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Black like my Metal - A Black Legion blog

Pariah Mk.231

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That's right, I'm hopping on the bandwagon.


I'll be using this thread for my Black Legion blog, doing regular blog-like things like posting pics, talking about plans and reporting the glorious victories and shameful defeats of my boys-in-black. I began my 40k experience with Black Legion 18 years ago, in 2nd ed, but they ended up being repainted to Night Lords, then Word Bearers, then lost or damaged in various ways. When I replaced them, I went with my DIY warband, some renegades under the name The Morbid Progeny, who used the Lost and the Damned list from the Eye of Terror codex. Their colour scheme was very similar to what the Red Corsairs would eventually get with 4th ed, so I ended up first trying to redesign their scheme to retain the colours, but to look distinct. Eventually I decided to just go with Iron Warriors to rival my friend's Imperial Fists. They're currently sitting somewhere between 4-5k points.

A few months ago I decided to go to my first tournement (which is tomorrow) and wanted to build a completely new army for it. I was torn between reviving my DIY warband, or returning to my roots with Black Legion. Then fate intervened and Malisteen posted the first rumours for the Black Legion supplement. The dark gods had given me a sign. Rather than forget my DIY warband however, I incorporated it into my Black Legion warband by keeping the name, and their penchent for making heavy use of cultists/traitors and beastmen from the daemon worlds of the Eye. I used beastmen as my mutants in my LotD list, and later as my summoned lesser daemons in 4th. Now, they'll fill the role of melee-cultists/bubble-wrap for characters, while the DV cultists and, if the rumours are at all true, Steel Legion for shooty-cultists. Anyway, that's enough of that for now, we can discuss plans for the army later, let's get on with this blog.


Shall we start with my current list? I think we shall. It's a new army, so I'm only at 750pts currently, but a few of the things that didn't visually fit with my Iron Warriors (Helbrutes, daemon engines, the DV Chosen, etc.) will soon take up the banner of the Warmaster. To start with though, I have:


Chaos Lord

Mark of Khorne, Axe of Blind Fury, Sigil of Corruption


3 Terminators

3x combi-meltas, 3x power axes


10 Chaos Marines

Lightning claw, meltabomb, 2x plasmaguns, 9x ccw


10 Cultists

9x autoguns


19 Cultists

No upgrades



Mark of Nurgle



Mark of Nurgle




Once the BL supplement is released in hardcover I'll amend things to make it work, like adding VotLW to everything that needs it, maybe upgrade the marines to Chosen, etc. But until I can actually get my hands on a copy, I'll just run it as a normal Chaos army from the codex.


I had a chance to test it out last night and got brutalised, the dice rolls were not in my favour at any point during the game. Shooting my double-plas at a downed Lord of Change? Double overheat, fail both saves. Obliterator then gets charged by said greater daemon, rolls a 1 to save from a hammer of wrath attack, dies. Rolling double 6 for plasma cannon scatter when tagetting horrors. Terminators deepstrike next to Lord of Change, fire meltaguns, roll triple 1 to hit. Lord gets hit by S9 Bolt of Change on first turn, fails Sigil save, instant killed, his cultists take some casauties from Horrors and run off the table. Everyone failed almost every save they needed to make, even the terminators.


The only unit I wiped out were his Flamers, and the only one of my units to earn their points back were the autogun cultists, who managed to take a wound off a flamer and kill 6 Bloodletters (3 shooting, 2 overwatch, 1 melee), before the last 2 survivors made a dash off the table.


Nothing I did mattered when most of my rolls came up 1. The dice-gods must be punishing me for turning from my Iron Warriors. Hopefully it was just my bad luck trying to get out of the way before this tournement tomorrow.


I'll leave it at that for now. I should have some WIP pics up tonight, just need to wait for my housemate to get home so I can borrow his camera. I'll also be sure to get photos tomorrow at the tournement to share. If luck decides it has abused me enough, I should get a win in my first match, all I need to do is take out a pair of landraiders and my opponent is done for. I'm expecting to get horribly mauled in my other 4 games though, but what else can I really expect in my first tournement? I guess we'll see.

