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Thoughts on Sorcerers? Oh, and Zhufor


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Hey guys, so I just bought a huge lot of Black Legionnaires from a gentleman via Craigslist and now that I've played a couple games with 'em it occurs to me that since I now have a substantial Undivided contingent I might also consider options that I hadn't previously when my only Chaos Marines were Khornate.

In any case, what do you guys think of Chaos Sorcerers? What are the best (or else your favourite) builds for Sorcerers? What disciplines do you guys usually take? What about psychic Daemon Princes?

Initiate this servant of the Blood God into the ways of the craven psyker! tongue.png

Oh, as a final word on Sorcerers, do you guys think any of the psychic special characters are worthwhile? Between Ahriman, Huron, Typhus and Necrosius (from Imperial Armour: Apocalypse) Chaos actually has quite a few of 'em.

On another note entirely have any of you guys had a chance to field Zhufor (also from IA: Apocalypse)? How did you find him? I have mixed feelings about that character, just looking over his profile, so I figured I'd seek out second opinions, so to speak.

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Typhus is my favorite chaos special character, he's just so fun to play with. He's not great as a sorcerer, but I find that they're useful to back up his overall killyness.

As far as sorcerer's go, I like to stick to ones that buff the chaos squad he's rocking around in, or that are negatives to the foe, initially I used a tzeench sorcerer, but a nurgle one works quite well. But I don't use him often so I'm not a pro when it comes to them.

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I make very heavy use of lvl 3 with a familiar and all in telepathy. Invisibility, puppet master, psychic shriek. Most of the table is good but those are the highlights. He always does very well for me. Imagine 30 invisible cultists running up the field. Or perhaps an invisible maulerfiend!
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I use Sorcerers quiet often as well, though I never run them with marks as I like rolling three dice in either Biomancy or Telepathy (both are really good). 


My basic setup is 

Term Armor, ML3, Force Axe, Brand


Sometimes I run him on a bike as well and every so often I will run him on foot with a large unit of CSMs (though this usually ends badly for me :P).

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Okay, nice. For the Terminator Sorcerer you send him about on foot with a squad of Chaos Marines? Or do you use some other delivery method (judging by the Sorcerer's stats he looks reasonably competent in melee, I would think that after he's done some casting you'd eventually want to make use of his force weapon and the Brand, which also requires him to be fairly close)?

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Really a fan of the following.


Sorcerer, terminator armour, Spell familiar, MON (this is where it gets interesting)


Memory of whatsisname


1x additional power.


Now the thing is, the psychic powers state the, up to half your powers (rounded up) can be rolled on the relevant god table.


Buying the memory not only means that I get the awesome troop killer nova, I also get 2 nurgle powers. Pretty good as a second HQ.

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Okay, nice. For the Terminator Sorcerer you send him about on foot with a squad of Chaos Marines? Or do you use some other delivery method (judging by the Sorcerer's stats he looks reasonably competent in melee, I would think that after he's done some casting you'd eventually want to make use of his force weapon and the Brand, which also requires him to be fairly close)?


I usually stick him in with some Nurgle Obliterators most of the time, but he can go with any unit on foot to be honest.

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Okay, nice. For the Terminator Sorcerer you send him about on foot with a squad of Chaos Marines? Or do you use some other delivery method (judging by the Sorcerer's stats he looks reasonably competent in melee, I would think that after he's done some casting you'd eventually want to make use of his force weapon and the Brand, which also requires him to be fairly close)?

I usually stick him in with some Nurgle Obliterators most of the time, but he can go with any unit on foot to be honest.

I did exactly that the last game I played (last Thursday evening) because I didn't have the points for a Terminator squad and it worked out Awesomely.


It was also the first time I really gave the Gift of Mutation a try, buying it for EVERY Aspiring Champ and HQ (the other was the AxeLord on a Bike-first time using him too-and first time using bikes). I rolled for my Sorcerer (My Self-Insert in the army) Eternal Warrior, and got Warp Speed and Endurance for his powers.


He'd boost the bikers or CSM squads, and went Kaio-Ken and smashed face with his force combi-staff, beating out an Assault Squad sargent to get +1 toughness, which that squad proceeded to not take any wounds the rest of the game.


My friend has had poor luck with maul rolls with his chaplins, but my Sorcerer has pretty much been a Nail driver at initiative with it. I'm thinking about swapping out the combi-bolter for another power weapon for an extra attack (maybe an axe, just in case).

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I'm a firm believer in bikes (or if they are Tzeentch, disc of tzeentch) for sorcerers.


I cannot tell you how much I feel like psychic witchfires are largely a joke because they are all pistol range, AND people have the chance to just roll a 6 and negate you outright, AND you still have to roll to hit, etc. Horrible. Bikes make it less horrible because, movement. Disc of Tzeentch helps out a ton because even better movement.


We were talking about it in the Tzeentch subforum, but I feel like a force axe Tzeentch sorc on a disc, rocking the Sigil of Corruption would be pretty gross. Roll on Biomancy praying for Iron Arms. If you get it, you can ram him in to monstrous creatures and laugh as you psychic axe them to death. 3+ invuln saves all day, and possibly hitting toughness 6 is the key, which luckily even the worst iron arms roll will do for this guy. Makes you immune to the instant death due to strength 10 any monstrous creature can rock.

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