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Black Legion as alternate


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I was wondering if first of all the Black Legion Suppliment is even worth it, I can't find much of anything aside from opinions and artwork. Also, what are thoughts on using the Black Legion book for another Legion, specifically Night Lords, or should I stick with the standard CSM Codex?

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From what I saw of the supplement last week, it doesn't strike me as particually suitable for Night Lords. Well, not any more so than the current codex is suitable. And until it's available for ebook/hardcover release, those of us without ipads aren't likely to see too much by way of details. I only had about 5 minutes to look at it myself and concerned myself solely with the rules section.

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It's not a ground-breaking book and the army plays very similarly to the core book. Ruleswise:


- Mandatory VotLW on all Marine elements means you pay slightly more per dude

- Chosen become Troops

- Terminators can take an extremely expensive upgrade if you take Abaddon

- Different Artefact list and Warlords


The changes promote a slightly more 'elite' version of CSM with more expensive line-troops and Chosen available as a core. The new Artefacts aren't really that special, with the best being a new Daemon Sword and a trinket that provides Eternal Warrior. Bear in mind that models taking these cannot use the older list, so you cannot combine the EW artefact with the Black Mace for example.


Basically, do you like Chosen? Yes- Black Legion. No- Stock book.

The changes are so minimal as to make the armies extremely similar, with the only thing of note being that Black Legion *must* pay a tax of 1-2pts on all of their core units.

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I was wondering if first of all the Black Legion Suppliment is even worth it, I can't find much of anything aside from opinions and artwork. Also, what are thoughts on using the Black Legion book for another Legion, specifically Night Lords, or should I stick with the standard CSM Codex?

you can have a fourth helldrake in your list or run 2-3 helldrakes and a biker unit . you can also fit two units of oblits and two units of havocks under 2k points or play something like an 4x2 oblit build. Stuff like dakka fiends gets better , because you can play 2 of them and 2 of actualy good support units etc etc .




- Mandatory VotLW on all Marine elements means you pay slightly more per dude

take culstist as troop for the ally section. no vet for them.



- Chosen become Troops

Sure , but you don't have to take chosen . no chosen no problem with high cost meq models.



- Terminators can take an extremely expensive upgrade if you take Abaddon

No abadon no problem .


- Different Artefact list and Warlords

Take the normal csm as main list , better warlord traits [aka huron]. Some  the archeotechs are cool , but again one doesn't have to take them .

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I will have some Chosen, but not enough to concern myself with making them troops, of course I will have some Raptors and Warp Talons. I also would like some Rubric Marines, toss in a Sorceror with a Mark of Tzeentch and they are troops, so with them, cultists and normal Chaos Marines I think I'll be set there.

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For a sorc to make 1ksons troops , the sorc has to be your warlord.


I'm 95% sure that you just have to have a MoT sorcerer in your primary detachment to make TS troops, there is nothing saying that he has to be warlord.


i.e. you could take Slaanesh marked lord, and a Tzeentch sorcerer for both TS and NM troops.

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For a sorc to make 1ksons troops , the sorc has to be your warlord.


I'm 95% sure that you just have to have a MoT sorcerer in your primary detachment to make TS troops, there is nothing saying that he has to be warlord.


i.e. you could take Slaanesh marked lord, and a Tzeentch sorcerer for both TS and NM troops.

you won't fit more then 2 HQs unless your playing 1999+ in to a chaos list.

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The Black Legion book is more a book of fluff and scenarios than a book of rules. If you're a fan of the Black Legion or Abaddon himself, then it's definitely worth picking up, at least at the reduced ebook price. Otherwise, not so much. Some Black Legion players will main dex it as a matter of pride, but as Jeske points out, for most other CSM players the only thing to note is that you can ally with yourself if you want to.


Since, as far as I know, most CSM players are happy with their existing ally options, that shouldn't be a big deal, either. Night Lords, However, don't have any thematic push to ally with guard (like Iron Warriors or Alpha Legion), or Daemons (like Word Bearers or the cult legions), so that self allying thing is worth paying attention to.


You don't need to buy the whole supplement for that, though.  Here's the summary:


You can ally with yourself.

Allied chosen are troops, not elites.

Allied squads must buy vets if able*

Allied HQs can't take artifacts from the CSM book**


* units that can't buy vets can be taken without

** you need the supplement for the artifacts they can take


Follow those rules, and you'll be running a legal army.


There's a different warlord trait table, but you'll be main dexing the parent book, so that won't matter.  Abby can make an overpriced termie unit more overpriced, but you won't be taking Abby, so that doesn't matter, either. You would need to get the book for the artifacts available to allied HQs, but, while there's a couple decent ones, in general you can make do with just not taking any artifacts on your allies.

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