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Ok, I promised a few WIP pics and here they are. I know, quality isn't too hot, but we couldn't find the camera and so had to use a phone to take the pics. These guys still need a hell of a lot of work, so I'll be sure to get better shots when they're complete.


We'll start with the lord.






And the termie squad.








I'm still uploading pics of the rest of the army, so I'll post them in batches. Next up will be the oblits.

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Just be aware that the Black Legion can't take the axe of blind fury on characters from the supplement list, so your axe lord will eventually need to either downgrade to a power axe (not ideal on a power armored model), re-convert to trade the axe for a sword (or to trade the bolt pistol for a plasma pistol to become a 'counts as' Khârn), or be run as an allied lord from the regular CSM list.


I'm currently in a similar position wondering what to do with my half converted axelord on bike.



Otherwise, looking pretty good! I like the paint jobs so far, and I'm looking forward to seeing more. Welcome to the Black, Pariah!



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Really? I had a chance to look at the supplement yesterday and didn't see anything saying they couldn't take the old artifacts, only restricting us from taking the warlord traits from the codex. I may have missed it though, I only had about 5 minutes to check it out before I had to give the guy his ipad back. Oh well, the lord as he is is pretty much a stand-in until I make my own Khârn or a Nurgle bikelord.


Also, that's welcome back to the Black. I mentioned above that I played BL 18 years ago.


Anyway, here's those oblits I mentioned.















I put a Nurgle marking on each oblit's right shoulder to avoid any problems with WYSIWYG and so as to not be accused of power-gaming by taking Nurlge oblits without commiting the model itself to a particular god, allowing me to change alliegence between games.


Next post, I think I'll show some cultists.

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Right, just 5 marines tonight, I didn't realise it was 1am. I need to be up at 7 to get to this tournement tomorrow, so it's off to bed for this little legionnaire.


This is the only pic of the champ that didn't turn out blurry, I'll get a better one when he's had some more work done on him.












I'll post the rest of the squad and the melee cultists tomorrow.


Oh, ok then, here's a teaser. Cultist champion



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I'll write up a proper report later, but for now I'll give a summery. In my first tournement, and first adventure in competative gaming, I came 11th out of 44. Not a bad effort. I came away with 3 wins and 2 losses, as well as the award for best Chaos Marine army.


Game 1: vs Dark Angels - Victory

Game 2: vs Chaos Marines - Victory

Game 3: vs Dark Eldar - Defeat

Game 4: vs Orks - Defeat

Game 5: vs Chaos Marines - Victory.


It was no comp, so almost everyone brought the most BS lists they could come up with in 750pts, though I got lucky and only faced off against 2 such lists, the Dark Angels and the Dark Eldar. The Orks and 2 Chaos players I faced had fairly balanced lists. I was right in my guess that numbers would be my advantage, and it really was, except for the 2 lists that had enough firepower to take me apart, though if I hadn't made a few tactical mistakes I probably could have pulled victories for those 2 as well.


If I change one thing about the list, it'll be to drop the marine squad (the only time they did anything of worth was knocking the last hull point off a landraider with the champion's meltabombs), add more autogun cultists (who did surprisingly well for their 59pt cost) and maybe take another 2 Nurgle obliterators (these guys were awesome).


Considering my goal was to get a single win and not come last, I'd say I smashed my expectations with 3 wins and a best army award.

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They make excellent decoys for your important stuff. I sat them in cover within running distance of objectives and went to ground to save them for a last turn dash and they stood up to a lot of shooting, including being shot by 9 dark lances with no casualties ... until the liquifier gun showed up.


They even filled in for the melee cultists in the last game after the catastrophic results of a special scenario rule called "Virus Bomb". At the end of each game turn a D3 was rolled and the current turn number was added to it, if the total was 5+ every unit took an automatic S3 AP5 hit for EVERY model in the squad. At the end of turn 2, I lost 15 melee cultists and 6 autogun cultists to the virus bomb. All my opponent had to do was deepstrike his Nurgle sorcerer and termies in front of the unit, use Plaguewind and fire a few bolter shots and he had first blood.

