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New Captain Alaric of the Golden Lions


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I kit bashed this new Captain for the Captain/Chapter Master challenge in the WIP forum, and after he was constructed, the model just called for a paint job.

Now if I was going to make another, I'd magnetize the right arm in order to switch to a power fist, then he could be my new Pedro Kantor counts-as model.

Here he is for comments and critiques. Hope ya like him smile.png



dramatic foreshortened view msn-wink.gif


tried to blend the red of the cape, not quite as successful as I'd wished


experimented with new(er) power weapon simulation


hopefully ready for the tabletop


comments and criticisms welcome.

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I love the gold you've achieved here. I think going back and touching up/thinning out some of the highlites would help as far as criticisms go. Oh, and nice pose, but I think bringing up the sword arm a little would finish it off :)

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The colour and paintwork are tremendous. I think you may be right about changing the right arm though, it does look a little stretched, kind of like the shoulder join has slipped while the glue was drying. Otherwise, a good concept modelled really nicely.
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To be totally honest, the arms are something of a mess. It looks like someone broke his right arm and pulled it out of its socket (long and at an unnatural angle), and as a rule I'm against Termie arms on power armor sweat.gif

The paint is kinda weird. It's sloppy in a lot of places, but it also works pretty well. Sort of an "impressionistic" version of gold.

No quite sure I understand the reasoning behind the sawed-off jump pack. And why is his base elevated?

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You guys are correct - the right arm is stretched.  It comes from using parts of 3 arms to make one -- I guess I didn't "quite" get the arm length to the proper dimensions ;)


The Blood Angel bits are because my Sternguard / Vanguard vets use lots of Sanguinary Guard bits to simulate veteran or artificer armors.  The backpack / jump pack was just to try for a different "look".


I wondered if the hard highlights would work - I was trying to simulate a reflective surface and obviously need to redo it :)


oh, and the raised base is because all my marine bases have a 1" washer glued to the bottom.  It tends to lower the center of gravity and allows me to attach them to a magnetic strip that is glued to the bottom of my carry case.


so Capt Alaric will be getting a new right arm (maybe two) and I'll be blending his highlights.  May take a while though ;)

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