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A WIP thread with as much reason and logic as the Warp.


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As the title says, this WIP thread will bounce all over the place.  One day Red Scorpions will be posted, the next we might see some Guardsmen and a few xenos buddies for them to purge (or chill with if they're Genestealer flavored).  To start, I have a mostly done Ork model that is not an Ork, but a Guardsman model.  Confused?  Welcome to everyday of my life, I think.  May I resent Overlord von Strab.  I have him so far forward on the base I intend to give him a boss pole carried by a Snotling that I need to eBay, or trade, or something.




I have the camera back, so why not show more of what I painted during the ETL that almost made me fail to complete my vow:



There are a few other models I didn't take a picture of, but are packed away and I am too lazy to fish them out.  Also, here is my cat, who has apparently begun his own Mechanicus army starting with a pair of Servitors he stole from me:



Incidentally, his name is Gizmo, so I suppose starting an army based around machines might be appropriate for him.

Hey Fasha,


A little feedback on your images:


Good stuff:

  • Very neat brush work,
  • Consistent style,
  • Paint well applied, and not too thick,
  • Ink work on the Guardsman is nicely done.

Stuff to work on:

  • Contrast on highlights, currently your greys and yellows are looking a little flat,
  • Basing, 'nuff said really, do some, it's amazing how much difference it makes,
  • Photography 1, the group shot seems a bit out of focus,
  • Photography 2, try making a basic "light box" just by sticking some white A4 on the insides of an old box (PM me or google it)

Good work, let's see more.



That Marine picture is horribly overexposed with the yellow and white turning into veritable light sources whereas von Strab is actually only slightly brighter than he should be and I have no clue how this confangled digital camera works and the so called settings are more guidelines as the camera really just does whatever it feels like.  I am borrowing it from my father as it is quicker than using my camera, which requires using a whole roll, developing it, and then scanning the pictures.  With my Minolta I take great pictures of minis and just about anything else, but I chose the quicker, more seductive path; I chose the digital side.  Oh and do you see that picture of Magos Gizmo von Warhammerstealer?  Any attempt at a light box will meet with him in it regardless of if I am attempting to use it or not.  Trust me, I already tried.


Damn Firepower, I nearly choked to death you had me laughing so hard.  Even now I am still coughing as I wipe the tears of uncontrolled laughter away.

  • 2 weeks later...

While I have been lazy these last few weeks, I line up all of my fully painted Dark Angels for a group photo and inventory.  I have a few other models that are not in this picture as they are not done or in most cases are only just started.  These include another squad of Deathwing with a couple of spare Terminators armed with heavy weapons, another Chaplain who needs a plasma pistol painted, another two Ravenwing, one of which has a plasma gun, the Dark Vengeance Company Master, four bolter armed Marines, a guy with a plasma cannon, an Attack Bike, and Sammael.  I also have a couple more Marines set aside to be cleaned and painted as Dark Angels; the other two Macragge starter set Marines, a pair of Signum equipped sergeants for the Devastators, another Marine with a flamer, and a however many more Marines I'll need to round out the five man Devastators and a new squad from spare miniatures to ten each (six I think).



  • 4 weeks later...

Call to Chaos vow before painting.  Debating upon Iron Warriors or Imperial Fists right now.  When I start I'll decide then.



Top row: Styx heavy cruiser,, Slaughter cruiser

2nd row: Styx heavy cruiser,, Slaughter cruiser

3rd row: Murder cruiser

Bottom row: Hades heavy cruiser, Devastation cruiser

  • 2 weeks later...

Not much of an update really as I have painted and completed little.  I did finish a few heads for Red Scorpion sergeants and the fifth member of the Terminator squad, along with a little work here and there on random models.


Here is the WIP for my Call to Chaos vow.  Silver applied with the Nuln Oil sitting just out of frame.



As that is kind of lame by itself, here are a few of my more painted armies.


My IG:



EDIT: Please keep images B&C topic approved. XENOS PURGED!


And finally some Space Wolves in need of work on the pack markings among a few other details.  Also, the Leman Russ Exterminator in the above Guard picture really belongs here, but the current codex is a jerk about not letting the sons of Russ have it:



  • 2 months later...

Didn't do all the much, but I finished the above vow and was late posting here.





I also sat down tonight and painted up some Wolf Guard Terminators from start to finish. I will grant you that Space Wolves all come pre-painted off the sprue laugh.png .


  • 1 month later...

Two months later and another update.  So why not be angry about the little that I have completed?



