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Photoshop Gurus?

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would it be too much trouble to do the same to these images as well?







Let me instead teach you how to do this yourself … Take a graphics editor (like Photoshop, but if you can't afford that GIMP is free) and then:
  • Click on the "Magic wand" tool in the tool window — you can find this by holding your mouse pointer still over the tool buttons so you can read the tooltips; in Photoshop, if there's a little triangle in the lower right corner of the tool button, press and hold your mouse button so you can see which tools hide "under" the one you're clicking;
  • With the magic wand selected, click anywhere in the white part of your image, which will select the whole of that;
  • Invert your selection (this is typically done by pressing ⇧⌘i on a Mac or (IIRC) Shift+Ctrl+i under Windows, but you may want to check the program's menus to find the "Invert selection" command); this way, you'll select everything that isn't the white part you clicked on in the previous step;
  • The image editor will probably let you pick a foreground and a background colour — look for two coloured squares that overlap each other in or near the tool window; make sure the one that's behind the other is black (clicking or double-clicking on it will let you choose the colour you want there);
  • Click the Edit menu and then choose "Clear" from that menu; this should replace the whole selection by the current background colour;
  • Save the image under a new filename — be careful not to replace the original file!

Usually what I do, in Photoshop, is actually select all and then using Magic Wand deselect white space. Sometimes I have to go in manually with the lasso to clean things up, as the wand is not infallible. I'll then make a new layer and then paint bucket fill the selected area on the new layer so that I preserve more editability should I mess something up or need to make an adjustment. 

In the explanation above, I decided to omit extending the selection or the use of layers to keep thing simple smile.png But if you are going to use layers, there's a simpler way to do what you do: select the thing you want blacked out in any way you prefer and add a solid-colour fill layer. This will automatically create a layer mask with the shape of the selection, saving you from having to fill it.

Actually, I agree with Ron Swanson that if you "[g]ive a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Don't teach a man to fish, and you feed yourself. He's a grown man. Fishing's not that hard." msn-wink.gif

"Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day."

Actually, I agree with Ron Swanson that if you "[g]ive a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Don't teach a man to fish, and you feed yourself. He's a grown man. Fishing's not that hard." msn-wink.gif

"Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day."

Thats called a retirement plan.


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