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Would it ever happen? Night Lords and Iron Warriors


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Okay from my profile I haven't been active since, gosh, 2009, so that's been about 4 years of not doing Warhammer 40k due to just the fact that it's pretty expensive and I've spent money elsewhere.
Also due to my education, but hey, I have my last sets of exams coming up in 4 and 6 weeks, and I've been thinking, hey, why don't I get a box of Warhammer and paint it up for old times sake. So I'm gonna get access to a Codex Chaos Space Marines to make it usable if I ever get back into it completely, but I also want my army to be able to stick to the fluff of the Iron Warriors, yes I am going to pain Chaos again because hey, I stopped collecting just as new plastic kits came out!

So, my actual question is, since Iron Warriors are all about siege and heavy weapons, what would the likelyhood be of say, a squad of raptors from the Night Lords breaking off from their legion or becoming lost in space, being picked up by the Iron Warriors and fighting for them. I'm thinking, I want to get the new box set for the raptors since I never got raptors before and now they're plastic! So I'd paint them up in Night Lords colours but leave a shoulder pad to Iron Warriors colours to show their new allegiance but still bearing their old armour, sort of thing. Like the way some people incorporate Noise Marines, Berzerkers, Plague Marines, or Thousand Sons in their Undivided legions. For a new army I'd like to keep it as close to lore as possible since I like that kind of thing and if this would have a likelyhood of happening that would be fantastic but I just want to know other people's opinions :3

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The Raptors of the Night Lords were the first atop the Palace Walls during the siege of Terra.


It wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination to run with the idea of a group of them enjoying and becoming addicted to the shock and horror of a sudden forlorn hope, just to see terrified men who assumed the enemy were still chilling in the trenches.


On top of that, psychological warfare experts during a siege would be invaluable to the Iron Warriors. Defenders abandoning their own cannons as they run from nightmares made real means a swift end to a fortress.


Go with it, man.

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That is a very valid point.
Though just looking at the new Raptor kits, I'm just trying to figure out what parts to paint Night Lord and what parts to pain Iron Warrior hahaha since there is a lot more trim and style in their armour. I'm sure I'll figure it out either way, I'm pretty excited to get into the hobby again as I'll be moving to the city in a few years for university and I'll actually be able to go somewhere to play!

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I'd just like to have some part of them a homage to the Iron Warriors, I may just hazard stripe some parts of their armour and leave the rest as the dark blue, it should look good :)

Well, now I just have to get some more work hours to buy the models and paints haha

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Don't forget that the Iron Warriors themselves also had their own raptor squads, just if you wanted to stay all IW that is msn-wink.gif

Had? ohmy.png

It's a cool idea. My friend plays Night Lords, and I Iron Warriors, though we've yet to team up.

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Very easily done. The Night Lords were scattered when the Primogenitors(Ultramarines and all of their Second Founding Successors) pushed them from Tsagualsa after Curze's death, most of them are raiders like the Red Corsairs. In the case of Raptor Cults, Raptors are essentially the mercenaries of the Traitors. Not necessarily Night Lords, they're willing to work for anyone. For the right price.


And a AA said, the Iron Warriors do have their own jump pack bearing Raptors Cults.




On another note, since it would have been the Heresy-era Raptors(aka Zso Sahaal's Company) it would have been all Night Lord Raptors that were the first on the walls, no more, no less. They did not breach it. They did not put a hole in it. They did take the wall. And it is also best to remember that it was said as something "They are always saying", which means that it is unconfirmed and could just be a product of the Raptors' egos.

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Wrong topic, sorry.


Raptors are mercenaries, regardless of cult, faction or their original legion. Also every astartes army had its fair share of jump pack infantry back in the old days so most traitor legions can still account some Raptors as their former kin. 

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Yp, corrected, thanks for noting this Kol. 


Night Lords are notorious mercenaries so if the loot and the benefits are good they will fight for the Iron Warriors. By this logic you can freely include Noise Marines of the Emperor's Children, Plague Marines and all the like in your army with no "fluff" penalty. 


I think that the only limitation can be if your Lord has a personal vendetta with a Legion or another Lord thus he would not allow for this particular mercenary unit. But Chaos is evershifting thus all goes and all is fluffwise. 

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I would personally go for Iron Warriors Raptors. However, If you would like to include another warband (or cult in this case) you can add it but I wouldn't change their insignia in any way. They are still Night Lords, just working for you at a time.


BTW: I wouldn't take A D-Bs Bleeding Eyes Cult for the example of Raptors anymore. I believe they served later as idea for new chaos unit: Warp Talons. No offence A D-B, I loved them! :-)

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