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Return to the B&C

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Hello there!

After a long break, in which I had many complications and distractions from the hobby, I have decided to come back to my favourite online smorgasbord of grim-dark goodness. I doubt many people will remember me, but I mainly perused the Liber (ducking and dodging the legendary bowling balls of Octavulg and chums) and ogled the various PCA forums. With the aid of the excellent gents over there (the afore-mentioned and truly legendary Octavulg, the luscious Ace Debonair, the fiery Phoros, and the exquisite Normish), I managed to write or begin writing several IAs (namely the Myrmidons and Knights Valiant, later called the Infernal Guardians) and took part in the Liber's very own DIY campaign. I am sorry if my inactivity has caused any issues in the latter regard, but, if the project is still going on, I will be more than eager to get back stuck in.

I suppose I should provide some background to my hobby. My interest in 40k started back in 2004, but I began my collection in 2007 and proceeded to lurk on the B&C during 2008. I managed to accrue and construct a force of Daemonhunters with some Blood Angels on the side, and then began work on my current (and worryingly substantial) force of Vanilla marines. Whilst I have been out of the loop for a year or so (probably longer actually), I have been keeping up with the hobby scene. Now that I am on my way to university, with five or six years of solid exams fully out of the way, I can manage my hobby on my own terms. I am glad to be back on the B&C, which I recall as being a very large, yet intimate community.

~ Porridge. laugh.png

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Yep, I remember you from the halls of the Liber! Concerning the DIY campaign, there's a new one that was launched about two months ago so you may be able to secure yourself a role for the latter parts of the campaign smile.png

Anyway, nice to see you around again and I hope that the B&C hasn't changed too much since your last visit (except the obvious software and skin changes)!

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Thanks, Messor and dswanick!

Yep, I remember you from the halls of the Liber! Concerning the DIY campaign, there's a new one that was launched about two months ago so you may be able to secure yourself a role for the latter parts of the campaign smile.png

Anyway, nice to see you around again and I hope that the B&C hasn't changed too much since your last visit (except the obvious software and skin changes)!

Heya, nice to see you again! Thanks for the heads-up about the campaign, I'll take a peak to see if I could bribe steal "acquire" a place if my writing is up to it. I like the face-lift that the site has undergone. :)

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