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Few pointers


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HI all. First post here.


Im looking to start off a Flesh Tearers chapter. So far i have accquired a Blood Angel Battle Force and a Librarian In Terminator Armour.

Now im not 100% clued up on all the rules but i had hoped to take Gabriel Seth with the Librarian and the Battle Force.


Lots of questions really.


Can i take the battleforce with Gabriel Seth and the Librarian, PLUS "Lemartes"? I had hoped to have him lead the death company all fitted with jump packs. The reason i ask is because arent the Death Company part of the blood angels? Can i take them with my Flesh Tearers?


Also, i was thinking of getting a terminator squad to be led by the Terminator Librarian. Is that all good?



I'm really sorry if these are super dumbass questions but I'm new to playing Warhammer, as in, not played for about 10 years and back then i only had 1 squad and i dont really remember any rules. Plus theyve changed :P


I have more questions but i'll wait for answers first.


Cheers for all the help people, very much appreciated!

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Not a problem on any count there...


Lemartes is like a squad sergeant now, not a character (though he still has some pretty damn good stats and will happily beat things to a pulp with his Crozius)


Seth and the Librarian are both HQ units, and you can have 2 HQ units in an army.


Flesh tearers also have their own Death Company.

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Thats awesome news.


What about adding a Terminator Squad lead by the Librarian?


Next question/s.


Is it worth adding more troops? Say another assault team? I know i have 2 assault teams technically. Can i put them together? Or do they have to be separate teams?


Cheers again!

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RE: Terminators - you can do... Not necessarily a bad idea, it can make a mess of a lot of things in a low-points game.


By Assault teams do you mean your 5-man Assault Squad and your 5-man Death company? They are 2 different squads and must remain so. It all kind of depends on what sort of points limit you are aiming for - at 1500pts you could definately do with at least another 5 assault marines (making a full squad of 10 when combined with the 5 you already have OR a separate additional squad of 5), but for an army of 1000pts then you probably have enough troops already with that assault squad and the tactical marines (and the Death Company - but I'm talking mainly about objective holding units here).

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OK that all sounds cool.

So something kind of like this is all good?

Rhino					50
Tactical Squad 5 Strong			90
	      +5 = 5x16			80
Assault Squad 5 strong			100
	      +5 = 5x18			90
Death Company Squad 3 Strong		90
		   +7 = 7x20		140
Chaplain+Jump Pack			125
Terminator Librarian			125
Gabriel Seth				160
				=	970

I may have done that entirely wrong. But i think thats what the points work out according to the Blood angels Codex.


Im thinking a terminator squad and or Baal Predators?


Cheers for the help!

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Well the way you’ve wrote that,  I get;

Gabriel Seth

Term Librarian

Chaplain w/ jp

10 man Tac squad

10 man Assault squad

10 man DC


coming to 970pts. 

However, that’s before any wargear at all.  Also, to give your death company jump packs to go with you chaplain is an extra 150pts, and you’ve also priced a regular chaplain with jp (which obviously you can run your Lemartes model as if you wish).  Lemartes himself is 25pts more.

So, one suggestion, if you take all this (1145pts), then say around 100-150pts for special/heavy/power weapons for your squads and sergeants.  You can then add an assault terminatorsquad to join your librarian  (a mix of lightning claws and thunder hammers will put it between 200-250pts).  This will give you a fairly serviceable 1500pt army with a few options for chopping and changing
into various 1000pt lists.

Good luck


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Stupid question time.


I'm trying out painting for the first time. I've bought the Citadel Hobby Starter just to ehhh.. get started.


Now, just to try out a few bits. I peiced together the leg and torso and base alone, I then brush painted it Imperial Primer. I didnt thin that atall as i tried and it was just too waterey.


What i was wondering was if it was best to mix a bit of Imperial Primer with Mephiston Red in order to get the flesh tearers colour? Does it matter if it ends up matte? Can i use the Shade Oil (Armour Wash) to gloss it up afterwards?


Also. Does it matter what body/leg/head combination i use?


Thanks again people. Really appreciate the help

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right. Things have changed a little.


I remembered my brother used to play warhammer 40k years ago. So i asked if i could knick some stuff off him if he doesn't use it any more.


I ended up lugging home some pretty old (mind 90's) spess mehreens.


Five man Terminator Squad


Five man Assault Squad (Should go nicely with my existing five man squad from the battleforce)


And lastly, two ten man tactical squuads

Squad One

Squad Two


He also gave me a really dated Rhino/Predator which i may or may not use. Its one of those that you can turn upside down and it still looks the same if you know what i mean.


As you can see they are ALL METAL! They do require a little TLC however. Apparently my brother was in the middle of repainting them another chapter. I do have enough arms and weapons to go around for the two tactical squads and the assault squads too, i just havnt stripped the paint off of em yet to repaint them.


Which is a good point. What is the best thing for stripping the paint off of these? Metal bodies and plastic arms btw.


Anyway. I was playing around with the roster editor for these squads just now, mainly the Terminator Squad. I've kind of peiced them together with what i think is legal, but im not 100% sure what is allowed. Can i have the 3 heavy weapons or not? i.e. Cyclone Missile Launcher, Heavy Flamer AND an Assault Cannon? Or do I have to just pick one?


