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Second game and played against Brian Warner and his Iyanden Eldar force, twas a bloody battle that the Horrors really showed their worth in a huge way.


Round 2 - Crusade

This is a TIERED MISSION. Victory is determined by progressing through the Goals sequentially. If you

win the Primary, you win the Round. If you tie the Primary, you proceed to the Secondary, then to the

Tertiary, and finally to the Tiebreaker.



Vanguard (Rulebook, Page 119)

Helpful Note: When determining the points with which to connect your deployment line for Vanguard,

measure 14.5” along Short Table Edges, and 21.5” along Long Table Edges. Round 4 includes a visual

depiction of the measurements.


Mission Special Rules

Night Fighting, Mysterious Objectives, Reserves


Primary Goal

5 Objectives


Secondary Goal

Table Quarters

Please note: NOVA Veterans, this Goal changed

substantially for this Primer.

Each of the table’s 4 Table Quarters can be captured

and contested. They are captured with Control Points,

and contested by combining Control Points and

Contest Points. A player only controls a Quarter if his Control Points exceed the combined Control and

Contest Points of his opponent within that quarter. The player who controls the most Quarters wins this


Control Points: Add up the remaining Points Value of each player’s Scoring and Denial Units (Page 123,

40k 6th edition Rulebook) within a given Quarter.

Contest Points: Add up the remaining Points Value of each player’s non-Scoring, non-Denial units

within a given Quarter.

If a unit straddles multiple quarters, consider it to be in the Quarter containing the majority of the unit. If

the unit is only a single model and straddles multiple quarters, or if the unit is evenly distributed across

multiple quarters, randomize between the relevant Quarters at the end of the game.


Tertiary Goal

Slay the Warlord (rulebook Page 122)

Linebreaker (rulebook Page 122)

Kill Points – One is earned for each enemy unit destroyed; whoever destroys more enemy units wins this



Each of these Objectives is worth 1 Point toward winning the Tertiary Goal. Whoever scores the most

Points toward this Goal wins the Tertiary. A tie leads to victory determination via Tiebreaker.


Points Destroyed

50 Bonus Points for completing First Blood (Rulebook, Page 122)


My List

Daemons + Word Bearers



ML3, Terminator Armor, Spell Familiar, Brand


Herald of Tzeentch

ML3, Exaulted (Grimoire), Locus of Conjuration


Herald of Tzeentch



Herald of Khorne

Lesser (Axe of Khorne), Locus of Wrath, Juggernaught


Horrors x20

Plaguebearers x10

Plaguebearers x10

Cultists x10


Screamers x9

Flesh Hounds x16

Heldrake x1


Obliterators x3

Mark of Nurgle


His List


Farseer x2

Rune Armor, Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade, Ghosthelm


Dire Avengers x10



Dire Avengers x10



Dire Avengers x10



Dire Avengers x10



Crimson Hunter Exarch x1

Pulse Laser, Bright Lance x2, Skyhunter


Crimson Hunter x1

Pulse Laster, Bright Lance x2 Skyhunter


Wraithknight x1

Suncannon, Scattershield, Scatter Laser (Warlord)


Wraithknight x1

Suncannon, Scattershield, Scatter Laser


Fire Prism x1

Holo-Fields, Prism Cannon, Twin-linked Shuriken Catapults


Now, I did not take pictures or notes on the games, I am running off of memory so things may be a slightly out of order but the gist of how things went down is there.


Warlord Herald of Tz Powers - Prescience, Perfect Timing, Flickering Fire of Tz. Trait was Daemons do not scatter within 6" of the Warlord.

Herald of Tz Powers - Prescience, Misfortune, Flickering Fire of Tz.

Word Bearer Sorcerer Powers - Hemorrage (every game, I swear to god!), Warpspeed, (was annoyed so went with Telepathy with my last roll) Terrify.


He won the roll and chose to go second. No nightfight on turn 1.


I deployed much like I usually do when I go first, I put the Doggies front and center in hopes of having them soak most of the first turns fire and placed my Screamers to the right of them directly along side (I knew he would not attempt to steal initiative or I would charge at bottom of turn one with Doggies). I Placed the Horrors directly to the left of them and intermixed the two units a bit as I knew the Doggies would scout out of the way. The Obliterators deployed directly behind the Doggies and were set up to help control the middle of the board as Wraithknights need to be brought down quick once they get near your front lines. Heralds of Tz joined the Horrors and Herald of Khorne joined the Doggies, Sorcerer joined the Obliterators. Cultists stayed in reserve to walk on, both Plaguebearer squads held for a deep strike and Heldrake held in reserve due to flyer rules.


He deployed all of his Dire Avengers along a line with the Wraithknights in between each unit , the Fire Prism deployed behind a hill far in his backfield, Farseers both joined one unit opposite the Horrors (probably a terrible idea on his part) and the Crimson Hunters stayed in reserve due to flyer rules. 


My Turn 1


First thing I did before my turn was scout move the Doggies forward into a more threatening position, I placed them between a piece of area terrain on his side of the board and the ruins in the middle of the board, so that if I failed my Grimoire I could get into come cover and at least get a half way decent save.


