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Painting with Oil

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Hey lads!


Any of you know whether painting miniatures with oil can work? The thing is, I access to plenty of amazing colour and I have some experience painting with it. The effect due to different layers and colour mixing could be amazing...


But does it stick? Does it fade? And most importantly, since oil colours are rather thick: does it destroy details?


Any experience or reference is much appreciated!

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You can easily use the oil paints to weather, i got some great experience with Burnt Umber.


There are 2 ways to work with oil paints i know, which are for some nice effects.


One way is to use the oil paints like a wash.

First u need to do is to get some varnish to your models.

Then you need to thin the oil paints with some White Spirit and wash your models.

The varnish is important cause without the White Spirit will attack the acrylic paints and you rub them off the model.


Second way is more for vehicle weathering (works best with green tanks).

Get some of your oil paints like brown, yellow and some white to a much used surface of your tank.

Surfaces where the tank crew needs to climb or walk an the tank.

Then dip your brush into the White Spirit and start to work the oil colors into the surface.

With the white it will give the surface a used and dirty look.


Here is some neat tutorial:




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