The lord and 4 remaining cultists joined up and charged the termies, tied up the champion for 2 turns in a challenge with Mr Trenchcoat (the termie champ had a maul and kept rolling 1's to wound) while the 3 other cultists took the wounds and the lord ate the sorcerer and 3 other termies, before chasing the champion down.

I managed to chew through the rest of his army with the oblits who had infiltrated (that was the only game I rolled a decent trait - I managed to get Eternal Crusader against 2 non-marine players, Soulfire in a game where the lord wiped out everything he attacked in a single turn and re-roll boons in a game where he got splattered by a lascannon before he could do anything) and the deepstriking termies. Well, the virus bomb helped a little, but nowhere near as much as it had hurt me.


Mostly they acted as decoys, sponges, challenge magnets and objective cappers, but didn't do much killing. Their efforts allowed me to focus the heavy-hitters where they were needed.

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Ok, here's the rundown of my games yesterday. I'm not sure of the scoring system used in other tournments, but in this one we could score up to 20 points per game. Win/draw/loss was 15/10/5, and an extra point was scored for First Blood, Slay the Warlord, Linebreaker, killing the opponent's most expensive non-Hq unit and killing all their scoring units.


Game 1: Dark Angels


I had grudged a mate for this match, so knew off the bat what I'd be facing. He ran a landraider, a crusader, a librarian and a pair of 5-man tactical squads. Luckily for him, the first game was a Big Guns scenario, so he could just sit his landraiders on a pair of objectives and ignore most of my army. We also had a special rule that made all terrain features extra dangerous, so on a 1 and 2, and the rest of the board dangerous on a 1. He dealt with this ok, but my footsloggers took a fair amount of damage from just moving across the board, losing about 9 cultists, 6 marines and an obliterator. We could also nominate a single enemy model to suffer a curse, making the lose -1 Ws, Bs, W and hullpoint. I chose his crusader and he chose one of my oblits. I rolled Hatred for my warlord trait.


First turn practically won me the game, with my oblits destroying the crusader (killing a marine in the explosion) and immobilising the other landraider with a pair of very lucky lascannon shots. In return, he wounded the uncursed obliterator with the landraider's lascannons. Other than that I just moved towards him and his now exposed tactical squad moved out of sight of the remaining obliterator. On turn 2, my terminators dropped next to the landraider, and managed to knock off 2 more hullpoints and take out one of it's lascannons. The obliterator moved to gain line of sight to the marines and fired a plasma cannon shot, only scoring 1 kill. My marines continued to run across the board, while the lord and his escort moved towards the tactical squad. The autogun cultists moved to claim an objective and found it to be sabotaged and the cursed obliterator succumbed to the dangers of simply moving. My mate managed to thin out the melee cultists a bit with the tactical squad's flamer and the sargeant's combi-flamer, and kill a marine with a lascannon that couldn't see the remaining obliterator.

Turn 3 saw the lord and his cultists make it to melee with the tactical squad, the chaos marines attempt to get within charge range of the landraider to use their meltabomb and the other obliterator fail to hit with his lascannon shot. My lord easily killed the sargeant in a challenge, which he had to issue because the champion had been amoung the flamer victems, but the remaining cultists managed to finish off the last 2 marines. The autogun cultists who had moved to claim the objective attempted to disperse to limit the damage the sabotage could potentially inflict and lost 2 of their number to the hazards of walking, and procedded to flee the scary rocks that littlered the ground. In the Dark Angels turn, the librarian and his squad disembarked and deployed to intercept the incoming chaos marines, while turning their meltagun on the nearby terminators, killing one. Meanwhile, the landraider managed to finish off the obliterator with it's heavy bolters and kill a marine with it's lascannon.

