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Greetings from afar!


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Hello all!


It is a great feeling to get back into the 40k universe of building a model army. I first was intrigued by this game when I was about 8 years old. My older brothers and their friends were assembling their own armies. I tried painting a small squad of Ultramarines and horribly failed, doing so.


Then when I got older (at around 16 years of age), I actually started to build and paint my own set. It lasted a few years and despite my financial situation I made due. Unfortunately though, my army was lost after I moved and have since then restricted myself to 40k computer games. Now I've finally come to terms with myself and can start collecting again. To start, I've already got a command squad sitting on my desk, ready to be painted.


Anyways, I've explained enough I guess. I will try to become as helpful and constructive a member as I can. Hopefully you can spare me some patience and let me prove myself.



Praise be to the Emperor!

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Welcome back Brother,


I too, unfortunately know the pain and annoyance of loosing an army during transit. When I moved to Malta, they lost my Imperial Guard ( Hostile Environment kits from FW ) in the process.


But the recompense was quickly spent on more Space Marines. Haha.

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Hey Guys,


Although I haven't really experienced the pain of losing an army during a move, I have lost models in my house, and that's frustrating enough, but to lose a whole army would just really bust my you know whats!


I've been collecting 40k for around 13 years, but have never really done the whole internet forums thing so I thought I'd start interacting with people outside my friends group/local workshop about the hobby, just to try and freshen up my outlook on the hobby, maybe grab some new ideas!


Hopefully I can be of some service to you fine brothers of battle!

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