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Where does B&C buy their magnets

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Looking to find links to buy magnets. I've tried a few sites, but alas, I don't feel like paying 40+ dollars on shipping for 10 dollars worth of magnets. 

Anyway, I am sure the humble community of ours knows a trick or two. Where do you buy magnets? I'm looking mainly for 1/32" diameter and 1/16" diameter disc magnets for arms and hands. 

Help a battle brother out

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Ebay. I'm not sure how well it works out in Canada, but in the UK you can almost always find ebay stores prepared to ship magnets for a decent price. I'd check there first, if you haven't already.


Also, bear in mind that some stores (ebay and otherwise) only list their magnets by one set of measurements. A lot of them only use metric.

Amazon has a seller named Magnetman and I bought mine from there.


That's an example. I don't know if that's a "best" price but it's enough. If you've seen my other thread those are the magnets I've used for arms (getting better at it. My last two marines each have swappable arm parts now and they've gone through MUCH better. Practice makes perfect happy.png)

Also I have 32 of the N52 size 1/8 x 1/16 but honestly...I cannot tell any retention difference at that small a size. I think for vehicles and stands it will be more noticeable (I have some chaos raptors and plan to use homemade bases for them using magnets to give them better poses)

GAH. Can anyone make and sell 1mm (or 1/32") magnets to Canada? If its not 40$ shipping its UK only or non existant! Maybe I should just magnetize arm to shoulder and have hands glued.
Its a shame because I wanted to be able to do hand swaps on the MK3 Siege Captain model from games day. Should I just pin that? Or keep searching for someone that sells 1mm magnets to us canuks?

I'm in Canada and I buy from K&J, and while I do prefer metric for almost everything, the range of selection in imperial sizes is just so huge. K&J most certainly have 1/32" (~1mm) Disks of various thicknesses, and 1/10" (~2.5mm) as well, which I prefer for the extra strength. Most sizes come in 1/32" thickness and up. just have a look at their Disk selection.


Edit: Don't get them to ship via FedEx or what ever expensive tracking method. Standard shipping costs $8-9 if I remember right, and I've never had a problem with it.

Still no luck on finding 1mm diameter. Im checking local hobby and modeling stores as soon as I get the chance, but online retail isnt helpful. 

Would it just be better to pin hands to wrists? Can I get the same changeability? I want to be able to switch between every power weapon just for gaks and giggles


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