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Berzerker Rush


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Probably a suicidal idea but would Khorne berzerkers Rushing in 3 or 4 Land raiders still be of any use? I mean it would be funny but I wonder if it would be a viable option for 3 x 10 man squads in land raiders and 1 x 9man strong squad with Khârn all in 4 land raiders supported by 1 or 2 heldrakes.

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Suicidal? Probably.  Freakin bad-a$$?  Definitely.  I would simultaneously loathe and love to see this across the table from me.  I once wrote a Blood Angel list that was 3 assault squads in land raiders flanked by 2 AC Predators and 2 Baal Predators....Do it.  The Blood God commands it!

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lol this is TRUE, i'm going to play a tournament just for the kick of having a KHORNE Army lol...rush!!!!



This is the list I will be running in a coming up tournament


+ HQ + (160pts)

* Khârn the Betrayer (160pts)


+ Troops + (581pts)

* Khorne Berzerkers (Troops) 200pts

9x Khorne Berzerkers, Berzerker Champion


* Khorne Berzerkers (Troops) (200pts)

(Fearless, Furious Charge, Mark of Khorne)

Berzerker Champion (29pts), 9x Khorne Berzerker (171pts)


* Khorne Berzerkers (Troops) (181pts)

(Fearless, Furious Charge, Mark of Khorne)

8x Khorne Berzerker (152pts)

* Berzerker Champion (29pts)

Bolt Pistol, CCW


+ Fast Attack + (419pts)

* Chaos Bikers (249pts)

6x Chaos Biker (120pts), Mark of Nurgle (42pts), 2x Meltagun (20pts), Veteran of the Long War (7pts)

* Chaos Biker Champion (60pts)

(Champion of Chaos)

Bolt Pistol, Melta Bombs (5pts), Power Fist (25pts)


* Heldrake (170pts)

(Daemon, Daemonforge, It Will Not Die, Meteroric Descent)



+ Heavy Support + (690pts)

* Chaos Land Raider (230pts)

(Assault Vehicle, Transport 10 models)


* Chaos Land Raider (230pts)

(Assault Vehicle, Transport 10 models)


* Chaos Land Raider (230pts)

(Assault Vehicle, Transport 10 models)

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WHY would u take 6 nurgle bikers?, take 7 with mok ,iow , 2 meltas and attach them to a biker axe lord, Khârn is good but better mobility and better sustain at the same cost and efficiency is moar better and moar fluffy.

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There is 7, battle scribe counts the champ as a seperate unit. My champ has a powerfist because I love the instant death it can cause against leaders with t4. Lol


But I see whatcha mean. I just love my nurgle bikers. I may throw in MOK

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I field 2 squads of 20 footslogging Berzerkers and 20 csm. Yes, they are vulnerable, but I hate when LR blows due to lucky lascannon or melta shot, so I prefer taking 10 more Berzerkers. Not a competitive army to say the leat, but I love facing green tide orks with it, and there's nothing better in the game for me than reaching gunline and slaughtering everything in opponents deployment zone.
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oh yea, that would make them have to deal with ya haha. Honestly the bikers are the X factor (well besides the heldrake) because, no matter what Mark they have, they will be drawing fire from the berzerkers. Or they will punish the enemy for ignoring them. One way or another it is going to be fun. I'll let you guys know the result after Saturday for the tourney on that.

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So Wound up going 2-1 today at the tourney. finished 3rd (guy who beat me came in 2nd). It was a blast and was hilarious to see my opponents eyes on the first match(Eldar with 3 serpents, full of wraith guard d-scythes, Wraith Knight and some iyandon seers) was able to get into assault range quick and glanced most of the vehicles to death by round 3 and assaulted the troops with my berserkers and bikes (dirge Casters saved me here). 2nd Game was against another Eldar player who had prisms and serpents....mopped me up pretty good. 3rd was against a Tau army, that was a tough game but managed to finish him off by turn 6.


All in all I had a blast with this army and really enjoyed the tourney.

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