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Renegade Grey Templars, keeping the dream alive.

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Ok so like most of you, I have read the alleged leaks of the new rules in the imminent codex and like most of you I am dispondent about the possible implications to my fighting style.  If any of the rumours are to be believed and until thebook comes out then maybe we should hold our tongues.


However given that i run Tide almost exclusively and this is in fact the reason I changed to templars, I am sad about the potential of losing things like Fearless, Zeal and other fighty goodness.


I have just purchased the chaos dex as i wanted to make a noise marine army next year and was going to build it up slowly, but I think now I will create a renedage Templars chapter and use Bezerkers exclusively with my neophytes as khorne clutists.


This will allow me to keep my assault army core, I keep my fearless, get counter attack, keep my rage. Admittedly a 15 man squad is 10 points more than my old 20 man squad with a fist and a melta, but only by 10 points and their increased AV3 over the neos av4 will keep them around longer.


I figure that as long as I stick to the trueness of templars (no witches, devastators (havoks etc)) it could be a decent army to play, and I wont have to buy new figures, I just use my renegade templars.


What do you guys think, its just I cant stand the thought of having to play my guys like every other marine army out there with devastators, captains, scouts blah blah blah.

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     Please stand by in your home and await Imperial assistance.  An inquisitor is inbound to your position.  On a serious note, being renegade doesn't mean you have turned to chaos, but if you just want to use a different rule-set than C:SM then it should work.

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How is it better to play your guys like every other CC CSM army out there instead?


Exterminatus protocols activated.

20 man squads, cc oriented, if you watch any of my batreps you will see my love for the 20 man sqad cc orented style of fighting, the only thing im wary of is my khorne champion "MUST" roll on the boon table if he kills a character and possibly turn into a demon prince, this is not templar at all, and is right out.


Its a sad day indeed when GW can potentially make such a bad decision that the holiest and most zealous of the imperiums chapters need to use a chaos ruleset to maintain their holiness and zealoutry (dont even know if thats a word).

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Unfortunately, this is the Black Templar forum, and since Black Templars are loyal to the Emperor this should be discussed down the hall in the traitors Chaos forum. As such I'm moving this Heresy of a thread to there.   





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I say of with the codex that suits the feel and style of your army, i approve of this idea :) as i've done something similar before (blood angels codex to represent khorne army, but this was before the new chaos codex!)

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How is it better to play your guys like every other CC CSM army out there instead?


Exterminatus protocols activated.

20 man squads, cc oriented, if you watch any of my batreps you will see my love for the 20 man sqad cc orented style of fighting, the only thing im wary of is my khorne champion "MUST" roll on the boon table if he kills a character and possibly turn into a demon prince, this is not templar at all, and is right out.


Its a sad day indeed when GW can potentially make such a bad decision that the holiest and most zealous of the imperiums chapters need to use a chaos ruleset to maintain their holiness and zealoutry (dont even know if thats a word).


Well if you don't have a Spawn or Daemon Prince model he is just killed, so maybe he was so estatic that he won that his hearts gave out (or another "more aspiring" champion decided that then was the time to strike?)

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