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Battle for Humanity (Legion)


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This will be the new thread for istvaan V participants, this will however extend to major engagements such as the battle of Terra, Ultamar, Thramis & Prospero to encourage all XVIII legions admech & imperial army.

Sub sections for the vows will be updated soon.

The Rules-

Minimum entry requirements 1000pts.

Following inclusions; 1hq & 2 troop choices with transports.

MkVI & VII will be allowed as long as it's mixed with other MK armour, before doing so you must inform everyone of it being designated as a MKV.

Strictly no MKVIII or razorbacks allowed.

Transport rules;

20xman squads don't need to be provided with a transport option.

otherwise a minimum of two transports; land raiders, rhinos, drop pods, storm eagles etc. are required with
only the first two troop choices, the only exceptions are 20 man units.

Time Limits;
there are none this is a showcase no stress but an oath will need completion by book III

Other rules;

If for example your oath is for RG, SAL or IH MK VII is appropriate due to salvaging and rebuilding armour. No squads can be a cohesive set of MKVI or Higher without including conversions or MKV. Mk VII pieces will be allowed at a max of one per model.

Indomitus pattern TDA will be allowed to a max of 10.



Allied attachments;
This will be allowed without taking a second oath but will require a 1:1 ratio. If you wish to add a squad of SoH Reavers you will also need to produce a World eater scout squad etc.

This will begin as of the 5th of September. Vows must be taken please wait till the 5th as the page is under construction.

Each participant must wear their factions banner in there WIP Thread. Think carefully as a maximum of two factions can be chosen by each member.

Independent posts-

An allowance for characters & heresy era appropriate material will be allowed, any submissions for primarchs or independent characters will be accepted. (No need for an oath of moment)

The Heresy thread will contain completions, all WIP and updates will be in the WIP thread.

Please keep all the banter and unrelated posts to the WIP forum thread, this is to be a showcase thread containing finished pieces, comments on finished pieces are fine and questions are fine.

When producing an oath of moment, please state as following;

"I (insert name) in this oath of moment, will produce (insert points & list) for my legion and for the warmaster/emperor"

This will allow for loyalist world eaters, death guard, etc.

Thank you.
Brother Taron (Jaspcat)

Istvaan III



Istvaan V




The Siege Of Terra






















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Ill be delving into my fluff as well. The XIVth have become a heavy support company.


If Khârn is the 8th assualt company I'm the XIVth heavy support. That means boarding shields heavy weapons bull dozers for rhinos and heaps of spec ops units we throw ourselves into the breach

Waiting on Forge World's shipment right now.

Also, to import my other post from the other thread:

I've started some fluff for my list as well. tongue.png

  • The 138th Company of the Ultramarines are known as the Hounds of Ultramar.
  • Lead by a Terran Ultramarine, Centurion Per Dahl, recruited from the area of Scandinavia.
  • Have one of the few Destroyer squads in the Ultramarines Legion
  • Recruit from the planet "Hyperborea"
  • Make use of some vehicles that are normally used by regular humans (i.e. Basilisk, maybe a Malcador)
  • Have been campaigning with the Merican 2nd Division, a Terran Imperial Army unit from Nord Merica

I'll be picking up some new brushes & paints this weekend. Fair warning: I've not properly painted a model in about 15 years, and even then, I wasn't great. My initial WIPs will all be test models, using 'modern' space marine minis, already assembled. Once I'm confident I won't ruin the FW goodness, I'll start putting paint on the proper models. Which I still need to order, but all in good time.



As my army is going to be based on the Death Guard Legion rules, most of the minis will be in those colours, but I'm hoping to add bits from the other legions present at Istvaan III amongst the force, and maybe also paint the odd piece of armour or equipment to suggest it has been harvested from those who no longer require it. For example, that tasty looking axe on the new SoH Centurion.


Lastly, once I have some initial test coats down, I want to try my hand at burn marks, and use this to replace all Legion badges on my minis. These guys are going to be 'Black Shields', and in the wake of the Betrayal, they have scorched all trace of their former legions from their armour. Now, they are simply The Emperor's warriors.

I'm joining this project with the full might of the Ist Legion. There are far too many Night Lord threads on this board even though every one of them is brilliantly done. I'll be officially pledging my list tomorrow after I review my hoard of FW kits and Betrayal book for points. I am looking forward to assembling and painting my Heresy army alongside all of you.

I don't have the books to come up with points, and it might be a while before I actually get something on this done, but I'd like to do something in the Great Crusade era. Most likely IV Legion, since the Angels of Vengeance weren't around back then and I absolutely despise the I Legion. (It's weird, I know... I like the successor and hate the original... long story.)


But then, there's already some good IV Legion HH stuff on the boards. And Death Guard. And Fists. /sigh


OK... Legion is undecided right now. Probably IV.




Damn it.


See, Jasp! This is what happens when you get me thinking about building an army again.

Well if you want I can send you points values and whatnot, I think you'll come around brother, think of it as a chance to build individuals within a squad then an army, I'm trying to name every single model as they aren't an army they are all world eaters each with a personality and story, sadly some are destined to fall before their times but it's part of it.


Even my vet sarge who I named after me is going to die at Ultamar :/


I know you can do it kage

well, I just ordered the Legion Praetor set! so stoked. now I just have to wait. i've never ordered from FW so I don't know how long it will take.

It will seem like forever but actually will take about 2-3 weeks.  Did you pay for the faster shipping?

I'm in Oz and FW is a pretty reliable 2 weeks, so I'd expect the same or better.


So having rummaged through my stockpile, I've come up with 10x mkIIIs, 3x Contemptors and have an order in for 30x mkIIIs and 3 Relic Contemptors. Accourding to wiki the story of The Lion and the Wolf happened during the Dylan compliance, so now having a name I'll split the goodies between the DAs and SWs and make a proper vow in a bit.




I'm Vowing for the Unremembered Empire, The Ultramarines 129th company, Led by Luciel Fidelitas, Hammer of Talassar, Lord of the Libertas Reginam, and slayer of warboss Ik'Tul' Rust lung, as well as the Vaunted First's 20th Order (Reconnaissance and fast attack.)


well, if you guys haven't read it yet, I'm out. Black Templar Librarians they where the last straw. The black Templars where my holy Grail. andd GW took a big ol' censored.gif in my cup man! so I am walking away.............from the Brain shart that 40K has become.

so, now I am a 30k man. A dyed in the wool, Heresy Warfighter! well that and Rogue Tradersweat.gif .

I am still doing my son's blood angels/Salamanders force, nut no army for me.

30k, all the way!

Hey, you can still have all the psyker hate in your heart, man. Just because some idiot writer is watering the fluff down doesn't mean you can't still drink it straight out of the bottle at 80 proof.


What does fluff matter on the table top anyway? Build your army the way you want it to be.

They can write whatever they want in the fluff. My 40k is in my head, not their crappy new codexes. It's just as grimdark, grubby, dirty, and hopeless as it ever was. What made me quit playing was other decisions the company made to directly affect me as a consumer, not changing a little of the background.


Now, help me choose a damn 30k legion.


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