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Flammis pacis erit vobiscum


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Laudabo purgatorius ignis.


Ave!  I've recently discovered the board, and though I'd hang around a bit.  I've been playing off and on since 2nd Edition (got my start with Necromunda, actually).  I'm primarily an Eldar player; but when I get bored with them and want a change, I really like the Sisters of Battle.  Don't have a full army of my own at the moment, still working on collecting and painting; though I've just about gotten the fluff/design scheme worked out (that's actually what brought me here, using the SoB painter tool to hash out the colour scheme).


I'm also planning on buildling an Emperor's Children/Slaaneshi Marines army, but that will probably have to wait until I get my wife's Orks done; but reading the Slaanesh forum has been very useful for planning it out.


I'll probably just be lurking for the most part, but I may post a few odds and sods here and there as I get them done, or the odd request for advice.

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