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Vehicle recovery project - how to run predators?

Chaplain Admetus

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So, I've been working through my old tanks and attempting repairs, and am trying to figure out what the best way to proceed is. I don't field mech very often, and part of the reason is that most of my heavy armour capabilities are old vehicles that are falling apart.


I'm working with:

Predator with twin-linked lascannon turret (glued on), missing sponsons.

Predator with autocannon turret (that needs work in and of itself), broken off lascannon sponsons (both been found)

Second hand land raider with heavy bolter on the front, lascannon on one sponson, missing other sponson

I also have all the flamery doo-dahs from the Baal kit, as I chose to field mine as a dakka-Baal.


What I would like, is advice on how to proceed from here. I.e. how I should repair/upgrade them. Viable options as I see it are as follows:


Auto-las predator for all-round use, and a bog standard t-l lascannon predator (no sponsons) to break transports.

Tri-las predator, flamer Baal (lop the autocannon off the predator, replace with flamestorm cannon, heavy flamers optional)

Auto-las predator, flamer Baal


And for the land raider, either find a spare lascannon sponson/bodge together a lascannon sponson for the missing side, and run it as a standard LR

OR shell out for the LRC upgrade kit, and turn it into a crusader (or if anyone knows an easy, cheaper way of getting the twin-linked assault cannon that goes on the front, I can take the hurricane bolters from my storm raven and add them on to the side).


Anyone familiar with my batrep threads will know that I use the dakka-Baal quite often, but these other predator variants are ones that I haven't had very much experience with, so would value input on what road is the best one to take!


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man, just magnetize the stuff, plain and simple.


the next time codex or errata is issued or metageme is changed you will effortlessly change loadout.


just cople more units like tau deathstar with permanent 2+ cover and flamebaals\LRRs will start to apear. 



btw, one can use some plastics and make mk2b-like LR\mk1 pred sponson mounts, its simplier to scratchbuidind than regular "modern" mounts (at least for me) 

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The TLAC from the Crusader is rare as hen's teeth, because it's in high demand for Razorback conversion. Historically I've seen them go for as much as £12 per. You could always go the conversion route - take the TLHB from a Razorback or Land Raider, cut off the front section, and glue on a pair of assault cannons from a different kit (typically from the Ravenwing upgrade kit).

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