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My Celestial lions (new project to be soon started)


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On returning to Elysium IX, the remaining lions led by their new master convened a council of war to discuss how they would begin to plan and replenish their decimated numbers and how to insure that such a tragedy would never again befall their majestic chapter.


The pride council, what was left, all agreed they needed aid from their brothers of war. They sent emissaries to those chapters they believed likely to aid them. Of all the chapters they sent word to, only a few responded. Of those only 2 sent more than just promises and words of aid. The honourable Black Templars which had already done so much, sent more apothecaries to assist in the medical needs and training of new medical staff, and some weapons and armour to help defend themselves.


The other chapter to respond fully was the Sons of Russ. On reading the accounts of Lord Ekene and the other members of the Pride Council about the atrocity that had transpired on Armageddon and in feeling that in the Lions, the Sons of Russ had found kindred spirits of honour and mistrust in the Inquisition, Lord Grimnar  himself sent one of his wolf lords and a contingent of warriors to assist the Lions in whatever manner they could. This Wolf Lord Raigus brought with him not only warriors to help trains the new Lions but also Iron priests to help forge the Lions new armoury and Rune priests to help lead the Lions to new heights to psychic defence if ever their paths crossed that of the inquisition again.


Spending many decades and more with the Wolves, Lord Ekene and his council learned more than just friendship and Honour amoung these Wolves, they learned of how Lord Grimnar followed his own tenants about the composition of his chapter and not those set down in the Codex Astartes. On fully learning and understanding how the Wolves composition could lend itself to what remained of the Lions forces and newer recruits, they remoulded their battle formation to mirror that of the Wolves, in doing so the believed this would help them take to the stars sooner to bring honour and glory and redemption to the Chapter that is the Celestial Lions.


It has been many centuries since the Lions could send anything but a expeditionary force out from their home world, but know the Pride Council believe the time has come for the Lions to forge anew the name of the Celestial Lions. Under the commander of a Young Pride lord, one Khenator Rhan, who has shown great promise and purpose to the council, a company has been sent to join the fight against the enemies of The Emperor. He leaves with the words of his Chapter Master held close to his soul


        "Lead well your pride brothers my son, Forge anew the glory or the lions. Prove to those doubting the honour of our fallen. By blood and by Deed you shall roar into the stars and bring fear to our enemies. Take justice, vengeance and redemption to those deserving of it. GLORY TO THE LIONS"


That's a small bit of blurb for my new upcoming army. Stay tuned to see the army take shape........


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Cheers mate. I will periodically update how Khen and his warriors are getting on. As it stands, he will be leading his men in the for with a personalised suit of terminator armour and wielding a pair of significantly updated pair of wolf claws. I will add pics and fluff regarding him and his captains soon. each warrior in the force is named and each model will represent this.

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