So I started my turn with powers and cast Prescience on both the Horrors and Obliterators, then Perfect Timing.

Sorcerer cast Warp Speed on self (just in case of some unknown thing happening. . .)


I then moved the Horrors up 6" and ended up 21" away from his far left flanking Dire Avenger squad, the one with the two Farseers in it. 

I then used the Grimoire on the Doggies and failed (so they would have a 6++ this turn). Knowing I flubbed this roll I moved the doggies behind the ruins on his side of the board (was area terrain) and hoped I would live through the turn, the Screamers moved in front of them (I wanted to give him something else to worry about and maybe spare my Doggies a bit of shooting). Obliterators moved forward pressing the middle of the board. 


Shooting phase came with a roll on the Warp Storm table and I ended up rolling -1 to invuln saves for all Daemons :(

I ran the doggies a bit to get behind the cover a little better, knowing I could not rely on an invuln this turn at all (literally was a 0 due to failed Grimoire and Warp Storm chart), Screamers then turbo boosted 24" over top of his far right unit of Dire Avengers, I remember inflicting 14 wounds and he lost 9 of them, leaving a single man. Obliterators shot three lascannon shots into his Warlord Wrathknight and inflicted two wounds. The king of the turn were the Horrors who were within range of the Farseer squad. He failed ALL of his deny the witch rolls and I ended up rolling 4D6 for the unit, 2D6 for one Herald and 3D6 for the other (9D6 total baby!). These were all str6, ignored cover and rerolled to hit. . . In the end he lost the entire unit and both Farseers as they got ID'd by the str6. All in all I could not ask for a better shooting phase to be honest, but knowing my stuff had poor saves this turn worried me and I expected to take a large amount of casualties in return.


His Turn 1


He started off with moving both Wraithknights so that they could see the Doggies (12" jump on those guys is obnoxious), the Dire Avengers all moved around a bit to fire at some Screamers, the Fire Prism moved up on top of the hill it was behind during my turn.


He then started in on the Doggies with the Wraithknights (I was packed in tight as I wanted to fit them all behind the terrain). X3 small blasts each that were twin-linked because he would land a single hit with his scatter laser and he really did a number on them, I believe he inflicted upwards of 20 wounds total between the two Wraithknights and because of their quick move I was denied saves except for a few. A unit of Dire Avengers also shot into the Doggies and killed quiet a bit more. After he was done with them I was left with x4 Doggies (Herald died due to failing a few LoS rolls). His other Dire Avengers all shot at the Screamers and he was able to kill a few but with my 4+ Jink save that turn I survived it fairly intact, lost 3 total. He also ran with the Dire Avengers after they shot to better back up away from anything I had. The Fire Prism shot at the Obliterators but only inflicted a single wound as I made a few cover saves. 


This was a very simple first turn to explain as 90% of all of his shooting went at ONE of my units :(


My Turn 2


I started my turn rolling for reserves and I got everything but the Heldrake (terrible for me as he still had a few grouped up troop choices for me to flame). I then used my psychic powers.

Heralds cast Prescience on themselves and the Obliterators and Perfect Timing. Misfortune on his Warlord Failed.

Sorcerer Cast Warp Speed on self and then used Terrify on his Warlord :P He had a +1 to deny the witch rolls due to warlord trait but it failed and he passed his morale check, though he was no longer Fearless =x


I deep striked my Plaguebearers onto two objectives that were well away from the fighting, both on my right hand side, one near my table edge and one near his (all of the fighting was going toward the left side of the table). Cultists came on and moved toward the objective to my left side table edge. Hard to explain and I wish I had taken pics but it was very hectic for me running around :P


I then moved my Screamers on the hill where his Fire Prism was and actually lost a guy to dangerous terrain. The 4 Doggies that were left moved between the two Wraithknights directly in front of the Dire Avengers standing in between a few inches back, I pared myself needing a 4 inch charge (with rerolls for fleet), Obliterators moved up more in the middle and camped out in some ruins that were there, the Horrors moved alongside the Obliterators though outside of the terrain and a few inches back to make sure any Wraithknights would not be able to assault them. I then used the Grimoire on the Obliterators as they were closest to the front lines and I wanted to deter him from thinking it was okay to assault any of my units in the area. I succeeded and the Obliterators got their 3++ (hooray beer!)


The shooting phase started with the Warp Storm table and I rolled up +1 to invuln saves for Daemons (yay!).

Obliterators fired x3 Multi Meltas at the Warlord Wraithknight but only inflicted one wound.

The Horrors then decided it was a good idea to target the Warlord Wraithknight. I was tempted because it only had x3 wounds left and thought I may get lucky :P They unloaded their FF of Tz in all their glory with rerolls and actually snuck in two wounds on the sucker even though he had a 5+ deny the witch, he ended up making his T check at the end of the phase and got his 6+ FnP prize =x 


I then assaulted a unit of Dire Avengers with my x4 Doggies and the Screamers assaulted the Fire Prism.

The doggies went second and I lost one and then killed x2 Dire Avengers in return hits so we had us a drawn combat.

