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New Noise Marines


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New Berserkers can be made using the lobotomy surgey and Nails.

New Plague Marines can be created by Nurgle Sorcerers after dedicating themselves to Papa Greenface.

New Rubrics cannot be created but they can be restored and reanimated, so you don't have to worry about new recruits.

But what about Noise Marines?

Bile has shifted to creating his uber marines.

I'm not aware of any mention or details of the creation of new noise weapons.

So, what's up with that?

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They're created by any of the hundreds of other Traitor Apothecaries that haven't been featured in the background. Or Slaanesh gifts them directly without any mortal intervention. Just because the first Noise Marines (and Berserkers, for that matter) were created surgically, doesn't mean they all are. Once you have the attention of the gods, anything is possible.
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Yea, new Noise Marines are a process. Once Marines begin getting slaanesh's gifts, normal pleasures start fading. So they begin experimenting more and more, trying to find that noise/scent/sight/feeling that is new and that they can still experience. Eventually they start looking into how to produce the sounds, so they can get these feelings on demand. In some ways, Noise Marines are the easiest to create, as they arise by a 'natural' process from among devotees of Slaanesh.

Dubstep causes Noise Marines

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Their sonic weapons also mutate them, themselves. When the first concert using them happened the room had warp energy swarming through it and marines mutated. They said the weapons mutated the players also. So maybe when you put the instruments on they warp the user.


Also drugs, lots and lots of drugs.

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