In turn 4 the lord split from his cultists and left them to claim another objective, intent on killing the now-exposed librarian, while the termies and chaos marines moved into combat. The cultists failed to rally. The tacticals managed to kill a chaos marine with overwatch, and another with the librarian's attacks, while the terminator champion butched the sargeant in a challenge and the other terminator and marine champion managed to butcher the rest of the squad, leaving the librarian on his own with a single wound. The landraider split it's fire between the cultist squad on the objective and the lord I had foolishly left vulnerable, killing 3 cultists and the lord, who failed his Sigil save, gaining my opponent Slay the Warlord. The librarian, with nowhere to run, was trapped in a challenge with the terminator champion who promptly finished him off.

In turn 5, the cultists rallied, the terminators moved out of sight of the lascannon. The solo marine champion charged the landraider, meltabomb in hand, and managed to score a glance, knocking off it's last hullpoint and tabling my mate.


Victory to me with a full 20 points.


Game 2: Chaos Marines


There was actually a mix-up with this game due to the random opponent assignment not being so random. Originally I was put up against my first opponent again, but we pointed this out and got things sorted. I was excited by the new match-up because I wanted to see how the other Chaos players were running their armies, as a bonus my opponent had Iron Warriors, which is my other Chaos army. He took a very different approach to me, taking a landraider and vindicator, a lord with the brand and aura, a 10-man autogun cultist squad, a 5-man chaos marine squad with meltagun and rhino and an aegis with quadgun. Again, I had number on my side. The scenario this time was Purge the Alien with custum deployment rules, allowing us to start with up to 1 HQ and 2 Troops on the board, with the rest in reserve to either walk on in first turn, or deploy from reserve normally if using some other means to arrive (deepstrike) or was a flyer. Dedicated transports counted as a seperate choice. I started with my lord, his escort and the marines. My opponent deployed his lord and cultists behind his aegi line. I got to deploy first and could deploy at the half-way mark, so I did so, wanting to close the distance to melee as fast as I could. I rolled Soul Blaze for my warlord trait.


First turn I walked my cultists on, ran my lord/escort forward a full 6" and moved up with my marines, killing a cultist with their shooting. My opponent forgot to bring on his reserves, but used the brand to roast 6 cultists, while the quad-gun killed another 3. On turn 2 my terminators dropped, but scattered well out of rapid fire range. The termies and marines combined failed to get any kills, thanks to the cultists going to ground behind the aegis. In his turn, my opponent brought on the rest of his army and proceeded to lay waste to me. His landraider took out a terminator, along with his marine squad's meltagun, and his vindicator managed to kill 7 marines, both squads then fled, the terminator wouldn't rally before reaching the table edge. His lord again managed roast another 7 cultists, while the combined shooting of the cultists and quad-gun managed to cut the unit down to just the lord, who also suffered a wound from the brand.

In turn 3 the marines rallied and consolidated into cover, both obliterators arrived, the autogun cultists continued moving up, making sure to keep terrain between themselves and the vindicator, and the lord moved up ready to charge. The obliterators landed close to the big threats, though one almost scattered onto the parked rhino, stopping an inch short. He ignored it though and turned to fire his multimelta at the vindicator, destroying it. The other obliterator wasn't quite as lucky, only managing to immobilise the landraider. The surviving marines fired their bolters at the enemy marines, but failed kill any, same with the cultists.

The lord threw himself over the aegis line, taking another wound from the brand as he did so. With no challenge magnet, the lord was forced to tear apart the champion of the enemy cultists, and gaining Shred as a result. All available enemy firepower, so the marines, their rhino and the landraider, focussed their fire into a single obliterator, successfully killing him. My lord was now free to challenge the enemy lord, who now had no choice but to accept. Without the benefit of a power weapon, the enemy commander failed to inflict the final wound on my lord, while my own attacks inflicted 6 wounds in return. Seeing their master torn apart in such a way, the cultists tried to flee, but were cut down by the rampaging champion of Khorne.


