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No idea what army to make.


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I have bought a bunch of minis. A few of them are Chaos. I got the Dark Vengence box set.  I also got the battleforce box set, the Helldrake, Forge Fiend, Raptors, Lord of Change, Chaos Terminator Lord, CSM Warpshmith, and a CSM Dark Apostle.


I bought these knowing nothing of CSM. I just bought for the look of cool for me. I have not a clue what to do, I am still reading the codex to see what appeals to me. So far, I am liking Tzeench (sp?) but I know I have no minis for them yet. So with what I have, what would be a good fun army to play? What in your opnion would suit this army fluff wise. How about fun play wise? I don't care for winning, I want to have fun so I don't mind playing an army that is not suppose to be good. 


I am tired of having these boxes sitting in the basement doing nothing and want to get it started. Getting tired of gaunts since I am restarting my Tyranid army, so CSM would be a great change of pace for me.


Thing is where do I start? 


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Most people base their army choice on one of the main traitor Legions, do any of those stand out to you?


After that, you mentioned that you like the lore behind Tzeentch. It's possible to make a good army with Tzeentch but it's more difficult as the mark is only really helpful on units that already have an inv save.


Based on what you've bought, it looks like you have a lot of HQ choices and expensive elites but you need some more basic troop choices.

This could be as simple as getting more Cultists or you could look at using the various marine options.

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For a Tzeentch army, the best you can really do is just specialize at killing marine armies in droves. This will make roughly half of your battles wins, as about half of the fieldable armies are based on power armor. The other half of your battles, which would be against xenos, will all be terrible losses. Of course exceptions occur, but this is the rule when using 1000 sons (which is what I assume when you say Tzeentch). The good news is, Tzeentch armies encourage you to use a bunch of psyker powers, which are random at best. If you like plain out rolling dice for the win (or loss), that will be a fun army for you. The powers you generate before the battle even starts will dictate a whole lot of what is to come. Also, fielding Ahriman gives you infiltrate, which some people just seem to love.


Almost anything to be excused into being fluffy, when you really think about it, so I wouldn't think you need to have a mindset that says "this legion means these units." Our codex has -0, zip, none- when it comes to legion rules. Therefore, the legion you play determines 1 thing and 1 thing only.. what color you paint your models. Of course some units are still strongly associated with certain legions, but there are NO RULES RESTRICTIONS on this, and more importantly IT IS ALL JUSTIFIABLE IF WORDED CORRECTLY from a fluff standpoint. i.e. we hate nurgle so them there guys with shields count as plague marines.


That all said, you can just haul off and paint everything however you want, field whatever you want, and call it "chaos undivided" as per any of the dark crusades.

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Honestly, there really isn't a "good" or "bad" choice.

Does the background of any of the Legions call to you? Is there a way you imagine your warband working or fighting? Are there any type of units you like to use?

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Well, you're not off to a bad start honestly!


The DV box is a good (only) source of cultists, the Lord of Change could totally be a Tzeentch Daemon Prince (with Black Staff... er Black Mace), Forgefiend kit can make you a Maulerfiend (which work great in pairs or trios).  The HQ's you picked up are a little hit or miss, but that's fine really, they're all fantastic models.


If you want a tzeentch themed army, a lot of people will tell you that you "need" Thousand Sons, and I'll tell you that's absolutely untrue.  Just because you worship tzeentch doesn't mean that you are a Thousand Son.  Similarly, just because you prefer tzeentch doesn't mean that Tzeentch will even adknowledge your existence!  it's totally acceptable to run unmarked marines as Tzeentch Worshipers who simply haven't earned his praise yet.


Black Legion is a fantastic legion for players (like me) who build massive armies across all the gods.  Since that doesn't seem like your interest, I might suggest even coming up with your own warband of misfits, rampaging across the universe, trying to gain the recognition of Tzeentch.

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Just read up on various traitor legions, chaos warbands, and renegade marine chapters.  Find one you like the colors & history of, or let their stories inspire you to come up with a homebrew warband of your own design.  Some references from the Lexicanum, a warhammer lore wiki:








A note: if you plan on incorporating loyalist marine bits, or using them in parts swaps and conversions with chaos bits, then an army of the Alpha Legion, or the Fallen, or any post-heresy renegade chapter might be a good bet, since the other chaos legions would tend towards more mutation (more chaos bits, fewer to no loyalist looking bits), due to their ten thousand years in the Eye of Terror.


But that's not a hard and fast rule.  Even the main traitor Legions still recruit incorporate younger renegades into their number, the Black Legion in particular.  So don't let that stop you if one of the original traitor legions appeals to you narratively or visually.

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A. It is untrue that there are no good or bad choices. there more then a few bad ones in our codex . Sadly most if not all tzeench stuff goes in to this group. This is less true for our brother demon codex , where there actualy are good tzeench units , but still tzeench ain't the thing if you looking for a good army.


B If your not looking for a good army , then it doesn't realy matter what you take . At least not much. Stay away from mark of tzeench , 1ksons and just paint your stuff what ever color you feel to be most tzeench and it will be good enough.

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Black Legion, Crimson Slaughter, or roll your own warband.  I have a smaller Slaanesh themed army for fluffy games but for a true force I like to go with chaos undivided.  You can take more variaty that way. 

Unless you make your own warband, go with Black Legion.  Having a widly varied collection of models only adds to the flavor.  Each squad painted in their parent chapter's colors with a Black Legion shoulder pad shows both cohesion and easily marks who is a member of which squad. Your Dark Vengence DA tactical marines would make a great Fallen squad. regular space marine models for renegades or alpha legion.  Most people use the DV chosen as aspiring champions throughout the army.  You could either paint these like the squads they accompany or have them totally Black Legion; either way would look cool to me.



 The DV box is a good (only) source of cultists,

Don't forget,  they have out a  box of 5 cultist for 10 bucks now.

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  • 4 weeks later...
If your feeling Tzeentch go for it. He's the chaos god for me. I don't play 1k sons but run my own Warband. While the Mark isn't super great. I will still throw it on cultist more for amusement than anything. Nothing like rolling 6+ invuln against battlecannons. Paint up your army, make some fluff and just go have fun. When I did Lucky 13's few yrs ago I got mostly draws but I always did something random and great and very very suicidal.
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