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Plasma V Storm Shields...worth it?

Boris The Spider

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Title says it all really;


Is it worth spending the points on plasma weapons when facing a lot of Storm Shields? (of the Terminator variety)


I'm thinking no because the points saved could be put either on more dakka or more bodies...but, I'm curious and I want to put the question to you, Brothers!


I'm gonna find out how much points I'll save when I get the time to sit down with my list but in the meantime, your opinion would be appreciated :)

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You could mathhammer it out, and the answer to your question that you would arrive at would depend if you had the bodies with bolters or other instruments of less flashy dakka to fill the spaces left by the plasma guns.


Theoretically, to get us started it should take 18 bs4 bolter shots to kill a shieldminator, whereas with plasma guns it only takes 6ish bs4 shots. Thus, if you can find a system that delivers you more than 3 S4 shots for the cost of a plasma marine, it is more points effective to go with that system considering it will be used vs 3++ termies. 


Practically, you need to keep in mind the utility plasma offers vs other targets, and that it is good to have an equilibrium between the plasma and its substitute (replace half of your plasma guns with more than 3 S4 shots, for instance) for many reasons, one of which is redundancy should probability go all grimdark and eat your mother. 

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Plasma essentially takes the terminator from a 2+ save to a 3+ save. 


Still, 6 Plasma shots to kill 1 terminator is too high, in my opinion. That's more than most squads can achieve.


However, most squads can achieve 18 S4 bolter shots (tactical squad, 170pts).


Compare that to a 3 plasma honour guard, which comes to ~ 160pts. The Tac marines kill just as many, but have more wounds.


I'd go with weight of fire, accompanied by special weapons.


For terminators and MEQ, I have a 10 man tactical squad with plasma, plasma cannon, maybe a  combi plasma, for 185/195 pts.

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