In turn 4 the remaining obliterator moved within 6" of the landraider, to make the most of his twin-meltagun, while the cultists continued moving to find cover, tempting the wrath of the enemy marines as they again fired at them with no results. The obliterator failed to damage the landraider with his shooting. The lord moved back towards the enemy marines and overcome with bloodlust attempted to cover the 11" to engage them, surprisingly making the distance, where he proceded to butched the enemy champion in a challenge, gaining Witch Eater as his reward. The marines were not as easily frightened by their foe and began to circle him.

With it's lascannons unable to draw a bead on the obliterator in front of it, the landraider crew decided to finish off my marine squad instead, managing the task and earning another kill point. Like hyenas circling a lion, the Iron Warriors were no match for the lord and quickly fell under his axe.

By turn 5, The only Iron Warriors left in the fight were the crews of the rhino and landraider, both of whom could feel their deaths breathing down their necks. With barely a pause, the lord tore into the rhino, his daemon axe rending it so much scrap metal, while the obliterator destroyed his target's heavy bolters. In a final, desperate bid to deny their enemy his triumph, the landraider targetted the lord with it's lascannon, cursing as it's beam was disapated by the protective power of his Sigil.

In turn 6, everyone busied themselves with hiding from the landraider's remaining weapons as the obliterator continued his punishment of the battered vehicle, his twin-meltaguns managing to strip another hullpoint from the behemoth. With the end of the game approaching, he would not be denied his kill and slammed into the vehicle, tearing at it's front access hatch and finally managing to tear it open. Once inside, there was nothing the crew could do to stop him from destroying the

sensative equipment and effectively destroying the tank.


Victory, 19 points. I also gave this guys my 'Best Painted' vote, his Iron Warriors were simply stunning. He didn't have the awesome conversions that our own Insane Psychopath has in his Iron Warriors, but he made up for it with some of the best painted models I'm ever seen.


Game 3: Dark Eldar


I made a lot of mistakes in this game, like not deepstriking my oblits or hiding everything else to force the enemy to come and hunt me down. By turn 3 I realised what I should have done differently, and by turn 5 I had been tabled, only managing to take a single ravager and a squad of wracks with me. We played a Scourging game with Dawn of War deployment. He had a Homunculi with a liquifier gun attached to 3 trueborn with blasters in a venom, 2 units of 3 wracks in venoms, with all 3 venoms upgraded with additional splinter cannons, plus 3 ravagers with triple dark lances. He had some other vehicle gear too, but I can't remember what. I did get a moral victory though in that I lasted longer against him than any other player, except the guy the beat him. Unlike everyone else, he actually had enough firepower to deal with my numbers. There really isn't much else to tell, I did everything wrong and got punished for it. Despite the obvious and astounding defeat, I didn't concede, I made him gun down every last cultist. Those brave bastards simply refused to run away.

Oh, and I rolled Eternal Crusader for my warlord trait, so that was utterly useless. Special scenario rule was that when within 3" of an objective, any guns the models fired with had the Get's Hot! and Soulblaze rules, and anything that already had Get's Hot! got it on a 1 or 2.


Defeat, 5 points.


Game 4: Orks


As a pleasant surprise, I ended up against my other mate who was present. Unlike the other lists that were designed to be min-maxed, his list was actually reasonably balanced and it was a really close game. He had a big mek with a force field, deffdread with double skorchas (a beautiful looted riptide conversion, probably the best looking model there), 19 shootaboyz, 10 lootas, a dakkjet and a battlewagon with a deffrolla and 3 big shootas and an aegis line without a gun.. We played a Relic mission with Vanguard deployment. I again made a few mistakes and they cost me the win, plus the fact that this was the game when my dice rolls decided to turn bad. I won't blame my loss on luck though, I'll give that credit to the sheer amount of firepower he could lay down, which stripped away my cultists and brought down my lord and an obliterator by forcing dozens of saves. I rolled Eternal Crusader again for my warlord trait, go figure. I can't remember the actual scenario for this game, I think it made the effects from the relic better.

