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New Codex Honor Guard question


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The relic blade option says "Any Honor Guard member can replace their power weapon for a relic blade for [redacted] points". The Chapter Champion is not listed as an "Honor Guard"... I'm dreading the answer I know I will get but, does this mean that Chapter Champion can't have a Relic blade anymore?

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:( unfortunately yes, the omission is quite straightforward and I can't get any wiggle room! Added to this he no longer gets re rolls against independent characters and he truly is rather mundane in assault compared to last edition.


Still for killing enemy champions and sergeants (i.e. non characters) he is still pretty much tier 1. Only a lucky few champions with rending will likely fell him.

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The unit as a whole is still pretty vicious. 25pts/model for 2+ armour, Ultra-grit including a Power Weapon (of your choice) is pretty tasty.

Add a Chapter Master with Artificer Armour, Power Fist, Lightning Claw and Storm Shield and you have a combat beast of a Deathstar.

Which would be even nastier with an attached Chaplain or Tigger (for Divination/Biomancy spam) to add some unit buffs.
(Note:  I'm not sure whether I'd get the +1A for 2 Special Weapons or not given the Storm Shields "no bonus attacks" clause - even if I chose not to use the Shield.  (Might make for an interesting OR discussion.)  If not - then a Plasma/Grav Pistol or Combi-weapon instead of the Lightning Claw might be a good idea)

Would work nicely with Raven Guard traits (scout and stealth turn 1) to help get them across the board if foot-slogging or Iron Hands if rocking a Land Raider (Feel No Pain 6+ and IWND on the Chapter Master and Land Raider (Plus an attached Techmarine for Blessing of the Omnissiah))

The Chapter Champion still rocks Ultra-grit with a Power Weapon, option of a Thunder Hammer (don't think I'd bother personally) and a 2+ save, so not too shabby in a Challenge, and if he's in the Challenge your Chapter Master can take a chunk out of the enemy unit.

In all honesty, the Honour Guard Deathstar is powerful enough without the Chapter Champion being a Challenge Monster. To me it seems like balancing rather than a true nerf.

As far as the original question is concerned, the wording is a little unusual. RAW is only Honour Guard can take them. Chapter champion isn't an honour guard by GW definition so no Relic Blade allowed.

Edit: re-read the codex. Misquoted earlier.

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Then don't take a Company Champion. Its 15pts for a Power Weapon then take a Storm Shield.


Will work out the same pts wise as if you could give the company champion a Storm Shield and is effectively the same gameplay-wise. You just lose the "must issue/accept challenges" rule, which isn't a loss quite frankly.

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Then don't take a Company Champion. Its 15pts for a Power Weapon then take a Storm Shield.


Will work out the same pts wise as if you could give the company champion a Storm Shield and is effectively the same gameplay-wise. You just lose the "must issue/accept challenges" rule, which isn't a loss quite frankly.

right u are

The difference is, I can not accept challanges as there is no character then

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Added to this he no longer gets re rolls against independent characters and he truly is rather mundane in assault compared to last edition.

My Champions do, and Rending to boot! msn-wink.gifbiggrin.png

I was gonna say sure the chapter champion isn't that great, unless you play Black Templar then he's still awesome. Besides I think they took away his re-roll hits and wounds thing in the FAQ when 6th ed came out so not a huge loss.

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