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What about new plastic troops?


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Looking at the new SM troop release (tactical, sternguard and vanguard) and all the other multi option troops available (deathwing, ravenwing, death company, Sanguinary guard, etc); all of these bring lots of options and extras to give flexibility to the builder and lots of leftovers.  But does anybody feel that a similiar troop release should have come out with the CSM codex when it came out (obvious choice would be chosen, but I'd take anything)?  Before anyone mentions Raptors/Warp Talons (of which I've ten of each) which offers lots of lighting claws, but I'm talking about power axes & mauls, combi-bolters etc. 


I know that i shouldn't complain as we had some good new items with the codex, but I would like more options for my troops. 

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Well there is a plastic csm box which can double as pm box and if someone wants melee upgrades there are the zerker and raptor box. And as we didn't get any new weapons there was no need for a new box . IMO all is fine as far as models go for chaos.

You seriously think the old, badly casted (damn you left knee, damn youuuu), CSM box is fine? Especially when it goes soo well along the aestethics of the new raptor box and chosen?


Word of advice, my friend, get out of the Chaos Threads while you still can. The bitterness and self-entitlement is toxic, your questions will only bring their cancer closer.


Run, you fool!

Indeed, by staying too long in this area of the forum, you will get corrupted by our bitterness and little by little what is left of your optimism and hope will get eaten, all to fuel our great daemonically possessed hate-train! :D

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Morningstar317, I agree with what you're saying.


Of late, I have been mixing Forge World parts with GW plastics. My FLGS has a 50% GW requiremnet for league play, but it's wide open as far as casual games.


If i find that neither GW or FW makes what I want, then I double-check Warhammer Fantasy stuff, and then move on to 3rd party folks like zinge industries, puppetswar, and anvil industries.


Also I purchased a set of medium-firmness clay shapers for smooth and organic greenstuff shapes, I love 'em


Think of it this way: If our army requires more thought to run on the table, why shouldn't our armies be more challenging to build?

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You seriously think the old, badly casted (damn you left knee, damn

youuuu), CSM box is fine? Especially when it goes soo well along the

aestethics of the new raptor box and chosen?

how many smalled based models do you use 15 , maybe 20 in  large battles. everything else is either on a bike or is a cooltist[new model].

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Indeed we have been spoiled by the awesome DV looks but keep in mind that the box we have now covers almost all the gear options for the squad, with the exclusion of a lightning claw. The problem is that the Noise Marines and Thousand Sons, as well as the FW Death Guard kits are all based on the CSM we have now, so until they redo all this we would not see a new box.


I believe that special and combi weapons will come out on separate sprues which is logic but at this stage do we really have the incentives to play our power armored infantry with the exclusion of the Noise and Plague Marines? I think not, and I presume that GW is knowledgeable of this fact too. 


We will get them, but I think the kits will be out when the proper Supplements hit the shelves as well as bundle packs. FW is already working in this direction, the Apoc formations and the new SM force too, so I have high hopes for new plastic CSM but alas I would hardly buy more than two basic boxes while the Cult Troops are way better.

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I love the CSM box, it is fantastic for kitbashing.  Mix in some Space Wolf bits, BA bits, vanilla marine bits, various fantasy bits, WoC heads, raptor combat weapons, etc., and you will end up with a fantastically diverse looking army.  If you just build them out of the box, as they are, sure they're a tad boring, but with a bit of bling, they're probably my favorite kit.


Think about vanilla marines, they look weird when they take bits from wolves, blood angels, etc., but CSM can mix with damn near anything and they look fine.



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Chests are fine, arms are mostly fine (some miscasts on the glove decorations), backpacks are fine (even though the chosen ones are superior by far!), weapons are fine...mostly...


...but helms with horns that are just in the way, and the awkward looking legs with miscasts, and the style that is not closer to the raptors style...and many other small things like differently posed arms/hands and such? Some more chaosy looking weapons for the champ? (boring looking power sword, wohoo)


There is so much they could do with a CSM box!



...and it still would not stop you from kitbashing...

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I solved the problem myself...




Yeah, there is a lot of duplicates... But it doesn't make my teeth itch like having the older models on the same board with the newer models...


I have another squad with Meltaguns.

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...  but I would like more options for my troops. 



Word of advice, my friend, get out of the Chaos Threads while you still can.

Head over to the Sisters of Battle forum and ask about their option for troops.  Note that "option" was used in the singular form for a reason and not a typo :lol:

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I'd like a new CSM box, but before that, I'd like a proper Noise Marine or Thousand Sons kit of some kind. I really, really, really do not like Upgrade sprues on general principle. I would prefer having a default box for every unit and THEN choosing to kitbash, rather than being forced into kitbashing to begin with.