I plan to get these all painted up as best i can. I'm hoping to practise on the metal ones a bit if they are easy enough to strip the paint off. So ehhh yeah, thanks for any pointers n whatnot. Cheers guys!

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I leave it for no more than an hour or the brake fluid softens the plastic so a toothbrush will leave marks.

Ok - must be a different DOT or something. At least thats how one of my associates strips his old models and he's never had any problems that I know if doing it that way...

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Fairy Power Spray is what I have used to strip lead Terminators in the past. Oddly enough, follow the instructions on the back of the bottle for times teehee.gif

I'd also recommend getting a copy of Codex Blood Angels smile.png From that you will see that your Terminators are not legal, but can be made legal enough to use with a couple of tweaks/magnets smile.png

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Dear lord don't use brake fluid when there are much safer and easier options.


Dettol is good, but produces a paint sludge. Fairy power spray is the new king, essentially dissolving the paint, faster than dettol with none of the mess.


Brake fluid/Mors can be very corrosive etc, and generally bad for you.

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Simple Green works well for metal and won't damage plastic models. It probably one of the lesser toxic options. 


What size army list are you planning to play? That might give us a better idea of what kind of suggestions to make. I assume that you're going with a 1000-point list.

You do need some high-strength firepower. As it is, your Tactical and Assault squads don't have the ability to take out vehicles or high-toughness monstrous creatures. Plasma and meltaguns do that well, as well as various heavy weapons. I see you've got a couple of missile launchers, which come in handy. I prefer heavy weapons that have AP 1 or 2 since they do much better against vehicles. You've probably come to the Flesh Tearers because the idea of a close-quarters strike force appeals to you. Consider Land Speeders or Attack Bikes with multi-meltas to deal with tanks/MCs. These units keep up with your jump pack/Rhino-mounted squads and have the maneuverability and speed to seek out hiding enemies.

What is the plan for Seth and the Librarian? In my opinion both models need to be part of a unit so they aren't picked off easily. Which squads are they going to accompany?

Terminator Librarians are expensive, but the 2+ armor save is difficult for many opponents to deal with in 1000 points. To play him effectively, you'll want a Terminator squad as a retinue so he can Deep Strike with them and take down a high priority target with shooting. Consider that this unit alone will cost over a third of your points in 1000 point games. If you plan to use him as a fast close combat specialist, using Wings of Sanguinius will allow him to keep up with the Assault squad, if you pass your psychic test. But this is a waste of a psychic power, in my opinion, since BA Librarians have access to the awesome Divination and Biomancy psychic powers (see the FAQ). In small games I'd take a jump pack on a librarian and take Biomancy so he can buff his squad or curse an enemy squad that he's about to attack. In larger games, he can take Terminator armor and Divination/Biomancy.

Seth needs a transport and a retinue to get to the enemy lines and survive. That gets expensive quick in a 1000-point army. I'd just take one HQ, and the librarian is much more versatile.

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  • 3 months later...

Hello again all. Been super busy and not really had a chance to sort any of this out (Still not had a game!!!)


Anyway, I'm trying to focus on getting the main tactical squad done. Ive finally decided I would go with Blood Angels, as opposed to Flesh Tearers. (Easier)


I'd like to make all of my current models 5th company. But for some obscure reason, the blood angels battleforce only comes with transfers for 2nd. Oddly, it also has transfers for ultramarines, dark angels, imperial fists, crimson fists, black templars, white scars, and salamanders.


Half of these ^^^ just arent included.

For the company badge, all i have is the yellow 2nd company ones, and as for the squad numbers, all i have is squad one transfers.


Seems like a bit of a rip off if you ask me. How exactly does one go about acquiring others?


Anyway. My BIG QUESTION is. I have a 10 man tactical squad to outfit. What should i give them?


For example. Can I take a plasma gun AND a missile launcher at the same time? Also, can my sergeant take a power first AND another power weapon?



Great nab on the metal minis! I love the old sculpts, repurposing them for a modern army is a great project, especially the old tanks!

Noticed these are actually Deathwing Terminators so I don't think I can use them? Either way, I'm, not about to paint them as blood angels. Dark Angel atatchment? I dunno.

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Yeah, only 2nd company blood drops on the transfer sheets, tho the sheets that come with the assault and dev squads used to have the 8th and 10th squad icons on them. Squad 4 and 5 are pretty easy to paint anyway. The same sheet comes with all marines which is why the other chapters are on there.


You can either paint over the yellow company symbol, use forgeworld chapter specific moulded pads, or freehand the drop yourself. I'd suggest not painting over the transfers if you can tho...

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Yeah, only 2nd company blood drops on the transfer sheets, tho the sheets that come with the assault and dev squads used to have the 8th and 10th squad icons on them. Squad 4 and 5 are pretty easy to paint anyway. The same sheet comes with all marines which is why the other chapters are on there.


You can either paint over the yellow company symbol, use forgeworld chapter specific moulded pads, or freehand the drop yourself. I'd suggest not painting over the transfers if you can tho...

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