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The Black Knights


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Since I don't really know what to say, I'll borrow the template from ATT.


Real first name:
Age and gender:
27 and Male
England, just East of London
Sales asisstant
How did you get into wargaming?
Some of my friends back in school got me into it.
How did you get into Marines?
A friend of mine sold me his Blood Angels stuff for cheap. They were my first army, though I don't have them anymore.
What would be your second piece of advice (after "read the freakin' rules") to a new Marine player?
Decide how you want to win. Combat? Shooting? Mass infantry? Many tanks? Short range guns or long range? Once you've decided, gear everything towards doing that.
What is your Marines colour scheme?
Dark black with dark blue trim. Bone-coloured chest insignia.
What are the origins of your username?
My initials are GBH, so it's basically my actual name.
Where and how often do you usually play?
I play at GW in Lakesides shopping centre. I play every Tuesday.
Do you have any other armies, for 40K or another system?
In order of collecting, I have Chaos Space Marines, regular Space Marines, Tau, Orks and Imperial Guard for 40k. I also have Empire, Dwarfs, High Elvs and Goblins for Fantasy, though I don't play anymore. I also own some Gondorians and Uruk-Hai for LOTR.
What is your favourite and least favourite army to play against?
The only army I don't like these days are Necrons, because AV13 skimmer transports pumping out 40 shots each is just wrong on every level.

My favourite to fight against are probably Orks because it's always funny, no matter what happens.
What is your best and worst 40K moment? 
My best moment would be during a Tau vs Eldar match. He had Illyden, 40 Pathfinders and a Fortress of Redemption versus my all-comers Tau. he set up first but chose to Infiltrate everything. I won the dice of to deploy infiltrators and placed my Kroot on his Fortress. He couldn't fit anything on the board and so I won in the Deployment phase.
What does/do your family/significant other/friends think about your 'funny toys'?
They're just glad that I'm not a complete shut-in.
What are some of you other interests?
Computer games (Like Final Fantasy and Dynasty Warriors). Manga and Anime. Also Western cartoons. I sometimes write amateur fiction.
Do you have any pets?
1 dog and 1 cat. The dog is a Jack Russell named Russell (My brother named him). The cat is named Dax.
What is your favourite band?

Hard to say. I like Dragonforce, Metallica and Disturbed, but I also like T-ara, Girls Generation and Vocaloid. Plus classics like Queen, Iron Maiden and Status Quo.

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