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Disc of Tzeentch Sorcerer

Noctus Cornix

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So recently when I purchased a large Chaos Army from a guy in my local area, I obtained with it a Disc of Tzeentch along with some other goodies.


Now, my question is what is worth putting on a disc of tzeentch. What would you give a sorcerer on this kind of stuff. I was thinking of making him a Black Legion guy so if your suggestion concerns the BL supplement, I'm all ears.

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The Disc of Tzeentch is effectively a jetbike that also gives +1 attack. Remember in the main rulebook that bikes AND JETBIKES grant an additional toughness characteristic so your guy will indeed be T5. A lot of people forget that because it's not explicitly stated in the Disc of Tzeentch section in the CSM codex.


Basically, it turns your guy into a straight baller.


As for wargear, I have a few conflicting thoughts on how to properly gear him up beside that. You've got t5 and if you also go with a Sigil of Corruption, you could safely run around with a force axe and clobber terminators without risk of instant death due to power fists. I mean, you get your choice of power weapon for free so you determine which type you'd like to go to. Being a jetbike means you can pretty much avoid close combat with anything you don't want punching your dude, too, as you get to move over units and even impassable terrain if you want.


...I think I might need to go do this now actually. I always overlooked it because I was among those that forgot Jetbike also adds +1 toughness to the model.

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So Tzeentch Sorcerer with a Sigil and Force Axe? Sounds like it would be fairly cheep and useful.


And, just to make him better, atleast make sure he's lvl 2 to give him a power in Biomancy and hope for Iron Arm.


I'm liking this guy already...

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I'd straight go Mastery 3, but I like dumping lots of points into my HQ guys because it makes them feel that much more epic and it makes it that much more nail-biting when they run into a scary situation.


But yeah, at least Mastery 2. Biomancy gives you all sorts of fun stuff for this guy. At worst, you roll Haemorrhage and decide to primaris out. I'd probably keep Warp Speed even with a Power Axe simply because more attacks never hurt nobody but your enemies and fleet is always fun.


Another thought would be simply to use the jetbike to help him position mindbullets better, and forego giving him anything that ups his invuln save. He'll be sitting on a moderate cover save against shooting due to Jink. It's a point-skimming option for when that's necessary, at least.


I just noticed in the rules a chaos lord can also take a Disc. I am going to toy around with options here til I come up with something silly and get a cool idea for future conversions.

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Could do Chaos Lord/Sorcerer on Disc with the Cruicible of Lies, -1 Toughness, reroll 1s on invulnerable saves.


Could do a Sorcerer ML3, Disc, and Last Memories. Mobile platform with ability to do a 18" nova. I would run him in either bikes or spawn.

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Same thing can be done with Crucible of Lies and a bike for slightly cheaper than disc. The toughness 4 worries me though. I do want to try a Lord, Disc, Mark of Tzeentch, Sigil, Crucible, and Spineshiver Sword (Daemon weapon that adds +1 to Int.) *No mention about swapping weapons for artefacts or how many you can take. So, if you wanted to go all out, take everything. . .


Other one, while expensive, ML3 Prince with Memories and the Skull of Ker'ngar. Have a ML4 Psyker with Eternal Warrior and Adamantium Will. Anything not ML4 is a 3+ Deny the Witch I believe, might be getting the modifiers wrong though.


I'd say proxy the disc in a couple of games before committing to glue. Or even better, magnetize the different weapons.

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I have 0 idea what the "crucible of lies" and "last memories" are. Is this something out of the Chaos Daemons codex? Out of the Black Legion supplement?


I am genuinely confused because I don't see anything in Codex: Chaos Space Marines for either of those.

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Sorry about that. Yes, they are artefacts in the Black Legion supplement. I think the Black Legion book has better artefacts for Tzeentch than the regular codex. You can Google reviews on the supplement, most of them have the artefacts listed. Only thing not there are point costs.


Here, made it easier. http://daemons40k.blogspot.com/2013/08/notes-on-black-legion-artefacts.html?m=1

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I haven't used my sorcerer on disk yet.  When I built him I was so hoping I could stick him in a unit of Screamers, but well that's no good.


When I do, I figure he'll have an axe and most of his powers will be biomancy.  Probably stick him in with my spawn to give him some meatshield.

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I'd straight go Mastery 3, but I like dumping lots of points into my HQ guys because it makes them feel that much more epic and it makes it that much more nail-biting when they run into a scary situation.


But yeah, at least Mastery 2. Biomancy gives you all sorts of fun stuff for this guy. At worst, you roll Haemorrhage and decide to primaris out. I'd probably keep Warp Speed even with a Power Axe simply because more attacks never hurt nobody but your enemies and fleet is always fun.


Another thought would be simply to use the jetbike to help him position mindbullets better, and forego giving him anything that ups his invuln save. He'll be sitting on a moderate cover save against shooting due to Jink. It's a point-skimming option for when that's necessary, at least.


I just noticed in the rules a chaos lord can also take a Disc. I am going to toy around with options here til I come up with something silly and get a cool idea for future conversions.

If you like dumping lots of points into your HQ, give him the scrolls as well, you are only wounded on a 6 and have a 3++ makes for crazy fun.\

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I give the Scrolls of Magnus to my Chaos Lord. Ever seen a Chaos Lord with the Murder Sword manage to get Warp Speed? It's like Christmas. Turning things that aren't supposed to be psykers into psykers is great fun.

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I give the Scrolls of Magnus to my Chaos Lord. Ever seen a Chaos Lord with the Murder Sword manage to get Warp Speed? It's like Christmas. Turning things that aren't supposed to be psykers into psykers is great fun.


Considered that, but only having ML1 is the killer for me.


If you roll a 2 warp charge power, you have to reroll, and then take another wound...It just seems like it could go wrong.

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It's only an S3 hit and if you're on a disc, you'll be sitting at T5. You'll only wound yourself on a roll of 6 and then a subsequent roll of 1 or 2 (assuming you bring a Sigil like I do.) Wounding yourself with it if you're on the disc is basically a Gets Hot roll.


Even if you were Psyker mastery 2 or better, if you roll a power with warp charge 2 using the scrolls, you have to reroll it. "Then, randomly generate a power from that discipline as if you were rolling for a Mastery Level 1 Psyker with the exception you cannot swap to the Primaris Power."


The scrolls of Magnus were designed so you could make your non-psyker HQ choices a Psyker to go with a really Tzeentch themed list with every last guy. Also because you're only mastery level 1, you'll find that you only need to roll on it once or twice before you get the power you'll want to end up using every turn for the rest of the game.

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