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Aspiring sorcerer conversion/kitbash challenge

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See Grotsmasha's librarian conversion challenge - I'd expect it would be exactly the same as that.

To be a bit more helpful, maybe stipulate that it has to be a Tzeentch Sorcerer?

For reference, here is the link to GS's thread:


I don't know if you'd want to be as strict in terms of components you're allowed to use, but may be nice to knock together a new model smile.png

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Hmm, thinking about my off-hand quip, how about a conversion contest, either in conjunction with this one, or after this one, more fitting to the changer of the ways:


A chaos boon conversion contest?


Everyone rolls on the table, or the OP rolls, and everyone then has 1 month to model their boon, or their interpretation of the boon roll?


Unworthy offering means you have to sculpt a disappointed looking sorcerer.

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And so I had an idea for a shoulderpad...




...lets see where this takes me...I have no idea how the rest is about to look, but we'll just have to find out...

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First up, a pic of the bits I plan on using...




"Wait a sec", I hear you say, "Why are there Space Wolf bits on a Sorcerer?". Easy answer is that they are trophies taken in battles. We always hear about Loyalists using captured CSM weapons, so I figured it's only fair we could do the same. Eventually, I'd like to do an entire Rubric squad with Wolf trophies...

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Must admit, I've been thinking of converting a jackel helmet aspiring sorcerer, but am going with a more hawk/numenorian look for mine, may try to convert the helmet.

Plus a helmet like that would be a very nice piece of spoil, especially if it's previous owner had damaged his.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, I have a tournament army to finish, and sadly it doesn't contain any Thousand Sons... sad.png

...but straight after that I am back to my random little musings again (including my asp. sorc. that is lying in bits on my desk, amongst several other little piles of stuff...one pile equals one miniature, lol) ...unless I get stuck in FFXIV:ARR, which I am going to give a try...

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