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Undivided in Escalation


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Last week wasn't posted because I was bad and forgot to take any pictures.


No worries, this week is 852, and I think I'm just about to finally get lists almost big enough to put things in. Only 1000 points to go, right?


Here's what I got, though it's not finalized yet via testing. I reserve the right to get angry at my list and redo it, though I believe internet wisdom could help as well.


biker lord, mos, fist, claw, sigil (runs with spawn)

terminator sorc, ml3 (biomancy) (runs with oblits)

3 oblits

3 spawn

2 noise squads with blast master


It really boils down to 4 units. My concern is that the troops could die too easy if I don't play it safe. We'll see.

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