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Nurgle Lord with Jump Pack - painting (nearly!) completed


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Hey all,


Almost done with my Nurgle Chaos Lord with Jump Pack, Burning Brand of Skalathrax, and power weapon (sometimes Murder Sword?).  Here he is... just a little bit more cleanup work and some metallics on the rusted parts and he's all done.  Inspiration from GuitaRasmus.  The drill bit tail part was inspiration from my buddy Marc.  Commentary and critique welcome!


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Very original, and great painting!


I'd say things like the blade edge could do with some silvery dings at the edges to simulate the rust flaking off with use, unless your angle is that the blade has rusted all the way through.


Not so much 'Murder-sword', as 'nasty case of tetanus-sword'

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Ha!  Realized I posted the wrong pics to the wrong post/topic.... here's the final version of the jump pack lord, all sealed and with metal bits showing through the rust, with his Raptor chums...



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