In non-Imperium news, but still for an interesting series of conversions, I got parts for my Crisis Suits the other day.  Yes, those are what you think they are so the theme is kind of clear.  I kind of want to do a Federation themed counterpart army using an Imperium army, but doing so would require starting yet another army or heavily modifying an existing one, so very low on my to do list, especially with Krieg dominating my next purchases.  Perhaps seeing this will inspire someone here to make a Federation Imperial Guard army with GP02 Physalis as a Deathstrike, GMs as Sentinels, RX-79[G] Gundam Ground Types as Leman Russ, and so forth. 


  • 3 weeks later...

Well with a little more than a month before the ETL, I have been hard at work on conversions and cleaning of my upcoming Chaos vow. I still have some serious Dremel work on a few models and have to strip others as well as finish a couple of conversions, but I am nearly done with all the non-painting work.  To keep everything together I have placed all of it in this box as I go.  What is inside you ask?  Well on 15 May, when the vows are to be made, I shall open it and reveal all the delicious heresy inside!



Figure I might as well post a picture of my Krieg army since I finally got around to taking a photo of it.


With that box to open and paint I doubt there will be any additions until the Fall at least, but I do have a Forgeworld order I am working on and if it hits the free shipping level, well lets just say last year during the ETL I ended up painting more points of Marines than I had vowed Guard, oops whistlingW.gif. Still Semper cannot be too upset that his painting challenge saw me paint an additional couple thousand points of stuff during those three months (it helped to make it a challenge, right?).

As to the order, I am getting Grenadiers as I need a third Troops choice for my Assault list and I am eying the possible inclusion of a Death Rider Squadron, although another Heavy Weapons Squad and a Heavy Mortar to complete the battery is fairly tempting instead. I have been going back and forth on those two options, so I will see which one looks more appealing at the time I place the order. With the advancing and firing squads out of stock right now I can at least rule out my initial plan to add more Infantry Squads for now.

Take note of that Shadowsword, the Wrath of Martyrs, as it is a constant work in progress. As I kill vehicles with it I will be adding kill trophies in the form of a bone for each regular vehicle and per skull for super heavy. I will do something special for titan kills, but I rarely encounter them, so codification of that can wait. Sunday I finally got the first vehicle kills with it since it was painted last Summer as a vowed Leman Russ counts as for the ETL (damn Terminators, HQs, and other high priority non-vehicle targets!) so now I will be adding a bone for the Landraider Ares and a skull for the Baneblade to the hull. Hopefully this will be the start of a rapid accumulation of trophies that will turn the Wrath of Martyrs into an ossuary on treads.

  • 3 weeks later...

So with my ETL vow made, I have begun another period of painting productivity.  Tonight I decided that I should paint something so I started on some Iron Warriors.  I didn't do much, but a couple of Terminator heads, a full Terminator, and a power armored brother is not a bad start.  Not a noticeable dent, either at all of 0.425% of 10,341 points.  Slightly more impressive by model completion percentage at 1.418% of 141 models.



  • 1 month later...

Update time, take two!


So here are the models I have finished thus far.  I have been working steadily on others, but they are not done yet, although the pile of partially painted minis is growing.


This is the Blood Angels Sorcerer with his mark of Nurgle.




Here are three finished Iron Warrior Terminators, a power armored Iron Warrior, and a pair of the Blood Angels Plague Marines as well as the above Sorcerer.



I have to admit that the Dornian Blood Angels are looking great and I am sorely tempted to expand them into a full Nurgle army.  Sadly Krieg has laid siege to my wallet and then that half built Cryx list needs Terminus and a few other things so such a project will have to happen slowly and over time; that's fine, I have plenty to do anyway.


Now here is the very first Bloodthirster I ever got.  My Fantasy group named him Fred.  I don't know why, but that is his name and since he is a named Bloodthirster, he got painted as a single model.  The rest of the Bloodthirsters are being chain painted, much as you would for a unit of Bloodletters.


  • 2 months later...

With the ETL over and I now have added over 10,000 more points of painted Chaos, I figure that it is time to show some love to the Unforgiven.  This morning I started these guys with a quick hit of Tau Light Ochre for this picture before I ran some errands.  I just finished a coating of Agrax Earthshade and now need to let it dry.  Once done I build up to the bone armor with a light coat of Zamesi Desert and a dry brushing of Bleached Bone followed by an even lighter dry brushing of White Scars to highlight.  From there I pick out the details.




My goal is to finish them all before noon tomorrow.  Let's see how well that goes.


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