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Can skimmers be assaulted by ground troops?

Crazy Jay

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Can skimmers be assaulted in the assault phase by ground troops? The specific example is me having DW Terminators (w/ Belial) against a Necron Monolith. I was told I can't because its a flyer. I looked in the codex and its listed as Heavy, Tank and Skimmer. Thoughts.
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The person that told you that should get a copy of the 6th edition rule book. A very, very long time ago (3rd edition I think it was) ground troops couldn't assault skimmers, but that cheese has been gone for years,

In third edition, skimmers could only be hit on a 6, which is better than nothing smile.png Going further back, in second edition they could only be hit in hand-to-hand combat if they had landed, but the rules didn't appear to give any incentive to do this (other than if you crash), so that made skimmers essentially unattackable in hand-to-hand combat. The rules in the Vehicle Manual for Rogue Trader essentially don't differ from those in second edition in this respect, except that skimmers may attack each other in hand-to-hand combat (remember that in first and second editions, bikes were vehicles).
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... Going further back, in second edition they could only be hit in hand-to-hand combat if they had landed, but the rules didn't appear to give any incentive to do this ...

I recall once reading a second hand account of a battle report where one of the players landed his speeder so the gunner could disembark to grab an objective. I could see it having meaning if you were doing 'narrative' stuff like they thought most people did.

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