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CSM Tac Squads question

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A squad comes standard with boltgun and bolt pistol.

Any number may either replace their boltgun for a close combat weapon (free) or add a close combat weapon for a few points.

One marine (not the champion) can replace a weapon for a special weapon.  At 10 models another one can get a special or heavy weapon.  The champion gets typical champion choices; power weapons and/or combi weapons.


Marks and VotLW are all or nothing.


Hope that helps with your planning.

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Oh yes.  You can mix and match however you like, but it's usually best to give everybody the same gear.


They come as bog standard tactical marines-bolter and bolt pistol, with the champ having Bolter, Bolt Pistol and CCW (3 attacks base for him)


You can have any number of them trade their bolters for CCWs for free, or buy extra ccws for a price per model.


If you are running "Fauxerkers"-BP/CCW Chaos Space Marines with the Mark of Khorne and usually 2 special weapons, it might be worth it to buy the extra ccw for the two special weapons guys, so they too get 4 attacks on the charge.


You can also make the 'ubergrit' how CSMs were in the previous codex with bolter, bp and CCWs which pairs pretty well with a forward unit that is going to take a charge, or perhaps make an opportunistic charge on a weakened enemy.





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Ok, cool. I like chaos a lot more than standard SM's... Very helpful.

True . I would like to point out that SW get the same stuff [bolter/pistol/ccw/2special weapons] for less points and more for same or less points. For example they can give a normal trooper a power weapon and another one a melee upgrade that gives d6 rending attacks . They do have a lower Ld without a pack leader,  though that is a bit mitigated by having ATKNF

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The problem is, we have options, but they cost. By the time you have a 10 man squad with bolters, pistols and close combat weapons, 2 special weapons, a mark or votlw and maybe a combi weapon or special close combat weapon on the champ you are looking at 200-300 points, for 10 guys with a 3+ save.


Plague marines are awesome, 7 guys with 2 plasmaguns is around 200 points, and you get bolters, pistols and plague knives (which are poisoned), defense grenades, T5 and feel no pain. Downsides are needing a nurgle lord to make them troops, and a reduced Initiative.


Or for 200 points you could get around 40 cultists...

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