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Nova Slayers Captain (pic heavy)

Cpt. Tiberious

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Hi all, just thought I'd post my latest HQ work. This is my captain for my DIY space marine chapter, The Nova Slayers.

Liber Astartes post: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/279341-liber-astartes-nova-slayers/


Check him out...

IMG 0389

IMG 0390

IMG 0391


Some close ups...

IMG 0392

IMG 0393

My first attempt at painting activated power weapons.

IMG 0394

His Relic Bolter. I love this thing lol.

IMG 0395

I cant really free hand chapter symbols very well, but I got some custom shoulder pads coming.


Also, he's magnetized...

IMG 0383

one in the shoulder.

IMG 0380

Two double-stacked in the wrist

IMG 0396

Captain in his stock form

IMG 0397

All his toys (still WIP sorry)
Im planning on making a power fist, a relic blade, thunder hammer, power axe, power maul, power lance/polearm, and a storm shield so I got some work ahead of me. It'll be worth it though lol.
That's all for now, more to come later.


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I agree with heathens, brightening the blue a tiny bit may do wonders.  I'm not a huge fan of the darkness of the purple chord, either.  Overall though, wonderfully crisp and clean, and the sword turned out quite nicely.  Gotta get some scripture on that shoulder pad, though ;)

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Very nice colour scheme. I like the use of white on the helm and chapter icon as a spot/contrast colour. Nice clean highlighting too. Looking forward to seeing more of these.


If I might make a recommendation: It could just be the photographs, but that gold doesn't quite seem to "pop" enough. It looks as though it would benefit from a very fine edge highlight of a bright silver (or a bright silver mixed with your gold colour) in the most prominent places, just to make it catch the light a little more.

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Thanks man.


Also I ordered a set of these bad boys...



They also offer termi pads...


Dread leg plates...


Tank Doors...


and icons...



So as far as chapter symbols go, I got it made in the shade. When I came up with the chapter's name, I set out on the task of finding a chapter symbol. When I happened upon this website, it was as though the Emperor himself guided me there because that sun sword symbol was PERFECT lol.


I'll post some pics in a related thread when they arrive.

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Recon0321: Well thank you very much for the design, it's absolutely perfect. Hope you dont mind if I use it, and that my chapter is worthy to wear it lol. Also, thanks for the heads up on the tank doors.


Deathspectersgt7: They have two factories, one in the US and one overseas I think. They also say that they'll make orders in the factory closest to the buyer to cut down shipping cost. Take from that what you will though.


BrotherCaptainArkhan: Thanks a lot man. The regular Battle-Brothers will be a lot less flashy than the captain but I'm hoping what they lack in substance, they will make up for in presentation.




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Have at it brother...I can tell you for certain the icons,PA pads, and dread plates are amazing...If you want maybe we can trade some bitz...I can send ya what I have and maybe you might have some other stuff??? It's a great scheme and the icon works perfectly with what your doing
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Come to think of it, I think I actually came up with an almost identical Chapter emblem a long time ago in one of my many failed DIY brainstorming sessions, and abandoned it utterly because it was too complicated to paint repetitively.  Quite the serendipitous solution you found there :)

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