guards guarding things to keep them guarded. 


Substance: You need to tell us why the Chapter Master is significant earlier in the piece. The first paragraph tells us his death shaped the chapter's whole attitude and doctrine, but didn't really tell us who he was or why. First Chapter Master? Most recent one? You tell us later, but if he's so important, it needs to be in that first paragraph. Some things you tell us a lot about, other things that seem important get a sentence, or less.


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