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Adeptus Mechanicus Rumor on Natfka


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I know it's just a rumor, and that Natfka tends to put up everything, well founded or not, but:




If this turns out to be true (big if), it's possible we might see something like guard, where they could ally with chaos factions to represent Dark Mechanicus? Could be interesting.

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From 2002 to 2012, I was in the Army and wanted for nothing that was new and shiny.  Now that I'm a poor college student and can't afford to buy new stuff, GW is going to release my favorite Imperial subfaction ever as a new army.  Great timing.

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Well, it is a long distance rumor, supposedly not coming out until every faction has a 6e book (not sure if latter day 5e books count), so you should have a year or two to save up.


Again, assuming this rumor is true.  Heck, even if it is true that they're planning to do this now, a couple years is a long time, and plans could easily change.

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Actually I am interested in only one thing. Mechanicus Knights as Troops. Yes, a small, uberelite' army with 200+ points per model. I want to field a proper Knight House and I really hope that the book or the supplement will allow me to do that. As for my Chaos if the Mechanicus proves to be an ally I might consider a sort of Traitor Knight maniple, just to cut with the boring Obliterator spam. 

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Ok I would absolutely love this! Would love some Dark Mechanicus to go along with my Iron Warriors. Give me some Knight Houses!


Having said that. I personally think this is rubbish! Forgeworld have got there hands on the Mechanicus. Why in the world would they make 2 product lines for the same faction within the same time frame? New faction? Yes I can believe that but I don't believe it's the Mechanicus.


Someone please prove me wrong! Lol

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Mostly because FW doesn't have all that much going on the mechanicus.  certainly less then they've got going for Space Marine legions, and yet GW produces several marine factions at the same time.  I'd be more skeptical if someone told me GW were going to do a chaos dwarf army, but a mechanicus line seems within the realm of possibility, especially with knight-titan sized models already running around in other regular 40k lists these days.

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You know what, that could be a sprue for the rumoured 40k inquisitor game. If that rumour is true then they would have all kinds of Blanchey stuff in there...amongst them, mechanicus...

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You know what, that could be a sprue for the rumoured 40k inquisitor game. If that rumour is true then they would have all kinds of Blanchey stuff in there...amongst them, mechanicus...


Indeed, I was thinking this.


The baroqu inquisitor game may test the water for reception of mechanicus models.

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It certainly could be a sprue for that game.  Sadly, that game seems to be an 'all out of the box' board gamish type deal a la dreadfleet or Space Hulk rather than an actual skirmish based minis game with customizable lists a la a 40k Mordheim (yeah, I know, there's necromunda, but I find that game lacking for a number of reasons I won't get into).


Anyway, I certainly hope its something more.  A new non-marine faction would certainly be cool, and a lot of people have been hoping for the mechanicus to get more coverage in general for a long time.  And we are dropping a marine faction as of the reabsorption of Templars into the Space Marine book, so it's certainly possible (shame dark and blood angels didn't get pulled along for the ride - neither of them are so distinct that they couldn't have been done as a legion rule, a couple special characters or unique units, and an eventual supplement - in fact, I'd argue Templars were more divergent than they were, rules wise).

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