We ended up with a big scrap in the middle of the table before his boyz got a chance to break away and made for my deployment zone with the relic, avoiding the termies I'd dropped behind them to cut them off and pick them apart with bolter fire and the obliterator. Instead of trying to chase them, I should have sent the termies into his deployment zone to take out the lootas and get Linebreaker. I had no way of catching them, and my obliterator wasn't quick enough to intercept them before they made into into my zone. By that stage I only had the 4 models left, so simply didn't have the numbers to finish off the boyz and the relic made him fearless so I couldn't make them flee from my shooting. I also made the mistake of trying to death or glory the battlewagon with my marine champion's meltabombs, which only managed to take off a heavy bolter. I should have saved him for an actual charge against it, rather than throw him away like that.


Defeat, 7 points.


Game 5: Chaos Marines


I actually felt kind of bad about this one. The guy I was playing was new to Chaos and was still learning his way around the list. He also used to be a staff member at my local GW and is a great guy, the friendliest staff member I'm ever met (and not that fake friendlyness they use to drum up sales, the genuine kind, and everyone I know loves him), so I felt bad about how brutally I beat him. I feel bad just typing it up now. This is the game I mentioned in the above post, with the funky 'Virus Bomb' rule. We played Battleforce Recon (from the big rulebook, which only 1 person brought, everyone else had the little DV book, which made things a little awkward).

My opponent had a Nurgle sorcerer in terminator armour, 4 Nurgle terminators, 2 units of 10 Nurgle cultists with 5 autoguns in each squad, 7 Nurgle marines with a plasmagun and a plasma pistol on the champ and 5 Nurgle havocs with 4 plasmaguns.

I rolled Master of Deception for my trait, finally something useful! I got to infiltrate both oblits halfway up the board.


I failed to sieze iniative, which didn't really matter since apart from my oblits, everything ran on both sides so no shooting happened. Every other model had at most 24" range and we had to deploy within 12" of opposite corners, so a lot of running took place in turns 1 and 2. My oblits both fired plasma cannons and managed to drop 3 marines from the 7-man squad. We didn't get hit by the virus on turn 1, but on turn 2 it really hit my cultists, killing 15 from the lord's escort and 6 from the other squad. He lost something like 2 cultists, thanks to his increased toughness. Neither of our termies arrived on turn 2, so the only real shooting was again the oblits who both laid into the same marine squad with twin plasmaguns and killed another 2. The champion and plasma gunner stuck around.

On turn 3 both our termies showed up and did the exact same thing, dropped right in front of the enemy army to prevent them going for the objectives. His sorcerer cast Plaguewind on my lord's squad, and the termies rapid fired their bolters except for 1 combimelta, killing the last 4 cultists and almost instant-killing the lord. Luckily the Sigil saved me, barely. My own termies fired their meltas at the havocs and killed 2 of them. Before that his havocs managed to wound one of the oblits.

My lord joined up with the autogun cultists and charged the terminators, losing 1 to overwatch. My champion issued a challenge and his champion accepted, and despite hitting on 3+ and killing on 2+, my champion managed to survive. The lord managed to hurt himself with his daemon weapon and only ended up killing 2 terminators, while the sorcerer and the remaining termie killed my remaining 2 cultists.

This turn the virus did nothing to me and killed 2 of his havocs and 7 cultists, leaving him with 3 in one squad and 8 in the other.

In turn 4 he tried to take out the termies, firing 5 plasma shots from his remaining havocs and marines, but only killing 1 termie. His larger unit of cultists also tried to help, but failed to wound. My cultist champion survived another round in his challenge while the lord made up for last turns mishap by gaining an extra 6 attacks, easily slaughtering the remaining terminator and the sorcerer. The champion failed his morale check as was chased down. In my turn, my marines still weren't in range of anything they could see and couldn't see anything they were in range of, so while my lord and his little buddy made their way towards the 3 cultists sitting on an objective, my termies opened fire on the marines, doing nothing. One obliterator fired his assault cannon at the cultists, killing 3 and making them run, and theother killed the final havoc with a melta shot. The termies then charged the marines, the champions laying into each other with no result while the other terminator killed his opponent. The champion then fled.


