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So, CSM vs SM in the WD report. What you think? *SPOILERS*


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*Spoilers* don't continue if you don't want to know the final out come. 







Didn't read the entire thing. Saw some pics on the Interent, (not sure if link can shown) For those who saw the "leaks" of Sept WD, what do you think of Chaos beating the SM in their own "debut"?

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I am not sure if we can post links here. Not sure if B&C will object for posting IP stuff in a WD that hasn't been released yet. 


I saw a link on DakkaDakka, talking about it. Sorry for not posting a link, just don't want to get in trouble. I can't remember

which sites allow what anymore. 

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I am not sure if we can post links here. Not sure if B&C will object for posting IP stuff in a WD that hasn't been released yet. 


I saw a link on DakkaDakka, talking about it. Sorry for not posting a link, just don't want to get in trouble. I can't remember

which sites allow what anymore. 


Don't post a word for word copy paste job.

You can post the outcome and basic details, make sure to use the spoiler tags.

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Pics are small, skimmed through it. When feeling better will try and read everything. Basically the ending is 



Something like, Object unclaimed, CSM win minor victory.



I am still surprised they

Went the way that Tyranids did on their codex release. Loose. I guess there 

goes that SM never loose.


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It was nurgle with DP, bearers and brute Vs. Templars with stern, centurions and the new missile tank (hunter?). CSM won minor victory due to uncontested.3VP marker.

Centurions looked good, new kits look amazing IMO. fun battle, realistic result.



Can I repost a Baidu link here for the article?

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Those poor Black Templars...


First they get rolled into the vanilla codex, then, when other major chapters get a special edition cover with a cool-pose guy on the front, the Black Templars have a guy staring up at an Ultramarine symbol (and the Black Templar symbol is at the bottom of all the other chapter symbols), then, they lose in the WD battle report in the issue that's supposed to big-up the new codex.


No respect for those guys, I tell you what.

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I'm more interested in the:




And this:




New Forge World Word Bearers just around the corner?

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I have to admit I looked at the lists and went lolwhut? Only single special weapons on the plague marines, and a sub optimal prince. Then he rolled dark apotheosis and said it was an immense boon, and I laughed and laughed....


I think marines with someone who knows what they are doing will be a tough matchup for csm.

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Then he rolled dark apotheosis and said it was an immense boon, and I laughed and laughed....


Well, considering that he said his Lord was on his last wound and close to handing out 1VP if he was slain, I think in this case it was indeed an immense boon. Especially if you consider, that the extra VP for the SMs would've turned the game into a draw.

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Part of the problem with the WD battle reports these days is the face they try to make a "cinematic" or "narrative" event for the magazine. It happened with the Dark Angels in that they just tried to cram in all the new units even though some of them were utter ****. Especially true if all the new units are not totally synergised with each other. Dark Angels managed to bag a win since half the units having prefered enemy against csm but picking a nuts n bolts list (looking at what was included it wasn't optimized or even fluffy) is just asking to get spanked. 

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I think the different take on the armor is to show he is not a true Astartes. Hopefully the same will be true when they make Luther.


Both look awesome, I just read the First Heretic and I'd get them.

Good god they look amazing! Kor Phaerons expression says it all for me he looks like and evil sod. I really like that armour as I think it highlights that he is not a true Astartes.


The battle report? Meh. It's been said before that the reports make no sense most the time and they try for cinematic but it just doesn't translate like that. An army fighting tactically and cleverly is a good game not a derp-charge that fails. I want to see how they *actually* play not how you think they should play. If you think they should play like that the points and rules should reflect it.

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Depends who's playing who with them as well. I've found that anyone from WD tends to go derp-tastic and attempt to sell as many new kits as possible whilst someone from games development tries to highlight list synergy and how units play as a cohesive whole 

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I agree totally. It was the January issue from this year when they started going off track, even to the point of completely scrubbing the points values and just going with a "models" basis. Which to me is a complete crock of **** because let's face it, a significant number of people want to read how a battle actually pans out, between two armies matched in points.


Makes me miss the old days really. I still have an issue, forget the number, from the Eldar release in 3rd ed and that particular BR, was everything you'd ever want. It had well constructed lists even accounting for new units, it had a good narrative and was actually written in a narrative format rather than the garbage we get now. Think they missed a trick with the format, could have done a narrative battle report and then kept the players perspective to the end

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I know it wasnt fully optimaised lists, but the BA report against DE was a really great cinematic report, also the BA versus CSM report - I still read them.


My favourite report is the one JJ ran over 3 tables - it included arial reconnaisance, ork shennanigans and plenty of experimental rules made up for that game that were hard to make work. It was fun and fluffy and really great and that's what I want to see more of.

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In all honesty I think that the narrative style isn't a bad marketing decision by GW.


Their sole real goal is to sell models, it doesn't matter how awful they are gameplay wise.


By hiding points costs and adding narrative elements they hide the gaping flaws in the rules

and prevent you from getting a sneak peek at the points costs of the new units/upgrades,

thus making you buy the codex.


Essentially GW have by this point probably realised just how full of holes the 6th edition

rules are.  In order to hide that fact, they gloss over the cracks with "narration" - "sure that

Carnifex can smash through a gatehouse and open it up.  It's not in the rules but we're not

playing a game strictly by the rules, we're telling a story."


With regards the army selection - there must be at least 1 of each of the new units on the table,

unless that unit is so poor that it will certainly look bad (Mutilators for example) which might hurt

its sales.  It is then the job of the opponent to intentionally field a sub-optimal army so the new

stuff has the best opportunity to look good.


In this case (laughably I might add) the new Vanilla Marines still managed to be undone by a

Chaos Marine Army of all things.  Now I love my Iron Warriors, but the Chaos Marine Codex

isn't anywhere near top-tier (or middle-tier for that matter) from a competitive standpoint.  So

GW managed to shoot themselves in the foot.  Or did they?


Recently, the quantity of vitriol directed at the Chaos Marine Codex has been impressive, even

for us Chaos Players (who thanks to the abomination that was the last codex, should be well used

to being given urine and told that it's wine).  Could it be that having the Chaos Marines win is an

attempt to show us that our codex isn't the dirt-pile that we think it is?


Just food for thought.


I'll be interested to actually read this "Battle Report" when my WD arrives.  I usually gloss over

them because they bear no resemblance to a normal game of 40k.  But it might be interesting to

tear it apart and work out just how the new Shiny-Shiny got beaten by the army GW usually treads

into the mud.

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Damn13n is right in all. WD goal is not to show actual game play. For that GW has forums , youtube etc which is done for free . WD stoped being a gamers magazine years ago[where years are more then a decade . feel so old now] and is a big add now. New guy starts to play and what he sees , models which are painted better then he can, "awesome" stuff , he may even decide that army X is the bomb because of such an article . What happnes after he actualy buys is , isn't GW problem . As an advertisment the "battle raports" are ok .

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