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Chaos Vehicle Accessories


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Does anyone else feel that the disparity in style of the newer chaos only vehicles compared to the old accessory sprues on marine tanks demands a review and redo of the sprues?


I see the requirement for keeping rhinos and variants and land raiders but have always found the chaps parts lacked something. Even the addition of forgeworld parts only leaves you with natty doors. We've all seen some cleverly done plasticard trims and sculpted details, and they make for some impressive tanks. Surely it is high time that the chaos versions looked the part. I would envision the kits as having various additional trims and details that could be placed onto the body in a variety of configurations or left off entirely to stop them all looking the same. I can even see legion specific versions that could also bee just generic enough that in an alternate paint scheme they'd still pass. Scaled panels for alpha legion, leering daemonic faces for word bearers, raised lightning patterns, etc etc.


Anyway, thoughts?

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Sure I'll bite and give my thoughts:


Coming from a business point of view: I doubt it is worth it for GW to do this. It would cost them considerable resources while they gain very little. This is simply a matter of demand, the demand being too low because what you want is really specific: Alpha Legion panels are only for Alpha Legion players etc. There (probably) aren't enough players of the different legions to justify this. If they are going to do it, then probably along with a release of a supplement or a complete new Chaos Rhino kit.


Would I want it? Sure, I'd want more options to make my vehicles look like Deathguard vehicles. (I realise this is rather pathetic, it's relatively easy to make things look 'nurgley', what can I say, I'm a lazy converter, kitbashing is usually as far as I go.) Do I find it reasonable to expect GW to do this? No.


TL;dr: No I don't think the old accessory sprues demand a review and redo, although I would appreciate it.

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My thought would be that looking for GW to do this is barking up the wrong tree. I'm sure hobbiests or 3rd parties are much more likely to make this happen. I know the black legion trim can be purchased via one of our local forum users.

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