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Angels of Absolution - Should I reverse the logo?

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So I'm starting to get my first Angels of Absolution bikers finished, and I'm looking at printing off some transfers.


In case you're wondering, this is the angels of absolution logo:




As you can see, it is asymmetrical. Most troops will wear it on the left shoulder, where it will have the skull to the front and the wings trailing behind it.


But I've been assembling my bikers with the moulded Ravenwing shoulder pads, which look like this:




Naturally you want the sword at the front and the wings at the back, so I have assembled them with this as the left shoulder pad and a blank right shoulder pad.


So I'm wondering what to do with the right pad, I don't think its going to look good with the wings at the front and the skull at the back, so should I reverse it. I know real military uniforms often reverse flags when worn on the right shoulder, like this:




The idea is the flag is trailing behind the soldier as he advances.


Is this something any of you have done before, did people "get it" or did it just raise further questions?


Also I made the mistake of gluing the first attack bike gunner in place, so whichever way around I do it its going to be a pain in the arse getting his shoulder pad done, fortunately I realised my mistake before I glued the land speeder crew in place.

Since the Ravenwing symbol is a Dark Angels company Symbol and although successor chapters have similar formations, they are not called the Ravenwing and would not use the Ravenwing company symbol. What this means is, go ahead and put your chapter symbol in the correct place and devise a way of denoting your 2nd company.






I think the reasoning for the reversed flags on the different shoulders of military uniforms is dumb, but that's real world. If you want to do it for a fictional sci-fi setting, have at it.

I'm using some of the Dark Vengeance models which have the Ravenwing logos, I didn't feel like filing them off so for consistency I have decided to use the Ravenwing logo on the left pad like Dark Angels. I figure since the colours are reversed (it is a black wing on a bone-white background) it can be representative of a differently named company (nothing has sprung to mind thus far).


This also leaves a bunch of Dark Angels logos all over the place, but I figured since the Unforgiven are much closer than other first founding chapters and their successors, it is paying reverence to their parent legion and a subtle nod to the "Legion Building" that the Dark Angels practice behind closed doors.


This problem also arises with Terminators, which traditionally have the Crux Terminatus on the left shoulder and chapter icon on the right.

After a pretty thorough google image search, i've found this blog




Where the symbol was not reversed. As for bikers, the only image I found had the Chapter symbol on the top of the front wheel and the (models right) shoulder empty.




It would probably look pretty neat if you reverse it and put it on the right shoulder. However, are you going to come up with a way to designate the 1st Company? What if you put a downward sword through the skull?


I also use the Ravenwing symbol on my 2nd Company (as well as the winged broken sword for my 1st Company), but in bone.


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