That's when he conceded defeat. He had 8 cultists, 5 of whom were fleeing and in the sights of both oblits, and another 3 in imminant danger from my lord, and a single marine champion who probably wouldn't rally before hitting the board edge. I still had my lord, 2 termies, 2 oblits, a cultist champ and 10 marines. There was no question that he was dead next turn, and in return for conceding he let me have Linebreaker, which I would have got on my next turn anyway when I would be walking the termies into his deployment zone. The game only lasted about 15 minutes.


Victory, 19 points.


Total: 70 points, 11th out of 44. If I'd managed to deny the Orks linebreaker in game 4 and got it myself, I would have forced a draw as I was contesting the relic. That would have scored me another 5 points and put me in 9th place, gaining me a top 10 rank in my first tournement. As it was, the TO actually left my 7 points from game 4 out of the total, announcing me in 18th place with 63 points. After I checked his results and pointed out the mistake he fixed it and bumped me to my proper place.


Next time, I aim for 3rd place.

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Well, it's been about a week since my last update, so I figure I should talk about what's new. With what Mali said about Black Legion not having access to the artifacts from the main codex (and because Master of Deception was the only useful warlord trait I rolled during my tournament last sunday), I decided to change the lord into a counts-as Huron. He now has his pistol arm replaced with the 4-fingered claw from the warp talons kit, with the top of one of the flagelant's torches so he looks as though he's holding the flames. I've also used the top of the Khorne icon from the Chaos marine kit to make his sigil.


I'm not entirely sure what to do for the Hamaldraya, but I have an idea I'd like to try. Until it's done, or if I prove to be a lazy bugger or forget about it, I'll just use the familiar from the terminator lord kit.


I've also added a unit of mutated raptors, giving each of them an arm from the possessed kit, 3 of them have possessed heads, 1 has the Slaaneshii champion head from the marines kit and the last guy has a head from the old mutations sprue, the one with 2 faces merged together. I had to improvise some legs for the champion, since I used a pair of raptor legs on the second plasma gunner in the marine unit. The champion has a combi-melta and they also have a pair of meltaguns. They all also have a Khorne shoulder pad on their left shoulder, though one guy missed out on the Khornate champion shoulder pad from the marines kit and has to make do with a bezerker pad, hopefully it doesn't stand out too much. These guys will help the termies out in their tank hunting duties.


Tomorrow I'll begin work on another 4 Chaos marines, a champion and 3 plebs, so I can split the existing marine unit in half and run a pair of 7-man units. Not ideal, but it's just until I can get my hands on 2 more plasma guns, at which point I'll bump them both to 10-man. I may even run them as Slaaneshii marines. I'm thinking of adding some Tzeentch markings to the termies to round out the pantheon. I'm also looking at ordering a set of FW Death Guard termie bits and redoing the Oblits.


And finally, I've started painting my daemon prince in Black Legion colours, for those times I want a flying prince instead of Huron. Since these guys will most likely be used primarily as allies for my Iron Warriors, I'm going to restrict myself for now to the allied slots, which I've now filled. Once I'm done with the cultists, hopefully they'll look neutral enough to be used by either legion, while the beastmen will sit out until I can get my counts-as Khârn done.


Speaking of beastmen, I realise I haven't posted a picture of them yet, so here's a group shot from last Sunday. It's not the best quality, but hey, I'm not a very good photographer.




Not sure when I'll have the money to pick up new models, but when I do I'll be getting myself a heldrake. No idea yet how I'm going to put it together as I've seen so many awesome conversions, but I'm leaning towards a squid design I saw over in the WIP forum. I can't remember the thread name, but it was a Dark Mech force with lots of wicked creations. I might steal a few ideas from it.


Anyway, I'll get some pics of the new additions up once I've slapped a bit of paint on them. Hopefully that will be by the end of this week. Oh, and sorry AA about the facebook pictures, it's just easiest to manage that way.

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