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Yes, OP, there are many who would have preferred to see new plastic power armored infantry matching the DV aesthetic to, well, most of what we actually did get. This is not a new opinion, and has been expressed rather frequently since the 6e CSM release first rolled out. It isn't a new complaint born out of the loyalist release, though the loyalist release has perhaps exacerbated prior bitternesses by getting basically most of what a lot of chaos players had asked for to begin with (legion rules, new infantry models).


So, yeah, it's a common though not universal complaint. Common enough to be a rather played out line of discussion here.

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Love the guys bashing Chaos players, always brings a smile to my face, and cracks to my black heart.


That said: Kit bash. Lots. All over the place. Yeah is going to cost you, but if your in this forum, you are doing it for reasons other than power gaming, so go all the way.

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If I were to wishlist I'd like:


- A new box of 10 beautifully sculpted Plastic Chaos Marines with a stylistic nod to the Raptors and DV Chosen

- 4 new Cult boxes (size of the TA Lord Box) with Plastic conversion parts - weapons, heads, shoulder pads etc.

- A Havok Box (same as above) with just Plastic Heavy weapons (2 each of Autocannon, Heavy Bolter, Lascannon and Missile Launcher) and maybe a few other parts (heads, backpacks etc.)




- Multi-part Plastic Obliterators

- Multi-part Plastic Helbrute

- Proper Chaos Battle Tanks (rather than SM ones with a different accessory sprue)


Etc. Etc.


The chances of this happening in 6th edition - ~0%

The chances of this happening ever - ~10% (maybe, if we're lucky)

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I'd like a new CSM box, but before that, I'd like a proper Noise Marine or Thousand Sons kit of some kind. I really, really, really do not like Upgrade sprues on general principle. I would prefer having a default box for every unit and THEN choosing to kitbash, rather than being forced into kitbashing to begin with.


The default CSM box can have Noise Marines...without Sonic weapons.  BP/CCW noise marines are (arguably) better Close Combat guys than Khorne Beserkers because they hit before other Space Marines and can have José Apothecary On a Stick and are natively fearless.


That said, I would like to see a new box-maybe a 5 man chosen box in the vein of the Deathcompany (which is basically "Blood Angels Upgrade Pack") if not a full 10 man squad.

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I'd like a new CSM box, but before that, I'd like a proper Noise Marine or Thousand Sons kit of some kind. I really, really, really do not like Upgrade sprues on general principle. I would prefer having a default box for every unit and THEN choosing to kitbash, rather than being forced into kitbashing to begin with.


The default CSM box can have Noise Marines...without Sonic weapons.  BP/CCW noise marines are (arguably) better Close Combat guys than Khorne Beserkers because they hit before other Space Marines and can have José Apothecary On a Stick and are natively fearless.


That said, I would like to see a new box-maybe a 5 man chosen box in the vein of the Deathcompany (which is basically "Blood Angels Upgrade Pack") if not a full 10 man squad.

While this is technically true, they aren't stylistically a noise marine. Actually it'd be easier to run them as Thousand Sons than Noise Marines because wargear-wise, they are just Boltgun marines.


I believe you catch my point, though, yeah?

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I don't see why kitbashing is limited to the current CSM box or why that would be an argument against upgrading the current box. I'm sure that any new box that comes out would have the same opportunities to kitbash stuff.

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My wish list for new chaos infantry:


New plastic CSM & Havoc boxes, with smaller backpacks (a la chosen) and more jagged armor trim (a la raptors).


New multipart chosen box, with sternguard levels of bits and options and a similar price point, matching the DV aesthetic.


New multipart cult marine boxes, each with the god favored number of models, but all sharing the same price point.  This would work out because noise marines on the low model count end have more and more elaborate options, while thousand sons on the opposite end have basically no options.  Aesthetic would be somewhere between CSM and Chosen in terms of baroque-ness and mutation.


New multipart power armored character box a la the current terminator lord/sorcerer box (yeah, I know, they don't really do these anymore, but this is a wish list, so sue me), capable of building a lord, sorcerer, or apostle; all matching the DV aesthetic.



Aaand, yeah, that's it for my infantry wish list.  A bigger, multipart cultist box with the weapon options included would be nice, but as I like the current models, and they have enough variety for me, I can live without it for now.  New chosen in a more mutatedy, choseny style with fewer spikes, more mutations, and more jaggedy armor trim would be nice, too, but again I'm content enough with current options.  New bikes, of course, are needed, but not as badly as the infantry, imo.


I would rather see new power armored infantry than pretty much anything else they could release for chaos at this point, barring only new transports, which are needed gamewise and not just modelwise.  I can guarantee I'd buy more new infantry, even replacing existing models, then I'd buy of new anything else too (again, with the exception of new transport options).



But all that's neaither here nor there.  I expect we'll see such models, or similar enough, at some point in the future, but I don't expect them within the next five years.

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