The Screamers easily brought down the Prism and it blew up and inflicted a wound to my unit. The Screamers were now in a bad spot as they were at the edge of a hill and completely in his backfield with no support (though they did a wonderful job in doing what they did).


His Turn 2


Seeing my 2++ on my Obliterators he backed both of his Wraithknights up a few inches. The Dire Avenger squad that was at full strength moved to within 12" of my Screamers, both of his Crimson Hunters came on and moved then pivoted (vector dancer) and were pointing directly at the Obliterators.


His shooting was rough on me. The Dire Avengers wiped out the Screamers completely and overwhelmingly, the Wraithknights both launched their shots into the Horrors killing 3 mans total as I had them spread out pretty well and the Sun Cannons had minimal effect as I also made a good amount of saves (if I remember right I made 7 out of 10 total). The Crimson Hunters actually snuck in two wounds on my Obliterators and killed one.


The slap fight in mid continued with the x3 Doggies and the Dire Avengers as he won combat by 1 and I passed my Instability roll. 


My Turn 3


Heldrake came on.

Prescience on Horrors, Prescience on Obliterators, Perfect Timing. Misfortune on his Warlord but he passed his Deny.

Terrify on non-warlord Wraithknight (failed morale check and ran) and Warp Speed on self (extra attacks with a force axe if needed).


I moved the Heldrake over top one of the Crimson Hunters and manged to inflict x1 glancing hit stunning it causing vector lock. 

Plaguebearers all hunkered down on objectives and the Cultists ran on top of a third Objective.

I then rolled for Grimoire and succeeded again on the Obliterators and this allowed me to push forward and have the Bully the Wraithknights into keeping away from my Horrors. The Horrors moved basically behind the Obliterators at this point and spread out for sun cannon blasts. 


Shooting started and rolled up nothing special on the Warp Storm table.

Obliterators started the shooting on the Warlord Wraithknight and inflicted no damage to it with x3 twin-linked lascannon shots :*(

Heldrake dropped a flamer template on the full squad of Dire Avengers, I used the Daemon Forge to reroll the wounds and killed 8 (he lost one to Soul Blaze). 

The Horrors and Heralds of Tz then opened up on the Warlord Wraithknight and got a huge amount of wound rolls against it. He failed a few armor saves and the FnPs and it died finally. 


Assault - Slap fight ended as he won combat by two and I went 6, 6 on my instability check and lost the unit entirely :P

He consolidated back a bit, but well within shooting range of most of my stuff.


His Turn 3


He started his turn by flying the two flyers off the board because he would not be able to get a good shot off against my Heldrake (which is what he really wanted to kill at this point).

Dire Avengers moved back a bit and positioned to fire at the Obliterators that were now pushing into his deployment zone.

The Wraithknight rallied but was ill equipped to do anything as it cannot snapfire those blast templates.


The Dire Avengers shot at the Obliterators but I managed to make all of my saves and lost nothing. 

He did not have much left at this point and it was very obvious where this was headed unfortunately.


My Turn 4


Psychic powers were cast.

Heralds cast Prescience on Horrors and Obliterators. I was going to shoot at his Wraithknight this turn so I didn't care about ignoring cover as it was out in the open, so I saved the Warp Charge for more shots from a Herald. The other one finally cast Misfortune on the Wraithknight that was able to stick.

Sorcerer cast Warp Speed and he got his Deny the Witch from a Terrify.


Moved the Oblits forward to claim linebreaker and settled in better with Plaguebearers/Cultists on various objectives. Horrors followed moved a few inches away from the Oblits to get both Heralds within 24" of the Wraithknight. Grimoired the Heldrake as I knew the two flyers were going to come back on and shoot at it out of spite :P


Shooting started with a near disaster as I rolled 1, 1 on the Warp Storm table but luckily did not lose much of anything (a few Plaguebearers).

Obliterators shot x3 plasma cannons at the Dire Avengers and the Sorcerer used the Brand and the unit was wiped out.

The Horrors and Heralds then used Flickering Fire on the Wraithknight and he failed all three of his Denys. I then got insanely hot and the Horrors rolled a 6, 6, 6, 5 on the amount of shots and the Heralds added in another 6D6 shots and I remember getting off 40+ total shots, I then hit with the vast majority of them due to Prescience and ended up with 12 wounds inflicted on it. He failed enough to die outright due to reroll from Misfortune.


This is where the game ended and he had nothing left other than the two flyers.

My opponent was a great guy and we had a good fun game but the match up was very bad for him as I have many things that chew through monstrous creatures so he could not be as aggressive as he would have liked to be. It was almost a disaster for me when I lost all but those 4 Doggies on the first turn as that was my only assault element that could handle the Wraithknights on a regular basis (Herald of Khorne really does a number on them for the most part). The Horrors really won this one for me, both with their powers buffing my stuff and the deadly str6 shooting from their Flickering Fire.


I did not see another blob of Horrors on any tables so I know it is not a very popular thing to play with, but when you throw in some Heralds they can really be devastating to your opponents.


Thanks for reading and I will try to post my third game tomorrow.


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